Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 243 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 243 The deep male god hugs the thigh (2)

The original owner had the idea of ​​not wanting to marry, but was later fooled by his uncle and aunt.

It was only after she got married that she discovered that the other party was a man who was more than 30 years older than her.

Immediately wanted to regret the marriage, how could Fu Jia let him, so he said that otherwise he would return the one hundred thousand he gave him.

The original owner was shocked at this moment and his mind finally cleared up, realizing that uncle and aunt just sold her to get money!

This is one hundred thousand!She can't earn it in several lifetimes, how can she have it.

Fu Jia gave her a few days to think about it, and did not move her first, or pay back the money, or consummate the house in a week.

The original owner was depressed for a week, and agreed to the second method as soon as he gritted his teeth.

She just paid back the upbringing of her uncle and aunt for the past few years, and she has nothing to do with it ever since.

The original owner had a very good life in the past few years, and Fu Jia was also very kind to her. He also said that he knew that he was much older than her and wronged her, but he would definitely treat her even better.

Perhaps Fu Jia has a mature uncle charm, and the original owner gradually fell in love with Fu Jia.

But the good times don't last long, and Fu Jia dies suddenly.

The tricky mother-in-law also passed away a long time ago, and all the huge family business fell on her. The original owner was just a country girl, and she was raised by a wealthy family in recent years and didn't understand anything.

At this time, my uncle and aunt suddenly appeared and took their three children to take away all of Fu Jia's property, and forced her to press the transfer fingerprint.

In the end, the original owner was killed by mistake in a quarrel and buried in the back garden. In later generations, the uncle and aunt's family became industrial giants and lived a very comfortable and comfortable life.

The original owner only knew before his death that his parents had entered the mountain together with his uncle and aunt, and the uncle and aunt pushed the original owner's parents out before they escaped unscathed. Framed him to death.

Uncles, aunts, and their youngest daughter showed off proudly, and Fu Jia was still thinking about her before she died, and she was very resentful.

The original owner died with hatred, and the monstrous resentment could not be relieved.

The two tasks are to change one's life, to avenge her parents, and to avenge Fu Jia.

The second task is that she believes that Fu Jia has achieved such an end because of her. If possible, she very much hopes that Fu Jia can be happy in his later years and no longer participate in any of her affairs.

If we talk about revenge, in short, it means revenge on my uncle and aunt's family, and by the way, that wealthy business rival.

The second one is actually easier, as long as she stays far away from Fu Jia, maybe Fu Jia's ending will change.

The one who came to call her just now was the younger sister of her uncle's aunt's eldest daughter's husband's family. She happened to come to play, and bumped into Fu Jia's mother who came to see her daughter-in-law.

She didn't even intend to marry into Fu Jia's family, so naturally there was no need to accept the humiliation she knew long ago.

Fever is a good reason.

Bai Xixi tidied up and slipped out through the back door of the yard.

In this day and age, you have to use food stamps to buy food, and the people around you seem to be quite simple.

The main purpose of her coming out this time was to meet a company of troops who had just returned from a victorious battle.

It is said that one of them was the son of a village chief.

Uncle and aunt want to get her out, but it depends on whether it can be done.

The original owner didn't know that his uncle and aunt didn't go through the complete adoption procedures in order to save some money.

This is much easier. Although the law is not perfect in this era, it is quite sufficient for this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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