Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 248 The deep male god hugs the thigh

Chapter 248 The deep male god hugs the thigh (8)

Everyone knew that Tang Bei brought back a girl, but they didn't know what the relationship between this girl and Tang Bei was.

Everyone else in the army is gossiping. After all, sensible people know in their hearts that in a few days, the appointment of the chief is expected to be complete.

Bai Xixi knew in her heart that Wang Yuqin would not let it go, after all, they took 2 yuan.

Wang Yuqin did not know where to find out Tang Bei's identity, and ran to the gate of the barracks to make a fuss that day.

"Come on, someone, just because he is a soldier, will rob the women of the people by force, is there any law for the king!"

Sitting at the gate of the barracks, Wang Yuqin had no image at all.

The two guards at the gate had never seen such a scene, so they hurriedly sent someone in to report.

When reporting to Tang Bei, Tang Bei happened to be having lunch with Bai Xixi.

Bai Xixi dropped her chopsticks when Tang Bei first saw her, and said very capriciously, "You said you wanted to be my thigh and let me hug you!"

The corner of Tang Bei's mouth twitched: "Eat slowly, I'll go out and deal with it."

Bai Xixi hummed and continued to eat.

No psychological pressure at all.

【Ancestor!My ancestors!It's against the law for you to do this!How can you always blame your own problems! 】

There is nothing that can't be dumped, otherwise why should I agree to marry him.

Otherwise, why would I want a man, as a vase.

[You never thought that any man would like a girl who has a lot of troubles, you always trouble others like this, and one day men will get annoyed! 】

Bai Xixi sneered, then dump him, it's not like I can't do what he can do.

What's the use of a man if he can't protect the girl he likes.

【Xixi... How do you know that Tang Bei really likes you? You've only been with him for a few days. 】

Bai Xixi kept silent.

Koukou thought about it, maybe Xixi really remembered something, otherwise it would be impossible to accept Tang Bei so easily, without asking what was going on with the dialect from the previous plane.

Tang Bei came back very quickly, in less than half an hour.

Bai Xixi was surprised: "Why are you so fast?"

Tang Bei: "I reported directly to my superiors that someone insulted the military wife."

Bai Xixi spit out a mouthful of water: "Military Wife? I'm only 11 years old!"

Tang Bei said calmly, "It will be in two years."

Bai Xixi: "..."

Wang Yuqin was asked by the government leaders to conduct ideological education, and did not return home for two days.

After going back, he vented his anger on Miao She and Miao Xiaocui.

Fu Jia's family asked to hand it over, otherwise they would pay back the money, but there is no reason to spit out what they ate.

Wang Yuqin said to wait two more days. Fu Jia's mother is not an old lady who is easy to fool. She has heard that the girl her son has appointed is the fiancée of a certain leader of the Western Military Region. This is not to frame them!

Against the government and the army, whether or not their business should be opened.

At the moment, there is only one thought, to quickly return their 2 yuan, and their family will have nothing to do with Wang Yuqin's family.

Fu Jia felt a little uncomfortable, but he also knew the reason, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do business everywhere.

Wang Yuqin just doesn't pay it back, this is cutting her flesh!
The old lady went directly to the court to sue Wang Yuqin.

Where has Wang Yuqin seen handcuffs, a judge, and she panicked.

Said she took all the money out.

I thought it was over when I took the money out, but I was invited back just after I went out.

By the way, Miao She also came in, nominally saying that they were involved in a murder case many years ago.

 Probably... at the end of December, the main text will be finished...

  This plane is not well written, maybe it will end tomorrow (laughing and crying)

(End of this chapter)

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