Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 249 The Deep Male God Holds His Thigh

Chapter 249 The Deep Male God Holds His Thigh (End)
Later, Bai Xixi led Fu Jia to a red line and found him a wife, and Fu Jia felt even more grateful.

The timeline goes back to after Wang Yuqin and Miao She were sentenced.

Because Tang Bei couldn't wait, he found a relationship and deliberately changed Bai Xixi's age by two years, and directly typed the marriage report and got the marriage certificate. There are always some gossips outside the province. After all, the army is very strict. You can't resist that you can't live together.

Fortunately, the original owner was a little taller than his peers, and no one could tell that he was thirteen.

Bai Xixi nestled in Tang Bei's arms at night and said deliberately: "Uncle, how did you manage to find the witnesses from back then?"

There is no mention in the plot that there was a fifth person present at the time.

Every time Tang Bei heard the name uncle, he would get goosebumps all over his body, constantly wondering if he was really that old?

He knew that the little girl did it on purpose, so he couldn't say anything.

He lowered his head and kissed her hard, then patted her butt: "Call me uncle again, believe it or not, I ate you on the spot."

Bai Xixi's face turned red, she was so embarrassed that he hit her...

Tang Bei thought the girl was so cute, if she wasn't too young, maybe she really couldn't help it.

Afterwards, Tang Bei explained to her how to find the physical evidence.

After several years, finally came the night before Bai Xixi.

In the past few years, the two of them slept together in the same bed every day, except when Tang Bei was on missions, they would get tired of being together.

But Bai Xixi always has an indescribable confusion. Is Tang Bei a little too gentle in this plane?
She wondered if she had identified the wrong person. Except for occasionally kissing her, Tang Bei had been very well-behaved in recent years. Even after sharing the same bed for so many years, she didn't feel that Tang Bei couldn't help it.

She couldn't help feeling self-doubt, this body isn't bad, and her face is still her own, so why can't he be interested?

Facts have proved that she really thought too much, and the things in someone's bones can't be removed at all!
That night, when Tang Bei came back, he was so romantic that he brought a few little flowers with him, although these little flowers were ugly!
Just when she thought she could sleep peacefully, Tang Bei suddenly turned into a wolf and ate her up.

Bai Xixi cursed secretly in the ups and downs, she no longer believed in the appearances in these broken planes!Full special code is a lie!

The life of the two of them in this plane is quite ordinary. Tang Bei really has nothing to say, no interest, wooden, deep, and occasionally flirts and she has to come. I am really stupid!
If it wasn't for the fact that Tang Bei is..., she would definitely turn around and leave!
In one year, because she was angry, she blurted out that she wanted to leave, and Tang Bei's face darkened on the spot, knocking her unconscious and locking her up.

Bai Xixi: "..."

Why does this always happen! ! !
In the end, Bai Xixi promised to beg for mercy and Tang Bei finally let her out.

Maybe it was because she was living a good life, but Tang Bei was seriously injured during a mission.

They were dying when they were sent back.

Bai Xixi secretly thought that something was wrong, so he immediately picked up the fruit knife and went to the intensive care unit to see him.

【Xixi... why are you carrying a fruit knife?Give him a ride? 】

Shut up, I'll give myself a ride.

【what? 】

Afterwards, Koukou finally understood what Bai Xixi meant by giving herself a ride.

Because when he arrived in the intensive care unit, Bai Xixi first checked if Tang Bei was angry, and then pretended to say a few words that you died and I will not live anymore, and the people around were moved with snot and tears.

In the end, he directly inserted a fruit knife into his chest, and belched...

 The drama written in this plane is low! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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