Chapter 271 The Killing God Comes One (3)

Lu Cheng and Wu Bingning stared at her blankly.

Wu Bingning: "How do you know?"

Lu Cheng also pursed his lips and remained silent, he really only felt one person.

Bai Xixi sneered, and didn't explain anything anymore, they believed it if they believed it, and there was nothing they could do if they didn't believe it.

She stood up suddenly and pointed to a small two-storey attic across the aisle.

"Go there, dare you."

Lucheng was silent, a little complicated.

Wu Bingning yelled softly: "Are you crazy?! To get there, we have to cross a road without any cover, and we will be treated as targets and beaten through!"

Bai Xixi put her backpack on her back, and rushed out with the submachine gun in her hand with the magazine under her shoulder.

Wu Bingning was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth: "I don't think she will die!"

Lu Cheng said at this time: "Perhaps, what she said is the only way."

Wu Bingning tugged at him: "She's crazy and you're crazy too, aren't you?"

Lucheng looked at her and explained to her: "Look at our current position, there is a cliff behind us, we are now at the bottom of the cliff, we can't go up, let alone get off.

If there are really three people, then our left, right and front must be surrounded.

If you want to break through, you must find the commanding heights.

The only commanding height here is the second-floor attic opposite.

It's all about shopping on the left and right, and it's the same everywhere. It's better to fight while walking. If we can get in smoothly, the situation will be completely in our hands. "

As soon as the words fell, gunshots rang through the sky.

Violent and deafening.

Only then did Wu Bingning realize that the gunshots were indeed coming from three directions around them!

In front, the girl was wearing tights, carrying an equipment bag, holding a submachine gun and continuously shooting around, deftly avoiding all the bullets.

Lucheng ran out second, threw a smoke bomb into the middle of the road and shouted: "Go!"

Wu Bingbing stomped her feet and followed, Lu Cheng and Bai Xixi were the only ones she could rely on now!
Bai Xixi kicked the door open rudely, and ran up to the second floor without any hesitation.

But she was stunned at the top of the stairs because she saw a person.

The hand that was about to pull the trigger stopped abruptly.

The man stared in her direction with a pair of cold eyes, and the dark and bloodthirsty aura in his body couldn't stop him. He looked at her resolutely and coldly, without saying a word.

Holy shit!Why is he here!Why did I see it at this time, terrible!

There were constant gunshots outside, Bai Xixi gritted his teeth, skipped him directly, ran to the window, set up the gun, aimed at the target with the scope, pulled the trigger, and killed one in an instant after a dozen shots in a row.

She frowned, this gun won't work.

She turned her head, seeing that the man didn't move, she felt a little uneasy.

Then she did something very daring, walked up to him and waved her hand: "Well, hi, lend me a sniper rifle?"

The man stared at her sternly, Bai Xixi was a little hairy.

After roaring, the corners of his mouth twitched, regardless of Sanqi 21, he picked up the sniper rifle next to him and left.

She was afraid that the people behind would shoot her in the head with a single shot from behind.

Probably not...

After getting the sniper rifle, I found two people from the other two directions, squinting, tilting the head, aiming, and buttoning the phone, all in one go.

The moment the bullets shuttled, the two of them solved it perfectly for ten seconds before and after.

Only then did Lu Cheng and Wu Bingning run up, unaware that everyone had been dealt with.

Bai Xixi whistled excitedly, she was so lucky, seeing the male god's luck improved, she thought it had been a long time since she had used a sniper gun and she needed practice to aim.

 Cold, rhinitis, headache, chills...

  I've been feeling confused when writing today's update, and I don't know what I wrote. Let's just read it first. I've been a little out of inspiration recently...


(End of this chapter)

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