Chapter 269 The Killing God Comes One (1)

Bai Xixi fell from the sky, hit the lake, and almost didn't swim up.

Wet climbed up and found out it was a forest.

The sky was gray, as if covered by something.

At that moment, Bai Xixi felt that something was wrong.

Button, transfer the plot to me quickly.

【it is good. 】

This is a plane similar to killing, a bit like eating chicken.

In a map, two hundred people came in from nowhere, and they needed to kill each other to survive.

From the time these 200 people came in, there was a voice in the sky telling them that only one person can survive, and each person's landing point is different. They don't have any equipment, but they can find equipment by themselves on this map.

It is natural that everyone is unwilling to be sent here inexplicably. No one listens to the order of this voice.

Panic and helplessness enveloped everyone, leading to the final result that they agreed to this rule of killing each other.

Because if you don't kill people, people will come to kill you. There is only one alive, and no one wants to die.

The original owner was one of the 200 people. She was afraid of killing people, but she wanted to live, but she was killed before she could find the equipment.

The original owner was quite uncomfortable, aggrieved, and resentful.

So she came.

There are some black lines in Bai Xixi, which has no plot at all, and is not at all the same as the modes of the above planes.

[There is only one task in this plane, to live for the original owner, you will get two thousand points, Xixi, you will think it if you do it well.

I have tried my best for you, look at the plane I found for you, there is no need to keep the human setting, because no one here knows the original owner, thank me. 】

Fart, are you looking for you?You have the nerve to say it, don't think I don't know that this is the plane Mo Xiao is looking for.

Only one out of two hundred people can live. If I am a Hulk, I can trample one to death.

[…] was exposed.

Bai Xixi thinks that this plane is too easy for her to say simple, but it is also a bit difficult to say difficult.

Mo Xiao must be among the 200 people. He said that three or two planes will end, so this plane must have a different meaning.

There must be something hidden here, and based on what she knew about Mo Xiao, he would never do anything useless.

Mo Xiao is a demon, the plane of killing can improve the matching degree of his soul, this is true, but there is also a problem, if one fails, the whole plane will collapse, and even the catastrophes in his plane cannot be collected at all , directly affects the main soul.

By the way, there is also a setting in this plane. Every three days, poisonous gas will be released from the outermost area. Everyone must run to the central area. In the end, they will all match up, so the early supplies are very important.

She knew that anyone who could fall into this place was extremely evil, including the original owner.

Because this is a boring experiment done by the upper-class people outside. In fact, if you find a way, more than one person can live.

"Heh, it's really lucky, I let me see a girl right away, tsk tsk tsk, it's also your fault, let me have a good time, I promise to let you go on the road happily."

A burly man suddenly came out from the tree and said with glowing eyes.

Bai Xixi narrowed his eyes dangerously, and shot his cold gaze at him, as if looking at a dead person.

She should say this, it would only be bad luck for him to meet her.

Frightened by the girl's cold eyes, the burly man suddenly took a step back.

Then I wondered why he would be frightened by a girl who looked less than twenty.

"Little girl, if you are smart, I can take you all the way. As long as I solve my loneliness on the way, I will protect your life."

Bai Xixi suddenly stood up and smiled lightly, shining brightly.

The burly man was a little stunned, he was so beautiful, he found a treasure.

"You want to have fun?"

The burly man nodded subconsciously.

Then suddenly felt a chill all over his body, looked down, and the sound of wailing resounded through the forest instantly, and the whole person fell to the ground clutching his lower body.

The girl walked up to him step by step, squatted down: "Is it cool?"

The most important part of a man is interrupted by an inconspicuous stone, which is unbearable for any individual.

At this time, the girl in front of the burly man's eyes is not human at all, but a devil from hell.

How could it be so easy to hit him with a stone...

What a shame!
The rest of his life is over!
Obviously one second she was smiling like a innocent and harmless angel, but the next second she can shoot him with the things next to her without changing her face.

Bai Xixi pretended to think for a few seconds, then chuckled lightly: "I heard that every time you kill a person, you will get life protection. Thank you for giving me the cheat, go with peace of mind."

The burly man suddenly opened his eyes wide in horror, but lost consciousness for a second, and could never wake up again.

Bai Xixi clapped his hands and kicked him twice, really boring.

【Xixi... Are you still suffering from the sequelae from the previous plane? 】

Bai Xixi didn't care and said, "No, it disappeared."

[Then why are you still...] ​​So tyrannical!

Bai Xixi knew what it wanted to ask, but she was too lazy to answer.

In the last plane, she was indeed a little bloodthirsty and tyrannical under the influence of Lord Gus, but she already had this personality before Kou Kou followed her.

Everyone in the system that followed her was afraid that she would apply to leave, until Xia Ye personally made an S+ system for her, which was Koukou.

In fact, to her, she didn't feel how cruel and tyrannical this was, and even said it was a state of indifference, and she could completely control herself, it just depended on whether she wanted to or not.

Coincidentally, in the past few years, she has no interest in provoking war or cruelty.

It's been a long time since I killed anyone. Mo Xiao is worthy of being a male god and knows what she wants.

A good girl is not suitable for her.

Everyone in this map will have a display device. As long as you want to know how many people are left, the data will appear in front of you, which is very convenient.

Except for the burly man at the beginning, she didn't meet anyone else in these three days.

In three days she found backpacks, water, biscuits, a pistol with [-] rounds of ammunition, a submachine gun with [-] rounds of ammunition, painkillers and nutritional supplements, a motorcycle helmet and a piece of armor.

There are indications on the helmet and armor, first-level head and second-level armor.

When she found these things, she complained that it was really a game, similar to the game called JDQS she played in a certain plane before.

Three days later, a cold and merciless mechanical voice sounded in the world: "Everyone, please pay attention, the first wave of poisonous gas is coming, please evacuate those who are still in the poisoned area to the safe area as soon as possible.

Friendly reminder, the first wave of screening will be three days later, and those who have not completed the quota will be wiped out immediately.

The index is one person"

 2000 words

(End of this chapter)

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