Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 286 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 286 The tsundere male god is doing well (2)

A gust of cold wind blew, Bai Xixi's body shivered physically, it was really cold.

Walking to the door, I fiddled with the lock for a while, but found that it really couldn't be opened.

So she was silent for a little while.

Suddenly, kicked in the past.

With a bang, the door panel fell directly.

Bai Xixi clapped her hands, isn't that the end of the matter, it's hard work.

Now that most of her spiritual power has recovered, she can already use her own power, so she has no fear at all.

There were still a few patterns left on the fan. She also collected Su You's pain points when she was on the last plane, and it was before Su You died.

At that time, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

If this plane is successful, it may be possible to collect them all.

And she also discovered that the fan Mo Xiao gave her is also equivalent to a weapon, and it contains huge spiritual power.

When you have nothing to do, you can just take it out and pretend to be aggressive.

[Miss, are you a little too rough in this door? 】

Bai Xixi let out a cold snort, rude?I don't want to be rough, but I will be the one who suffers. Now I am using this body temporarily. I don't want to be in pain when it rains for the rest of my life.

Bai Xixi went back to the house she rented according to the memory of the original owner, took a hot bath, and after getting rid of the cold comfortably, she lay down under the blanket and had a warm sleep.

Although it is summer, there are two temperature differences between night and day in this city.

No wonder the original owner was frozen into that kind of dog virtue.

Bai Xixi was woken up by the ringing of the phone, dazedly touched the phone and pressed the answer button, and roared angrily: "Lin You! Do you still want to act in this play? See for yourself what time it is! You Where did the dead go!"

Bai Xixi frowned impatiently, and also got angry: "Whoever likes to act, do it, don't bother me."

After finishing speaking, she hanged herself to death. She had only slept for less than five hours since she came back last night, and she was so disappointed.

In the end, she still couldn't sleep, because within 10 minutes after the call was dropped, someone opened the door with a key, and the sound of stepping on high heels on the floor was getting closer and closer step by step.

Immediately afterwards, the quilt was lifted, and a sharp voice yelled: "Lin You! I think you're out of your mind, and you're still sleeping here! Hurry up and go to the set! I managed to win this role for you If you are faired because of you, I'll take your skin off!"

Bai Xixi opened her eyes sharply, full of hostility.

Zhao Yufei couldn't help taking a step back in fear, and the quilt in her hand fell directly on the bed.

"You...why are you looking at me like that! I'm doing it for your own good. Hurry up and pack up and apologize to the director!"

Bai Xixi sat up, rubbed her temples, and shot her dangerous eyes.

"I've said it before, whoever likes to act, don't bother me, don't you understand?"

Zhao Yufei's heart swelled, and she wanted to go up and pull her ears, but then she recalled the look in her eyes just now, and timidly retracted them.

But he still shouted: "Aren't you going to act? Are you crazy? If you don't act, whoever will act? I have worked so hard for your role and found so many relationships. Now if you say you don't want to act, you won't act. You can afford the liquidated damages." !"

Bai Xixi laughed sarcastically: "The role you found for me? I think this role should be given to you by Yang Jinger and given to me."

Zhao Yufei's heart tightened, her eyes flickered, her palms were sweating, how did she know?
(End of this chapter)

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