Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 268 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled

Chapter 268 The Troubled God Is Really Tangled (You Yin)

The first time I saw that girl was after a basketball league game.

The girl hid in the darkness on the other side of the wall, with timid and curious eyes, he thought he would never forget it in his life.

Those were the purest and clearest eyes he had ever seen in his life.

Afterwards, he would see girls appearing around him many times, and each time he watched carefully in the dark, until one day he took the initiative to come forward and say hello.

The girl seemed to be frightened, and instantly covered her mouth.

He laughed. He had seen all kinds of panicked and overwhelmed people, but he had never seen someone who was so scared that he covered his mouth.

"My name is You Yin, what's your name? I've seen you for several days."

The girl looked at him hesitantly, then slowly took her hand away, and said softly: "Lilian, my name is Lilian."

Since childhood, people around him said that he is a person who can drive the atmosphere, so he took Lilian to the campus to watch.

The girl's eyes sparkle every time she sees an ordinary thing.

So he found it even more funny, where did this girl appear, and she didn't even know what juice was.

Later he found out that the girl didn't even know what basketball was, and she only went to watch it because she thought the people on the court were very good-looking and passionate, and she liked it very much.

He established a good relationship with Lilian, as if... he fell in love with this innocent girl.

Every time he asks her out, he doesn't have to think about where to take her, because no matter where he takes her, the girl will be very curious and excited.

And with every contact, he could never leave his sight of this girl.

Her every frown, smile, and every word and deed will be considered the cutest and most beautiful in the world.

But one day she came to him suddenly with injuries all over her body, and asked him with a pale face and a smile: "You Yin, are you willing to support me? I might pay some money."

He was stunned, a little absent-minded. Although the girl's face was pale and her body was weak, he felt that this was the happiest time for her. It was different from before, as if she had let go of all her worries and anxieties.

So he replied: "Okay, I will raise it, I am not afraid of spending money, I will take you home."

The girl smiled, the most beautiful smile in the world.

He was very happy with her, and every day was extremely happy. When she was not in good health, he tried his best to take care of her, and every time he went out, he would bring her something new.

He didn't ask why she suddenly became like this, so weak that she even struggled to get up.

He only knows that he likes this kind of life very much, and if he can live this kind of life for the rest of his life, he is willing.

But sometimes he would be afraid. In the dead of night, when he hugged the girl's slightly cold body, he was afraid that she would leave him at any time one day.

Because she felt too ethereal to him, really unreal.

After a few years of this kind of life, he thought he would always be happy like this.

But suddenly one day, he saw on the window sill, a frail girl running out with her exhausted body.

How could she go out in such a cold day!

He followed immediately, and stopped in front of an abandoned building when he heard a fierce quarrel.

Curiosity drove him to hide behind and eavesdrop, vaguely feeling that he might be able to know why the girl was depressed every day this time, and he might also know why her body became like this.

Vampires, turned into humans at a terrible price, betrayed the blood clan...

All kinds of mythological words completely overwhelmed his brain.

When he knew that she was enduring the pain and becoming a human being for him, his heart pounded violently, his brain became hot, and the heartache and panic that followed made him uncontrollable.

Why is there such a silly girl in this world, are vampires bad?

It is obvious that vampires can live forever, and it is obvious that vampires are omnipotent, so why do they have to become humans.

When the accident happened, he rushed out without thinking. He knew from the previous eavesdropping that these people were here to kill her.

He said that he wanted to protect her and raise her, how could he let her face these things alone.

The blood in his body was gradually passing away, and the coolness permeated. He watched the girl screaming sternly, begging for someone to let him save him, and seeing the girl shed tears for him for the first time, with a look of despair, his heart really ached. .

Please, don't cry, okay...

I will support you, don't cry...

By the way, I didn't give you the birthday surprise I prepared for you a few days ago. Can you go back and see for yourself...

And... I like you...

If there is a next life, are you still willing to let me support you...

I'm so tired, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't make you happy anymore in this life...

He thought he would never be conscious again, but he woke up again.

The heart was beating non-stop, and the pictures in my mind were constantly changing, and scenes emerged like a revolving lantern.

