Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 258 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 258 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (9)

Did he misunderstand something?
[I guess he should think that you would rather die to persecute him for You Yin. 】

He thought I still wanted to be human? !
Bai Xixi exclaimed.

【That's your male god, shouldn't you be the one who knows him best? 】

Bai Xixi patted her head in frustration, it's over, she just forgot about the character design, okay!
Well, I completely forgot how strange Mo Xiao's brain circuit is.

She was right in guessing that after today's disturbance, not only did Sir Gus not let her go, but his desire to imprison her became deeply rooted.

He had never cared about this nominal niece before. After all, vampires have a weak family relationship, and there is nothing for him to care about.

It was as if his feelings for her had changed since that day in the dungeon.

Since he provoked him, it was delusional to want to get out of the body.

If she still stubbornly likes the human world, likes humans, then he doesn't mind the destruction of the entire human world.

Bai Xixi can be regarded as a big-hearted person. Although she knew that Gus Jue's thoughts might be going somewhere, she was still thinking about other things.

After all, some things are more important than love.

[…] It really makes me want to complain, what could be more important than a man in her love mind!


【exist! 】

Do you know where my brother is now?
【what?what!I don't know, the two elder brothers disappeared after coming out of the space-time rift, and no one can be found. 】

I was so scared to death, I thought she heard it complaining again.

Bai Xixi frowned, her face was heavy.

elder brother……

In the darkness of your environment, in a pitch-black place where you can't see your fingers, there is a beautiful man curled up in the corner, trembling all over.

He buried his face deeply between his legs, his knuckles were sharp, and he grasped the corner of his clothes tightly, excruciatingly painful.

Yan Mo never thought that he would have today.

He didn't know how many days or how long he was locked in, he only knew that he was about to go crazy in this dark environment without a face.

In the past, Yan Jing was always by his side. He didn't know what to do and he would get better, but now he didn't want to beg him at all.

Even though he knows he can see all the scenes now.

"Mo, you are really stubborn, as long as you ask me, I promise that your pain will disappear immediately."

Yan Mo's eyes were red, and the voice suppressed in his throat roared angrily: "Get lost!"

"Yan Jing, let me tell you, kill me if you have the ability, otherwise you will never hear me for the rest of your life!"

There was a sneer in the air: "Mo, I think I have heard that you forgot how you cooperated with me in bed, how you cried and begged me for mercy..."

Yan Mo covered his ears, but the voice penetrated his brain like a magic barrier and couldn't get rid of it.

Why why, why did it become like this...

If he doesn't think about it or listen to it, he will think that everything has never happened. It turns out that he was the one who was innocent all along.

I thought they were the closest brothers, but in the end those who were cherished by him were all a ridiculous joke.

How could he, how would he face his family in the future, and Xixi...

Because of his recklessness, Mo Xiao was damaged again, and Xixi's soul was also traumatized because of her.

Damn it, if he didn't exist in this world, would everyone be very happy, only he is the only one who is sad, only he is the one who has fallen into darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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