Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 244 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 244 The deep male god hugs the thigh (3)

Besides, the power of the village head is quite useful.

The cheats that Koukou can provide her are limited recently. She only knows that the soldiers will come back today, but she doesn't know which city gate they will come in from, nor what time they will come back.

So she can only fool around.

There are not many pedestrians on the street, and occasionally there will be a car, which will cause enough heads to turn heads.

After all, those who have cars these days are either rich or expensive, and of course military vehicles are not excluded.

After Bai Xixi's calculations, the soldiers of this era should not have anything to show off. If there is no accident, these people will come back in plain clothes in a low-key manner.

But soldiers are soldiers after all, ordinary people can't recognize them, and there will be a sense of righteousness in them.

Suddenly, a scream sounded: "Ah! Catch the thief! Come and catch the thief!"

Bai Xixi looked over as if watching lively, and a rather gorgeously dressed woman screamed exaggeratedly, pointing at the man running in front and said angrily.

Tsk tsk tsk, this woman looks like she came out of a dance hall, and she can't hide the smell of dust all over her body.

Bai Xixi was stunned suddenly, hey, something is wrong, why doesn't this man turn the corner!
I saw the 'thief' wearing a hat rushing straight over, stuffed the bag into her hand and continued running.

Bai Xixi looked at the inexplicably extra wallet in her hand with a dazed expression.

"Quick! This woman is an accomplice! Catch the thief!"

There are still quite a few angry youths these days, and they rushed over angrily when they heard the woman yell.

Bai Xixi turned around and ran away with a sound.

Only after running did she realize what she was running for!She's not a thief, okay?
It's a bad time for Lu Yu to be mentally ill!


When passing by a dark alley, I was instantly dragged in by an arm inside.

Blinking her eyes in shock, her warm palm tightly covered her mouth, and behind her was a strong masculine breath surrounding her.

Bai Xixi suddenly felt something was wrong, how could this feeling be like...

When the noisy voice outside the alley finally faded away, the man behind him slowly released his hand covering her.

There was a warm and itchy ear, and the subwoofer's full voice slowly sounded: "It's really small."

Bai Xixi: "Huh?"

Suddenly, she seemed to realize something, and slowly looked down at the place where his other hand was placed, her veins twitched.

Turn around abruptly and pull it out: "You pervert!"

When he saw the man's face, Bai Xixi's eyes flickered with surprise.

But this can't stop the harm he just said to her!
Say who is young!This is not her own body either!Is it his turn to despise Xiao Xiao!Let him touch it!Do you know how to be polite?

There was not much emotion in the man's eyes, and he took the wallet from her hand.

"Next time, if someone stuffs you something again, it's best to just throw it out."

Bai Xixi's face was flushed with anger, feeling that he didn't take that sentence seriously at all, right?

Besides, whoever stuffed things into her hands has no idea.

His white and puffy cheeks became more and more red, how could this guy become such a virtue!
"What qualifications do you, a thief, have to teach me? This is called stolen goods in your hand, and it should be thrown away quickly."

Tang Bei didn't speak, but rubbed her head instead: "You're fine, I'm in Building 18, West District, if you need anything, you can come to me,"

Bai Xixi was angry: "What is Building 18 in the West District, don't change the subject, I was wronged as a thief because of you, who will return my innocence!"

(End of this chapter)

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