I suddenly thought of something and looked through the calendar. It was two years before I met the girl.

He was suddenly agitated, and tears fell down without warning.

Does that mean he can see her again.

He wanted to tell her, don't cry, it's ugly, she really isn't fit to cry.

He was looking forward to, anxiously waiting for the day when he would meet her two years later.

But in the past two years, he has struggled countless times whether to have an intersection with her again. He often wonders, if he didn't take the initiative to greet her back then, would she not insist on becoming a human?
But he couldn't help it, and in the end, he took the initiative to approach her just like in the previous life.

He thought, before the day when the girl turned into a human being, he would have separated from the girl before that day.

But he never expected that a month before that day, she seemed to be a different person.

He realized something from that phone call, because in the last life she lost contact during this phone call, and she came to him as a human being a month later.

He wanted to say goodbye to her on the phone.

But the one not her.

But what to do, he still wants to meet her greedily.

As usual, he took the initiative to find her several times and went to her house. Even though he had planned for a long time that the vampire's house was different from the human's house, he was still surprised.

Her home is a palace, so will she be a princess in the palace?
Would she live a leisurely and comfortable life without him?
He saw 'her', but not his Lillian.

He wanted to continue deceiving himself and others, but was exposed by this girl.

She said that she hoped that he would never be sad, and at this moment he suddenly couldn't control it.

After the girl walked in, he lay flat on the ground, looking at the sky and recalling his unique time alone.

Tears fell from the sockets involuntarily, sore and painful.

He even wanted to accompany her, but he remembered her wish again.

Yes, she never said any wishes to him, the only wish is that he can be well.

How could he bear to let her down, he couldn't be sad, he couldn't be sad, even if the world collapsed, he couldn't be sad, this was the last thing he could do for her.

So, can you wait for him, he once looked forward to the next life in his heart, God gave him a next life, but allowed him to be more greedy and hope for the next life.

Looking forward to a future with her.

He lives hard and is kind to others as usual, even if he is bullied and wronged, he will never be sad.

Even if everyone thought he was a fool who couldn't cry, he wouldn't explain it. Laughing became his only expression for the rest of his life.

His parents thought he was a demon, but he knew he was normal.

Because he could feel her right next to him.

Whenever he would see the girl at night, she would smile at him softly.

He would show her different things every time, and every time he could see the girl was happy.

very nice.

No, he doesn't think it's an illusion, because only in this way can he immerse himself in joy, only in this way can he fulfill her wish, and only in this way can he not feel any sadness.

If this is the only way, he would rather be a lunatic and a fool in the eyes of others.

He gave her all the patience and tenderness of his life.

Give her all the love in the previous life, this life, the next life, and the next life.

Put all of yourself into her heart.

He has been sorry to many people in this life, parents, friends, partners, but he only wants to change her next life.

Even if she doesn't have him in her next life, he still hopes that she can have a happy and trouble-free life, and live as she wants.

He saw that girl once during the period.

She asked him if he really wanted to be with Lilian for once?
He smiled and replied that it doesn't matter, now he already feels that they are together.

The girl stared at him for a few seconds without speaking, then turned and left.

He didn't care, not Lilian, he didn't care about anyone.

He died in a car accident in this life, when he was over [-] years old to save a little girl.

He thought he was finally free and could go to see the real her.

Unexpectedly, he opened his eyes again with a memory.

This time he is not You Yin, but a baby.

He began to feel a little resentful, why, he had to wake up again and again, why couldn't he see her every time he woke up.

During the period of growing up, he was gloomy. Even though Lilian wanted him to live a good life, he found that he could not do it in this life.

Until the age of five, a neighbor's child was born.

When he went to bless, he glanced at the baby inadvertently.

Then, completely stunned.

Something flowed through my heart, and I cried for the first time in my life.

Weeping loudly, as if crying out all the grievances that have been suppressed for several lifetimes.

Everyone was terrified, but the baby opposite was smiling brightly.

Only then did he know that this life was not a punishment from God for displeasing him, but to fulfill a wish he had expected for three lifetimes.

In this life, he thought he could be truly happy, because with her, he would have the whole world.

This is a future with her, a bright future.

 3000 words...


(End of this chapter)

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