Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 310 The tsundere male god is doing well

Chapter 310 The tsundere male god is doing well (28)

Yang Jing'er was caught on the spot, and was sprayed wildly by people all over the world in the next few days.

The deaths of Mingqing Fan and Lin You caused a turmoil, which lasted for a month before returning to calm.

Yang Jinger was sentenced to death and executed immediately.

And at the year-end Gold Awards Ceremony, Ming Qingfan and Lin You both won the honor of the Queen of TV, but when the two awards were presented, no one came on stage, and everyone was silent.

Bai Xixi had already expected the follow-up, so she also made arrangements for the Lin family's parents.

The Lin family's parents lived a stable life in their later years.

Bai Xixi was still in shock when she returned to the system space, and she was relieved only after hearing the news that the catastrophe mission had been completed.

She was wrong, but fortunately she realized it at the end.

When she was in the plane, she originally planned to die at the same time as Ming Qingfan, but she realized at the last moment that if Ming Qingfan died at the same time as her, she might not be able to gain pain points.

So she did a little trick and set back the timeline by ten seconds, which caused Ming Qingfan to be killed in the first step before she dragged Ming Qingfan over.

Although it was only for a moment, the pain value reached in that moment was enough.

The fan appeared and floated out of thin air. She looked up, and sure enough, there was only a little bit left, and the last plane should be over.

There's only one left, so it shouldn't matter...

Button, back to the world of time and space.

[Yes, preparing for transmission. 】

Bai Xixi didn't go to the management office after returning, but ran directly to the place where Kou Kou said he had sensed Yan Mo.

When she arrived, she was slightly taken aback, here...she seems to have been here before...

A deep path, the leaves and bamboo forest shuttle, the breeze is gentle, emerald green stands on both sides of the path, tall and fresh.

Bai Xixi frowned, her eyes deepened, she lifted her foot and walked along the path.

Gradually, the field of vision was opened, and the castle villa surrounded by bamboo forest suddenly appeared in sight.

Black and white tones, noble, luxurious, serious.

But there is a sense of darkness and treachery everywhere.

Here, she obviously didn't remember why it was so familiar, as if she had forgotten something.

【Xixi, do you really want to go in?It's so weird here, and the atmosphere here is too dark, why don't we go back to the administration to find Lord Jinghan first? 】

Bai Xixi turned a deaf ear, raised her foot and walked in.

The door opened automatically when she came over, as if welcoming her.

Luxurious crystal lamps, black marble floors, luxurious spiral staircase, everything here is extraordinarily expensive.

The style is simple and elegant, but it is because of this that she feels that this place is too depressing.

It's not like a place where people live.

Brother Yan Mo will really be here?

"Xixi, why are you here?"

Suddenly, an extremely familiar voice sounded, full of doubts.

But when Bai Xixi turned her head and saw him, she felt that this sentence was too deliberate.

"Brother Yan Jing, I should be the one asking you, why are you here? How do I remember that you don't seem to have a place to live in this place."

There was a flash of light in Yan Jing's eyes, and then she smiled softly: "You have been out with Mo Xiao for so long, it's not surprising that I have more places to live."

Bai Xixi looked at him deeply, feeling heavy in her heart.

Brother Yan Jing would never talk to her like this.

In the past, brother Yan Jing was always the gentlest to her and the most pampering to her in the family, but now he does not have the slightest shadow of before.

She could feel that this was not an act, I'm afraid...he was like this in the first place, maybe the Yan Jing in her memory was just a fake character.

 Because I was too lazy to think of a name, and because I was obsessive-compulsive, I didn't want to destroy the formation of the title, so the part of the space-time world was also written on this plane.

(End of this chapter)

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