Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 288 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 288 The tsundere male god is doing well (4)

"Have you heard that our company is going to parachute a leader over today?"

"Airborne? And who pushed in through the back door?"

"According to my reliable information, it is the daughter of our chairman."

Another person was surprised: "Where is the chairman and his daughter?"

Suddenly a person came in and yelled seriously: "Don't quarrel with me, you don't have a job, right! If I don't have a job, which one of you will take over my pile of work!"

Suddenly, the office fell silent.

Bai Xixi came here today in secret, except that she met a few high-level leaders, no one knows her identity. After all, she has been in the entertainment industry for five years, maybe she really knows her.

This layer of identity is her trump card when necessary.

"Hey! You don't look when you walk!"

A sissy voice gave her goosebumps.

Two people appeared in front of him, Sissy and a man in a suit and leather shoes behind him.

After Bai Xixi took a few glances at the man behind him, the black line on his head slipped down.

It's really a surprise every time, so what is his identity this time?
"Talking about you! Where are you looking!" The sissy shouted again pointing at her with the orchid up.

The corner of Bai Xixi's mouth twitched, she just bumped into it accidentally, and in her opinion, it should be the other party's responsibility.

After all, she was walking ahead, and someone suddenly appeared around the corner.

"Peter, what are you talking about with strangers, when will the next one start?"

The low-alcohol and strong magnetic sound seems to make people's ears pregnant.

But what she said made her unhappy.

She watched to see if he would slap him in the face!

It's better to swell your face.

The sissy said: "I see, I will take you to the shooting scene."

When he was leaving, he turned around and gave a warning: "Be careful next time you walk, but people who are not as kind as us will let you go so easily."

Bai Xixi: "..."

So she still has to thank them.

After walking for a while, the man suddenly looked back, and Bai Xixi immediately gave him a big smile back.

She can still give a smiling face on the first impression, after all, her male god wants to give face.

Bai Xixi found another manager, which made Zhao Yufei very angry.

When you know the news, rush over immediately.

I used the key to open the door but found that it couldn't be opened no matter what, so I realized that Bai Xixi had changed the lock.

So she started banging on the door.

"Lin You! Open the door for me! I know you're inside!
what do you mean!Did you get my consent to change the agent? I'll take you for five years and you just leave me like that, don't you think about it! "

Lin You's acting skills are not good, but her looks are definitely good. She took a lot of benefits from others before, and she was waiting to find an opportunity to send her out.

Maybe if you meet the right benefactor, you will really be able to soar into the sky.

She absolutely disagreed with changing the agent at this time.

After smashing the door for a long time and yelling for a long time, there was no movement. Zhao Yufei was a little dry, so she sat on the ground.

Within five seconds of sitting down, two security guards came up.

"Hello, someone complained that you yelled and harassed the owner in the corridor, please leave quickly, otherwise we will take coercive measures."

Zhao Yufei pointed at the door with wide-eyed eyes in disbelief, and screamed loudly: "The owner? I harassed the owner? Are you making a mistake! The owner of this house is obviously XX company, who complained!?"

(End of this chapter)

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