Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 260 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 260 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (11)

Bai Xixi quietly returned to the palace, for fear that Gus Jue would suddenly come down from upstairs.

Fortunately, there was no movement upstairs at all, and when I returned to the room, I quickly closed the door to catch my breath.

[Miss sister, do you know that you have collapsed to the limit in this plane? 】

Is it a matter of managing people now?Now is the time to save my dog's life!
Nothing is more important than saving your life!

If that man goes crazy, I'm finished!Make it human, set your sister up!

【...Then why did you insist on being with him in the first place? 】Looking for masochism or masochism?

If I'm not with him, what if he destroys the world? I'm thinking about the overall situation.

【...What does it have to do with the overall situation? Even if he wants to destroy the world, it depends on whether your parents let him go. You underestimate those two adults, don’t you? 】

Bai Xixi glanced at her eyes a little guilty.

What can you understand with a system, if you can avoid casualties, don’t be casualties, I am sacrificing myself for others!
【…】You always have something to say.

After Koukou went offline, Bai Xixi sat on the bed and recalled the original scene.

At that time, she remembered that she didn't like Mo Xiao at first, he was too dark, too cool, and there was someone annoying.

Later, it wasn't what she wanted to accept, it was...Jing Han and Xia Ye, her parents asked her to stay by that man's side.

She didn't understand at the time, she was angry and resisted, but of course she still couldn't play with those two old guys in the end!
The final result is that she will be in the same room with Mo Xiao for two years. The old guy said that as long as they can survive these two years, they will never force her to live with Mo Xiao in the same space again.

Have no idea why.


Come on, she was also very wronged, okay? She didn't think about it at the beginning, so I can't blame her at all.

She still didn't let her intervene in the turmoil of the blood clan. Gu Sijue solved it in one day by himself, and he didn't move quietly after that.

She thought she would spend some time in peace, but she never expected that the vampire's blood-sucking addiction would break.

This taste is very uncomfortable.

Enduring hunger and thirst, Bai Xixi walked down the stairs and saw a person asking, "Where are the inhibitors?"

"His Royal Highness Lilian, I'm sorry, His Royal Highness Sir Gus said that without his permission, all of us are prohibited from giving you inhibitors."

Xu Shi's addiction became more and more uncomfortable physically, which made her a little irritable.

The pupils in his eyes turned bright red in an instant, and he stretched out his hand suddenly, and the vampire below suddenly seemed to be grabbed by someone's neck and picked up.

"I'll ask you again, where are the inhibitors!

He is His Highness and I am also Your Highness. When it comes to identity, there is no difference between purebreds. Tell me where the inhibitor is right away, otherwise you can die now! "

The vampire's pinched veins bulged, and he desperately grabbed his neck with both hands, trying to pull off what was not on his neck, but there was no way.

A powerful aura rushed over, and I was slightly desperate.

Is this the power of a purebred...

"Xixi, why don't you come to me."

An extremely familiar and cool voice sounded in the empty hall.

Immediately, the vampire, who was flying in the air and was about to die, fell to the ground.

He scrambled and left here.

Bai Xixi stared, her clear red color trembling, looking at him sternly.

"Give me the inhibitor!"

She couldn't take it anymore, she really wanted to drink blood...

I want to bite his skin open and touch the warm blood...

(End of this chapter)

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