Chapter 276 The Killing God Comes One (8)

After scanning himself again, Koukou was stunned.

Wait, what did it find!
What is the one bundled with its main program? !

Hello, is there anything?

Bai Xixi waited for a while and then asked.

[Yes... Wait, I need some time to parse it out. 】

It's just fantasy!

There was nothing unexpected about Bai Xixi, if he didn't show up before, it probably wasn't the time to show up.

What Mo Xiao set up would not be so easy to discover.

Ten minutes later, a fan appeared out of nowhere, with a red handle and white leaves, and the pattern looked very retro and mysterious.

Bai Xixi stretched out her hand, and the fan slowly fell into her hand.

She frowned, and looked back and forth while holding the fan, the texture felt very good.

After probing with spiritual power, he couldn't find out what kind of material this fan was made of. He could only vaguely feel that the spiritual power in this thing was extremely strong, very similar to the spiritual power on Mo Xiao's body.

She put away the fan and patted her palms with it, wondering what she was thinking.

When she returned to the original place, she was stunned for a moment, what about Su?

There was only a pile of extinguished fires smoking on the ground, and there was no one.

Bai Xixi suddenly realized something and opened her eyes wide.

God, he wouldn't think she was gone!
It's over, it's over, it's over!

After 21 days, only 57 people remained in the data.

And the area of ​​the safe zone is getting smaller and smaller.

Coincidentally, Bai Xixi met Lu Cheng and Wu Bingning again.

"Baixixi?" Wu Bingning asked suspiciously.

Bai Xixi turned her head and twitched the corners of her mouth, what a coincidence.

"It's really you, I still don't believe Bingning said it was you." Lu Cheng ran over and said.

Bai Xixi looked at the two of them strangely, it's only been a few days, and they have already called Bingning directly.

"It's me, it's a coincidence."

Wu Bingning may be very enthusiastic and excited when she sees acquaintances. They are worried every day, and they will mercilessly kill someone they see. She is about to collapse after being in such a tense environment for a long time.

Sometimes she really had the idea that it would be better to just let someone kill her.

If it wasn't for Lucheng, maybe she really wouldn't be able to persevere by herself.

"Why are you alone? Su died again?"

Wu Bingning asked.

Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth, although she knew that Wu Bingning's question was a little...but she didn't have anything to criticize, after all, she was either dead or dead here.

"do not know."

Lucheng: "I don't know? Are you scattered?"

Bai Xixi touched the gun in her hand, these equipments were picked up again in the past 21 days.

"Hmm." She didn't say much, and couldn't explain clearly.

Bai Xixi suddenly raised her head and looked at the two of them, a little inquiring.

Lu Cheng and Wu Bingning also realized something, and looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Then Wu Bingning couldn't stand the atmosphere anymore.

"Ah! I'm so annoying, Lucheng, hurry up, or the people behind will catch up and start fighting again."

Lu Cheng stared at her for a moment, then pursed his lips, and finally followed Wu Bingning away.

When he left, he said something to Bai Xixi: "I hope we won't meet in the end."

Bai Xixi smiled and stood proudly where she was, not to be ignored.

This is not certain, as long as these two people do not die, they will definitely meet.

Another six days later, the data that everyone can display has changed.

Not only can it show how many people are left, how many people have been killed, but also the ranking list of the remaining people.

The ranking of the remaining 39 people, I don't know what the purpose is, but none of the 39 people have clean hands.

Su You's name was hung on the most conspicuous position of No.1, making it difficult for anyone to ignore it.

The number of people Su got rid of was almost twice as many as No.2.

She is ranked No.3, and No.2 is unknown.

Lucheng and Wu Bingning have a No.18 and a nineteenth.

"Everyone, please note that when the screening reaches 30 people, you can freely form a team or choose to do activities alone. The maximum number of team members is three people, and there is no limit for a single person.

The rules of the game have been changed, and the last three surviving people will enter the next map for a final duel to decide which one can return to the real world safely.

Please work hard, so that team members can communicate with each other without barriers.

Everyone has another day of relaxation period. During the relaxation period, everyone will be sent to a place for communication and team selection.

After one day, return to the original point.

Now, the transfer begins. "

The cold mechanical sound resounded in the world again.

After the voice fell, everyone felt a trance, opened their eyes again, and all 39 people appeared in a big house.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and some kept holding their guns, but the guns in their hands were gone.

All the equipment on everyone is gone.

"Fuck! What the hell! What the hell is going on!"

"Who the hell knows that Unlucky died, and was sent here for no reason and can only survive by killing people. What kind of world is this!"

Someone scolded, and the remaining 39 people were not very easy to mess with, after all, those who survived to the end were not good people.

Bai Xixi was observing whether Su You was among the 38 people.

With just a glance, she saw Su You's figure.

He is very conspicuous in the crowd.

Although he had restrained his aura, she was able to spot it at a glance.

She trotted over, and Su put his arms around his arms again, coldly refusing to give her a look.

Even the moment he saw her running over, there was a murderous look.

The corners of Bai Xixi's eyes twitched, it's over, it's time to coax.

The darn 'cute' property is back online.

She preemptively questioned: "Why did you abandon me and go away!"

Su frowned again, then turned his head to restrain himself from wanting to strangle the girl in front of him, he was afraid that this fragile life would be ruined in his own hands in the next second.

But Bai Xixi refused to let him do what he wanted, and pulled him over with his hand: "Speak, why did you abandon me at the beginning! Do you know that all the equipment I had at that time was in your hands, and you just left, are you serious?" want me to die!"

What she said was quite capricious and unreasonable. She was the one who went out for a walk first, but now she blamed Su You for being easy-going.

But Bai Xixi said that if he didn't do it, he couldn't do it!

Su was annoyed by being teased again, and said coldly: "Let go."

Bai Xixi raised her head and said capriciously, "I don't! You're capable of strangling me!"

The veins on Su's forehead twitched again.

"I told you to let go."

Bai Xixi: "I won't! I won't if you don't make it clear!"

Su You: "..."

Su took another deep breath, and then sneered: "If you don't want to die, let go, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, you can kill me. Anyway, only one will live in the end. It's not a loss for me to come here. You kill me!"

Bai Xixi raised her neck high, closed her eyes, and looked at death as if she were at home.

Su You's eyes were deep again, the girl's neck was very white and thin, as if it would be broken if he covered it slightly and exerted a little force.

In fact, he did the same. Thinking of her leaving as soon as she said it, an uncontrollable emotion suddenly rushed into his heart.

 2000 words

(End of this chapter)

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