Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 259 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 259 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (10)

Because You Yin didn't show up or contact her for too many days, she was worried and went directly to the palace.

When he came, he had no idea that Lilian's house was so big.

This is totally a complete palace.

Lilian lives here?

When someone reported that there was someone looking for her outside, Bai Xixi said inwardly, she had forgotten about You Yin these days.

"Does uncle know?!"

The visitor was taken aback for a moment, then said respectfully: "We did not report to His Highness."

Bai Xixi breathed a sigh of relief and hurried out, she wanted to send You Yin away first.

It doesn't matter whether it can make him sad, if he is not sad, it will become her sad!
You Yin was received in the lobby. During the waiting period, he felt that the people around him looked at him as if they were looking at some food.

"You Yin!"

A clear voice came, and You Yin was overjoyed to see Bai Xixi: "Lilian."

Bai Xixi ran over and pulled him away.

You Yin was confused: "Lilian?"

"Don't talk, just follow me, you can't come to this place."

You Yin thought she was angry because she came here without saying hello.

"Sorry, I came without telling you in advance."

Bai Xixi replied casually: "It's okay, let's leave here first."

She was afraid that You Yin would kill him if he stayed another minute.

After leaving the scope of the palace, Bai Xixi let go of her heart.

"Lilian, why are you running in such a hurry?"

Bai Xixi looked at him strangely.

You Yin: "Is there something on my face?"

Bai Xixi shook her head: "You Yin, let me tell you one thing, just treat it as if I'm sorry for you."

You Yin didn't understand, his face was full of doubts.

"Let's not contact each other in the future, just pretend you don't know me."

You Yin's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"What? Lilian, what's wrong with you? Why do you suddenly say such inexplicable words? Do you have any difficulties?"

Bai Xixi's head hurts, and she waved her hands: "I don't have any problems, just get out of here."

Still want to die.

You Yin stubbornly refused to leave, but instead asked the bottom line: "Lilian, why on earth? I won't leave unless you make it clear.

In my impression, Lilian, you are a simple and lovely girl who will be full of novelty in amusement parks, novelty in small things, love for school, and moreover, a girl who is full of love for small animals on the roadside Kind girl.

This girl is not going to break up with me without giving me any reason. "

Bai Xixi looked at him sadly, it's a pity that the girl in your eyes is no longer there.

For some unknown reason, Bai Xixi slowly said, "You Yin, Lilian doesn't want you to be sad, can you satisfy her wish?"

You Yin was stunned for a moment, seeing Bai Xixi's face becoming more and more unfamiliar, he took a step back, and smiled dryly: "What are you talking about, you don't want me to be sad, I will definitely not be sad, because apart from You and I have nothing to be sad about."

Bai Xixi sighed: "It's Lilian who doesn't want you to be sad, so let's take care of it in the future."

Bai Xixi turned and left, You Yin didn't stop her anymore, a few tears dripped down from her eyes unconsciously.

Laughing while crying, he said to himself: "Oh, yes, Lilian doesn't want to be sad, I am not sad, I like Lilian the most, how could I not listen to her, don't be sad, I will be fine of."

The big boy who had been sunny for a long time leaned on the big tree and slowly sat on the ground looking at the blue sky, and murmured: "So this is what you hoped for, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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