Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 298 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 298 The tsundere male god is doing well (14)

If you want to get in touch with her, can't you talk well?

Find a sense of presence every time.

Please, big brother, you already have a strong sense of presence, and he can't even see a light bulb of several kilowatts at a glance.

"Look at what your previous managers were. No wonder they haven't been famous for more than five years."

Bai Xixi: "The agent was assigned by the company and not selected by me. What does it have to do with me?"

Ming Qingfan: "You always pick the company."

Bai Xixi: "..." It's not her!It's Linyou!

Can't tell!
Bai Xixi exhaled: "So what do you want to say?"

Ming Qingfan: "I'll give you [-] billion, how about signing a contract with our company?"

Pete opened his mouth in surprise one day, 100 billion? !
Qingfan's brain is flooded!

In the next second, someone asked the question in his mind.

"You've got water in your head." Bai Xixi looked at him strangely.

Ming Qingfan didn't care about this look at all: "No, I'm pretty normal, do you really think I'll use 100 billion to poach you?

Oh, it's just a dream. "

Bai Xixi: "..."

Pete: "..."

The reversal came too fast, I just think he is a fool.

Zhao Yufei shouted outside for only 3 minutes before being stopped.

But media reporters are not vegetarians either. It was originally a TV series of Ming and Qing Dynasties, but they were waiting for a hit every day.

As a result, I just found out who the heroine was two days ago, but I didn't let him tell. This made me feel itchy.

Some people come to make trouble, so don't blame them now.

At most, they don't put their names on it, and it's not a violation of the agreement.

The next day, news of Zhao Yufei's disturbance broke out on the Internet.

The heroine of the "Black and White" crew is suspected of being adopted, and the former manager personally broke the news.

News like this keeps popping up, like being bought into a hot search, and the popularity keeps rising.

At the same time, Tang Ying also came out and posted a long article, explaining how the heroine in the crew got the role of the heroine.

How to use the backstage of being adopted to drive her, a starlet, out of the crew.

After an eloquent article, the condemnation on the Internet began.

Someone else went to pick up the clues and listed the candidates for this woman, and Lin You's name was on the list.

"I guess this shameless person must be Lin You, you can tell by her appearance, she looks like HM."

"Whether you upstairs can talk, what do you mean by certainty, my pomelo would not do such a thing!"

"Everyone, come and see, Lin You's crazy fan has come out."

"Dog head warning."

"I guess it's also like Lin You. Zhao Yufei didn't type the number. You can easily find out how many artists she has brought with you. Lin You is too obvious."

"No, there are still people who whitewash Lin You, they must be brainwashed."

Most of the opinions on the Internet are one-sided, and even those who stand up to speak for Lin You will be drowned in an instant.

Or it was just a mocking meal, and cursed in a strange way.

The parties were in no hurry.

But director Feng was in a hurry.

He was about to post a statement online, but was stopped by Bai Xixi.

"My ancestor, why are you not in a hurry!"

Bai Xixi raised her eyes calmly: "There is nothing urgent.

There are Ming and Qing fans in the ratings and they will not be bad. "

Director Feng was immediately squeezed speechless, it was true to say so, but why did he feel that there was something weird about it.

No, almost bypassed it.

"Don't confuse the audience, these are two different things, what does it have to do with Ming and Qing Fan!"

(End of this chapter)

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