Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 287 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 287 The tsundere male god is doing well (3)

The original owner is so stupid that he can't tell, this role is quite unpleasant, if he doesn't perform well, he will be hacked to pieces.

It is also because of this role that her acting path has not been smooth.

Zhao Yufei shouted at the top of her voice, "What nonsense are you talking about! Let me tell you, if you don't act, you will pay the liquidated damages yourself!"

After Zhao Yufei finished speaking, she left in a hurry, without mentioning that she should hurry to the set.

Bai Xixi laughed, then lay down and continued to sleep.

After waking up, she used her mobile phone to call the original owner's parents, expressing that she wanted to go back. She would not give up acting, but she would also care about her family's company.

The original owner's parents had been waiting for the original owner to be subdued so that they could have a step down, and this phone call was just right.

But because she didn't go to the crew, someone in the same crew broke the news that she was playing big names.

Even though Bai Xixi knew about it, she didn't pay attention to it.

If she wanted to become an acting school, she couldn't afford this script. There wasn't a single first-line actor in the entire crew, and investors weren't a good thing, and the script was even worse.

She had paid the liquidated damages on the second day, and if she couldn't get involved in the liquidated damages, she could only spread something on the Internet.

But dissemination is dissemination, and it is useless at all.

If you want to blame, blame this show for not having any traffic to bring up the topic.

Bai Xixi was still looking at the folding fan at home when the phone rang.

"Xiao Lian'er, look at the gift from your lover?"

The voice that appeared out of thin air was full of doting tenderness.

Bai Xixi was taken aback for a moment, then stood up in surprise and turned around: "Uncle!"

With a smile on his lips, Jing Mo opened his hands.

Bai Xixi rushed directly into his arms and raised her head: "Why are you here?"

Jing Mo: "Let me see if you were cheated to death by your unreliable parents."

Bai Xixi snorted: "Sure enough, it's Uncle who loves me!"

Jing Mo slapped her: "What's going on with you and Mo Xiao?"

Bai Xixi puffed up her cheeks: "Mo Xiao crossed the tribulation early, I just came to help him, but many things happened on the way."

Jing Mo frowned, a little puzzled: "A lot of things?"

Bai Xixi was silent for a few seconds before saying: "Uncle, can you sense where brother Yan Mo is now?"

Shocked, Mo's eyes sank, and he said, "Why did you ask him?"

Bai Xixi felt that Jing Mo's reaction was not quite right.

I secretly wrote it down in my heart, but didn't show it on the bright side.

"Oh, Brother Yan Mo and Brother Yan Jing once came to see me, but I couldn't contact them because of an accident."

Jing Mo's eyes flickered: "Really, I can't sense it here, did Jing Han and Xia Ye do something?"

Bai Xixi: "Are you asking me?"

Jing Mo smiled: "Don't think too much, since Mo Xiao is crossing the catastrophe, you should stay with him well, and I will wait for you to come back in the world of time and space."

Bai Xixi nodded obediently, hiding the inexplicable look in her eyes.

Why does Jing Mo want her to ignore brother Yan Mo's affairs, and why does she want her to stay by Mo Xiao's side.

Too much fog made her mind unclear.

Jing Mo appeared for a short time, and Bai Xixi didn't ask any useful information at all.

After Jing Mo disappeared, she lay down on the table and made a fuss.

so annoying.

On this day, Bai Xixi went to the Lin Group for the first time because of the original owner's parents.

After all, if she has the support of the backstage, she will go more smoothly in the entertainment industry.

(End of this chapter)

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