Chapter 275 The Killing God Comes One (7)

That time in the space-time rift, Yan Mo wanted to take her back, she hesitated for a moment before agreeing, but she didn't expect Mo Xiao to suddenly appear in the plane interlayer.

When Yan Mo led her there, she was stunned.


In the darkness, with the cold hurricane stinging his skin, Bai Xixi was rushed towards Mo Xiao under the protection of Yan Mo.

"Xi Xi, are you sure Mo Xiao is really here?"

Yan Mo asked inexplicably.

Bai Xixi nodded, the worry in her eyes was not concealed, at this time she did not hear the weirdness in Yan Mo's mouth.

While protecting her, Yan Mo was puzzled and looked at the endless darkness ahead.

Why did he sense... Yan Jing was there too.

Maybe it didn't take long to walk, but the gap between the planes is also equivalent to the gap in time and space, which is quite dangerous. People who don't have enough spiritual power may be turned into fragments by the nothingness here, and in more serious cases, they will even be scattered into spirit particles and disappear directly.

But this can only be regarded as a little difficult for them, and it is not fatal, but the time of staying must not be too long.

Soon, immediately, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"I can feel that Mo Xiao must be in front!"

Yan Mo held her back: "Okay, don't worry, I'll take you there."

The two passed quickly, and the light in the distance flickered particularly abruptly in the darkness.

As soon as Bai Xixi's eyes lit up, she was about to rush over and was held down by Yan Mo: "Wait a minute, something is wrong."

Bai Xixi also realized that something was wrong, very wrong.

Who is facing Mo Xiao?
The back is so familiar...

"Brother, is the person opposite Mo Xiao...Brother Yan Jing?" She wasn't sure, but she asked anyway.

Yan Mo remained silent, looking at the familiar figure from behind.

Yes, that's right, Xixi might not recognize it, but he was almost sure at first sight that it was Yan Jing.

Why is Yan Jing here? Shouldn't he have returned to the world of time and space?

Recalling this, she couldn't remember clearly, it wasn't that she couldn't remember clearly, but her memory was fuzzy.

The only thing she remembered was that she saw Mo Xiao almost half-kneeling in front of that figure, and before she went over to see who this figure was, she went crazy.

Because Mo Xiao was almost knocked out of his wits by that man.

She stood in front of him, she couldn't remember what the face she saw looked like, but she remembered her shocked mood at the time.

I remember that brother Yan Mo suddenly rushed over to block her, and I remember that the two of them were forced out by Yan Mo in the end.

After that, she used her own soul power to force Mo Xiao to continue his soul.

After Mo Xiao stabilized, she immediately planned to enter the space-time rift to find Yan Mo again, but was interrupted by the appearance of Jing Han and Xia Ye and passed out.

Later, when she woke up again, she did tasks in the plane and forgot all the scenes with Mo Xiao.

Every time she thinks about the scene at that time, she will always feel uncomfortable and have a headache. She remembers everything, but she can't see clearly the back.

It seems that she has to speed up to help Mo Xiao go back, because only when Mo Xiao goes back can he help her go to the space-time rift again.

With her current ability, she might be broken into pieces before she even got in.

Jing Han and Xia Ye didn't care at all, although she was a little helpless with their attitude, at least one thing, brother Yan Mo should be fine now.

Button, Mo Xiao must have left something in your program, you scan yourself carefully.

[...OK] But it really isn't there, it has been scanned many times.

(End of this chapter)

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