Chapter 274 The Killing God Comes One (6)

After all, the evil of these two people in reality is not extremely evil.

One belonged to being framed, and Lucheng belonged to a special soldier who was forced to kill a person by mistake after retiring from the army.

Su came over again and looked down at her: "Let's go."

Bai Xixi stood up and followed.

Afterwards, Bai Xixi thoroughly saw what a godlike operation was.

Basically, Su could detect someone in the distance at a distance of [-] miles, and killed them with a single shot with a sniper rifle.

Nothing happened to her at all.

She didn't think she even needed armor or a helmet.

How on earth did Su manage to move so conveniently while carrying two big bags?
God, God!Worship Worship!
My man is awesome.

But she was a little worried, when would Su go crazy?
After all, according to the law, maybe Su will get into a dead end and start his own imagination on some matter.

Then came a series of thoughts that have remained unchanged for a hundred years, locked her up, tortured her for a few days, and then told her to die together, and finally died by herself.

This is no longer a disease to describe it, it is simply poisonous, and the poison is hopeless.

So in this plane, she intends to let herself be free.

A few days ago, more than 50 people were directly eliminated, without a single head, all of them were wiped out.

Now begins the real bloodshed, the killing.

"Male god, male god, can you smile?" Bai Xixi moved closer to Su You and asked.

Su burned to the fire again and ignored her.

Bai Xixi has figured out Su You's personality, which is basically cold, not talkative, and will choke you to death.

But she really likes what to do, it seems that she is really abused.

"Male god, male god, don't be so rigid, smiling is good for your physical and mental health, look at me, I smile every day, and I feel very happy every day."

Su looked at her coldly again, and said two words: "Idiot."

Bai Xixi: "..."

"Su You! You will die if you say something normal. Do you know how boring it is for me to follow you all this way? You are amazing, but can you make my life a little bit more fun? If you don't speak, I will suffocate to death!"

Su You: "You can go."

Bai Xixi fell angrily, and threw the wood in his hand into the fire, sparking a burst of sparks.

"You said it! You really want me to go?!"

Su raised his head again, then lowered his head again, quietly warming up to the fire, without any emotional fluctuations, at least she couldn't see it right now.

Bai Xixi stomped her feet, planning to go to another place for a couple of strolls to relax before coming back.

When will Mo Xiao come back completely? I'm worried.

This area has already been cleaned up by Su, and no one will appear in a short time.

So Bai Xixi wasn't worried that someone would rush out suddenly.

But he still carried a pistol and dozens of bullets on his body just in case.

Button, don't you have any news about my brother?
[Sorry, no, I really don’t know where Yan Jing and Brother Yan Mo have gone, there is no fluctuation between the two in any time and space.

Besides, Xixi, it's useless for you to keep asking me.

You are descendants of Mr. Jinghan, you really want to hide, no system can find you. 】

Bai Xixi kicked the stone under her feet sadly.

Why didn't she know that what she was afraid of now was that her brother was not hidden by herself, but locked up by someone.

But she couldn't think of who it was at all, and there were almost no people in the space-time world who could fight against these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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