Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 309 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 309 The tsundere male god is doing well (27)

The next day, Bai Xixi pestered Ming Qingfan and said that he wanted to go shopping in the street. Ming Qingfan didn't want to go at first, but he couldn't stand her acting like a baby, so he had no choice but to put on his clothes and go.

"Why do you have so many things every day, it's so annoying." Ming Qingfan complained unwillingly, while smiling all over his face.

Bai Xixi: "..."

"Yes, yes, I'm annoying, but you still come with me."

The corners of Ming and Qingfan's lips turned up, and they were in a good mood.

Bai Xixi's eyes sank in places he couldn't see.

The two walked on the road holding hands. Because of their identities, they both had different disguises.

There are two bodyguards not far behind, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

"Hi, I'm curious about a question."

Ming Qingfan glanced at her: "Ask."

Bai Xixi tilted her head and said curiously: "You said what would happen to you if I died before you?"

Ming Qingfan said in an understatement tone: "It's not very good."

It's a big deal to give the world to you to be buried with you.

The corners of Bai Xixi's eyes twitched: "Am I so unimportant to you?"

Ming Qingfan stopped suddenly, turned around and bounced her.

Bai Xixi covered her head instantly: "Oh, what are you doing?"

Ming Qingfan said slowly: "If you know in advance that you are going to die, you'd better tell me, or bring me along, otherwise I don't know what terrible things I might do."

Bai Xixi was stunned, opened her mouth, and swallowed: "You mean if I'm going to die, I'd better drag you to die with me? Is that how you understand it?"

Ming Qingfan didn't answer, but his expression said everything.

Bai Xixi laughed stiffly twice: "Haha, but it's all a hypothesis, if I die, I'll know in advance where I'm going."

It seems that he has collapsed several planes once, which is a bit scary.

So in order not to trouble the people in the administration, she decided to make another decision.

Bai Xixi took the initiative to hold his hand, feeling warm in her heart.

"Let's go, don't talk about these."

Ming Qingfan held back, and leisurely led the girl forward step by step.

"Hey, what happened to that car? Is it speeding?"

"Ah, it seems true, did the car get out of control, why is it still running?!"

In the blink of an eye, a black sports car galloped over at a high speed, rushed out of the road and headed straight in the direction of Bai Xixi.

In the car, Yang Jinger's eyes were dark, with resentment and determination: "Lin You! I want you to die without a place to die!"

Bai Xixi watched the car running towards him calmly, without moving at all.

Ming Qingfan's eyes widened instantly in horror, and he wanted to push the girl next to him out, but she held her tightly.

He saw the girl raised a bright smile to him, and said softly: "I think if you don't take you away, you might kill me, so see you next time..."

"Ah - I killed someone!" A passerby's scream broke the silence.

The blood on the ground on the road is dazzling.

The two people lying on the ground were fragmented, and their hands were tightly clasped together, rendering a harmonious picture.

The two bodyguards at the back hurried forward, screams and fear filled the surroundings.

It was unknown who in the crowd discovered their identities and screamed twice.

"Ah! How could it be Myojin and Lin You!"

"It's really Mingshen and Lin You! Who was that driver just now! I don't want to believe that they probably won't die."

"It's Yang Jing'er! I saw it! Don't let her run away!"

(End of this chapter)

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