Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 245 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 245 The deep male god hugs the thigh (4)

[Xixi, building 18 in the west area is a military area. 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

So what is the identity of this guy in front of him?Don't tell me the thief turned into a soldier?

【…】It’s not a change, it’s just ah.

[It's actually like this. The woman was a spy of country R just now, and the wallet contained the secrets of our country. When she was about to pass it on to you, Tang Bei robbed her.

Tang Bei is a fool, why is he giving me secrets?
【I do not know……】

Don't ask it something beyond the plot, it really doesn't know what's going on with this uncle.

When Bai Xixi was still pretending not to know his identity, Tang Bei had already left.

Hey, QQ, what is Tang Bei's current military rank?
【If there is no accident, he will be promoted to the chief if he gets back the secret this time. 】

Bai Xixi asked with black lines: "Is it so easy to be the chief?"

[No, Tang Bei is 32 years old, and he has been in the army for almost 20 years with the early years of doing odd jobs in the army. It is not very easy to be a chief in 20 years. 】

Bai Xixi was a little annoyed: "How old do you think he is this year?!"

[Three... 32, what's wrong? 】

She is 20 years older than her, so let's go home if you don't make an appointment!
When Bai Xixi went back, she didn't hide it, and happened to run into Miao Xiaocui, the youngest daughter of her uncle and aunt.

"Fang Rou! Stop! So you don't have a fever, but you pretended to be sick!"

Miao Xiaocui yelled unkindly for the visitor.

The girl's voice was already high-pitched, and it was even more piercing for a teenage girl.

Bai Xixi turned around and said coldly, "It's none of your business."

Before entering this position, it is said that the human design can collapse.

She also doesn't know what the system's criteria are for judging whether or not a person can be destroyed.

Miao Xiaocui rushed over in two steps: "How dare you talk back to me! Are you crazy?"

Bai Xixi took a step back: "If I don't talk back, will it be possible for you to stand up and scold me? You must be insane."

Miao Xiaocui opened her eyes wide in disbelief, why did Fang Rou become different?

She obviously wouldn't talk back no matter what before.

Damn it, I must think that I have the confidence to get married, the little bastard is too hateful.

It's not because of her parents that she can get married.

Miao Xiaocui was particularly annoying to Fang Rou, she was obviously an orphan, but because of her good looks, her parents confessed to her, and they didn't let them do anything to her, for fear of hurting her face.

In her opinion, Fang Rou should be sent to the kind of dance hall in the city, where she would seduce men.

Children in this era are precocious, otherwise most girls would not get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen.

Seeing that Bai Xixi is different from before, Miao Xiaocui thought to herself, just because she can't be beaten doesn't mean that her parents will give her good fruit to eat.

She saw it just now. The old woman gave her parents a big embarrassment when she heard that Fang Rou had a fever.

If it weren't for the fact that their family had already collected a deposit of [-] yuan, she would never have made it easier for her.

"Come here, father, mother! Fang Rou doesn't have a fever! She just came back from outside and I caught her!"

Miao She and Wang Yuqin came out like this.

At that moment, Wang Yuqin couldn't help it anymore: "Fang Rou! What happened to you just now! Do you know that your mother-in-law came all the way to see you from the city! Why don't you understand anything! White-eyed wolf, we have worked so hard Ku found a good family for you, and this is how you repay us!"

The old witch just now didn't make her less angry.

No, this anger has to be recovered from this dead girl.

(End of this chapter)

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