Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 297 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 297 The tsundere male god is doing well (13)

This guy is great, everything has been changed, and there is no need to shoot the following plots.

Fortunately, this was not filmed according to the order of the plot, otherwise, hehe.

Seeing that the two of them were fine, Director Feng let go of his hanging heart, and his attitude towards Bai Xixi also changed for the better.

"You two scared me to death, but I really didn't expect that scene just now to play so well.

Lin You, I have to praise you for being able to respond to Qing Fan's extra scenes immediately, that's amazing. "

Bai Xixi smiled but didn't smile: "I'm overwhelmed, is it because I don't have my role today?"

Director Feng laughed loudly: "No more, no more, both of you are gone, hurry back and rest."

Bai Xixi nodded politely: "Then I'll go first."

Pete twisted his waist and came to Ming Qingfan anxiously: "Qingfan! You are so reckless! You just jumped off such a high platform, you are dying, right? Even if you are dying, you have to Protect your face, let me see if your face is hurt."

Ming Qingfan's expression was uncertain, and he looked at the direction the girl was leaving in the dark.

There is still blood on his face and mouth, which is extremely enchanting on his face.

Twirling his lips with his thumb, recalling the feeling just now...

Oh, Linyou...

When Yang Jing'er returned to the room, she couldn't help shouting loudly and smashing things indiscriminately.

Lin You actually kissed Myoshin!

How could she blaspheme the gods!

Lin You, I won't let you go!

About a third of the way through the shoot, two things came to the door.

The first thing was that Zhao Yufei was fired from the original company and kicked out. She suspected that it was Lin You's tricks, so she didn't know where to find out that she was filming in this crew, so she made a fuss here.

Seeing this, Yang Jing'er narrowed her eyes slightly, and pulled her aside first.

Another incident, Tang Ying revealed that she was bullied by the crew and was eventually kicked out of the crew, causing sympathy on the Internet.

The timeline is like this.

Zhao Yufei yelled outside the set: "Lin You! You bitch, dare you come out and confront me!

You caused me to lose my job, and you still dare to hide in it, how shameless you are!

Don't think that you can be unscrupulous if you hook up with any old man, let me tell you, as long as I'm here, you're delusional! "

Director Feng frowned: "What's going on outside, deal with it quickly, there are so many media, it's hard to imagine that it won't be on the news tomorrow."

"Yes, yes, I will deal with it now."

Director Feng turned his head to look at Bai Xixi, and found that she was fine, so he continued filming with confidence.

There was a dangerous light in Ming Qingfan's eyes, and he told Pete: "Go and deal with the women outside."

Pete knew it and went out directly.

Bai Xixi was lying on the recliner, half asleep under a layer of script.

Zhao Yufei has no influence on her at all, anyway, the production crew is very noisy every day.

Suddenly, the reclining chair tilted, and she lost her center of gravity and fell directly. Fortunately, she still had a little foundation, so she stabilized before falling to the ground on her face.

After standing up, he stared at the man next to him: "Brother, what are you doing?"

In the past few days, Ming and Qing had to make her suffer from a nervous breakdown.

Male gods can't do that either.

Ming and Qing Fan revealed two words to her all over his body: dislike.

Bai Xixi sometimes thinks, you are so disgusted with her, why do you still stick to her every day, making yourself sick of yourself?

But she also knew that Ming Qingfan probably felt awkward and arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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