Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 246 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 246 The deep male god hugs the thigh (5)

Bai Xixi sneered: "Whoever finds him will marry. Since he is so nice, why don't you let Miao Xiaocui marry him?"

Miao Xiaocui shouted loudly: "I don't want to marry!"

But the parents said, that Fu Jia is half buried in the earth!
Wang Yuqin glared at Miao Xiaocui, then said again: "Rou Rou, it's not easy for uncle and aunt to raise you, you and us are relatives, we don't just expect you to marry a good family, you can't be ignorant, "

After talking about poking Miao She, Miao She coughed twice and said: "Rou Rou, listen to your aunt, we are doing it for your own good, and we have suffered a lot to support you these few years."

Bai Xixi replied, "Are you raising me? Could it be that my parents' house and deposits are not in your hands? If I remember correctly, it's worth a thousand."

1000 yuan is enough for ordinary people to eat for ten years.

What's more, the original owner has only been in the uncle's and aunt's house for less than five years. In the past few years, he was oppressed and couldn't get enough to eat.

The meanness on Wang Yuqin's face immediately appeared, pointing at her and yelling: "You little white-eyed wolf! What is your parents' money! How can your short-lived parents have any money! All you eat and use is my mother's money!"

After all, Miao Xiaocui was not as sophisticated as Wang Yuqin, so she shrank back when she saw the quarrel started.

Miao She also frowned, what happened to Rourou today?

Bai Xixi sneered twice, and stretched out his hand: "Your? Well, why don't we go to the village chief now, there should be a record there, if it is found out that my parents' house and savings are in your hands , Just return it all to me now, don't say that it was saved for me, you have no legal relationship with me, if you don't return it, I can go to the city court to sue you!"

Wang Yuqin and Miao She didn't have much knowledge, so what they said not only didn't scare them, but made Wang Yuqin laugh even more wildly. Anyway, someone will take this girl away in a few days, so there is no need to put on a good face for her.

"Hey, it's back to the court, who are you kidding, I tell you, from today on, you will stay in your own room to get married, and don't go anywhere!"

Bai Xixi took a step back: "Do you think I will listen to you again?"

Wang Yuqin yelled angrily: "Xiao Cui, quickly take her back to the house!"

Miao Xiaocui's strength was much stronger than that of the original owner, so she stepped forward aggressively to arrest him.

Bai Xixi knew that the original owner's body was weak, so she turned around and ran away without resisting.

Koukou said that her own power can be used to a limited extent, but she didn't specify what it is.

Just to be safe, let's run away first.

She had seen the terrain just now, and there was a high chance of running through the side door.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wang Yuqin slapped Miao She: "What are you doing in a daze! Let her run away and ask for money!"

So the three of them chased and ran out together.

After running for a few minutes, Bai Xixi felt out of breath, as if her lungs were about to explode.

With a curse, it was obvious that Wang Yuqin and Wang Yuqin were so delicate because of their exhausted body.

If this goes on like this, it won't work, and I will definitely be caught before I run out of the village.

Suddenly, as if she saw something, her eyes lit up.

He ran to the bridge with all his strength.

Then he jumped down.

There was a loud bang, followed by screams from the people nearby: "Come on! Someone committed suicide by jumping into the water!"

The three Wang Yuqin who followed were completely dumbfounded.

How did this jump into the water?

It was Wang Yuqin who turned her head first.

(End of this chapter)

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