Chapter 270 The Killing God Comes One (2)

Bai Xixi raised her eyebrows, and there are pointers, which is really amazing.

Now the data shows that there are 189 people left on the map, which means that at least 89 people can be screened out after three days.

It's really big to play.

Bai Xixi puts her equipment on her back and walks towards the central area. Her location is not considered the central area, but it is also within the safe area, so there is no need to worry too much for now.

A day later, she met two people.

A man and a woman, the two are working together to kill the person opposite, and after the death of the opposite person, both of them show plus one on the top of their heads.

So even if two people kill one, it will be counted as two people, so that a group can be formed.

At least there will be no problems in the early stage.

Bai Xixi didn't take the initiative to find these two people to form a group, but these two people came to find her to form a group.

"Hey, sister, are you interested in going on the road together?" The man spoke first.

He had just seen the number 2 on the top of this girl's head from a distance. It is not a good thing to kill two people without hesitation in the early stage without any damage.

He wouldn't think she was a vase just because she was good-looking.

Apparently the girl he was with thought the same way.

They were almost insane after being teleported to this place for no reason. Although their emotions had eased after a few days, they were not very comfortable.

Bai Xixi only thought for two seconds before agreeing.

"OK, but since you're here to find me, the supplies will be shared, and you should show some sincerity."

After the man and woman looked at each other, the woman said first: "Yes, but you have to share our supplies with us.

The premise is good, no matter who you two are, you can't do anything to me before you get to the central area! "

The woman and the man are also temporary partners. After discovering the loophole that the two can form a group to kill people, they thought of going together and forming a group.

Bai Xixi nodded: "I also have a condition, only one more person can be added to this team, and whoever it is is up to me."

The man and the woman looked at each other and finally agreed.

They need to survive before the end.

The reason why Bai Xixi agreed to form a group with these two was because it would be more efficient.

Her own efficiency will be very fast, but she can't break the law of this time and space.

The man's name is Lucheng, and the woman's name is Wu Bingning. They were not good people before they came in.

They thought of forming a group, and relatively speaking, others would also think of this. After all, the people here are gangs with high IQs.

"Be careful, there are people ahead." Lu Cheng warned.

Wu Bingning seems to trust Lucheng quite a bit, after all, this man's insight is much better than hers these days.

Bai Xixi was still sitting against the tree. There were people, but the other person didn't have as many weapons as them.

Wu Bingning frowned, and reminded her involuntarily: "Get up quickly, Lucheng's judgments are generally not wrong, and be careful that you will be treated as a target and sifted into a sieve."

Bai Xixi: "No rush, it won't be too late when they come over."

Lu Cheng asked: "They?"

Wu Bingning also looked at her.

"There are three people on the opposite side who have been following us for a day, but they have not made a move. It is obvious that they are not sure whether they have as many supplies and ammunition as we have, and they are also unable to grasp the three of us with one blow with the ammunition they have. Individuals are all resolved.

So they've been looking for opportunities.

What you just picked up on is probably that they sent a guy to lure one of us out and take them out one by one. "

Bai Xixi explained patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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