Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 247 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 247 The deep male god hugs the thigh (7)

Bai Xixi said, "Take me away."

Without hesitation, Tang Bei picked up the girl and left amidst Wang Yuqin's cursing.

Bai Xixi fell asleep in Tang Bei's arms. Maybe it was because she was too tired, or maybe she finally felt at ease. She slept very comfortably this time.

When I woke up, I was in a normal room.

It was probably Tang Bei's room.

He took her into the barracks?

Tang Bei didn't come back after a long journey until almost night.

So many things happened in this day.

He also had to go to his superiors to report the information he had obtained, and then expressed his willingness to get results in two years.

The superior leader gave him some advice, and he didn't come back until now.

Seeing that the girl had already woken up, she said slightly: "Sorry for keeping you waiting, I'll get you a meal."

As Bai Xixi observed him, a bunch of bullet screens floated through his mind.

This time it turned out to be a righteous soldier, that's unscientific.

It's not like someone who can obey orders at all, how can he stay in the army for 20 years.

Moreover, she also had her head twitched, and even proposed to marry her, losing all face.

There was nothing embarrassing about Tang Bei being stared at by Bai Xixi all the time. There was only one thought in his mind. He would have to wait two years before she got married. It was really too long.

She was only thirteen two years later, and she was still too young. There was a 20-year difference between the two of them. He was old enough to be her father. Would she really not mind?
The two were relatively speechless, and finally Bai Xixi sighed and spoke first.

"You're going to marry me right?"

Tang Bei nodded, thinking that she was unwilling after waking up: "Do you want to go back on your word?"

Bai Xixi: "No, I won't go back on my word if I want you to marry me, but you have to promise me that you won't touch me before me."

Tang Bei frowned. The condition was harsh but not harsh. Those of them who are educated and educated all know that consummating the house too early is not good for the girl's health, and the world is slowly reforming, so there is no big problem.

But on the other hand, he felt that if she arrived, wouldn't he be almost forty?

After hesitating a few times, he said, "Okay."

For her own good, this is not a problem, as long as she is by his side, he will keep her with a difference of 30 or 40 years old.

This is an inexplicable obsession in my heart.

Bai Xixi nodded and looked at him with bright eyes, and said, "One more thing, can you be my thigh in the future?"

Tang Bei asked back: "Thigh?"

Bai Xixi explained speechlessly: "It's the backing! As you can see, the woman who called herself my aunt by the river kept calling my parents into the wolves and killed them. They also usurped my property and even sold me to An old man who is more than 30 years older than me is my wife.

I was chased and jumped into the river if I didn't want to, and now I have no ability, so will you protect me in the future? "

Tang Bei's eyes darkened, and every time the girl said a word, the danger in his eyes continued to increase.

After the girl finished speaking, he helped her tuck the quilt, and touched her head: "You rest first, the food will be cold, I'll heat it up.

As for what you said, don't worry, I will help you get it back one by one. "

Bai Xixi smiled happily, hugged his arm and rubbed it, and said sweetly, "Uncle, you are so kind."

Tang Bei's face cracked for a moment, extremely unnatural.

But he didn't know what to say to correct her. his face really that old?

(End of this chapter)

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