Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 314 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 314 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (2)

Bai Xixi waved her hand, indicating that there was no need for it.

I have to say that the cooks of this plane are pretty good at cooking.

Halfway through the meal, a young eunuch suddenly came and whispered something in Caitang's ear.

After the little eunuch withdrew, Caitang stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, someone from the Bai family is here, do you want to see him?"

Bai Xixi picked up a piece of pastry, put it in his mouth, and said slowly after eating, "Who is here?"

Caitang: "It's Lord Bai, and a young woman."

Bai Xixi raised her eyebrows, young woman, Bai Lele?

Heh, the plot line has started to change again. It stands to reason that Bai Lele was the one she saw when she ran out and came home suddenly. It's too early for her to appear now.

"Let's go, since we're here, how can Ai's family disappear, go back to the palace."

The concubine in the palace came to her family, and she wanted to meet her in her bedroom. She lived in an excellent palace in the south, and this place was also arranged by the old emperor himself for her.

There are rockeries for mountains, ponds for water, and the beautiful scenery is overwhelming. All kinds of precious flowers and plants are in her yard.

I don't know what the old emperor thought.

[Xixi, there is a new hidden plot, accept it. 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

She had heard Xia Ye once said that if she was lucky, she would be able to meet a serial plane, which really made her catch up.

Hiding the plot is useful and useful, but it is useless to say it is useless.

The reason why the old emperor treated her so well, even thinking about her before he died, was because of her special status.

The original owner's mother is a young lady who coaxes and coaxes a hidden family, so her identity is actually quite awesome.

It's just that Mr. Bai didn't know that his first wife was so awesome and cheated on her.

The old emperor knew that the old emperor wanted to give his son a guarantee and buff blessing, so he insisted on marrying him when he knew that his time was running out, and gave the original owner the supreme right.

He was thinking about whether the forces behind the original owner's mother could come forward to help and support his dynasty by the way.

Support is the best, and if you don't support him, you don't lose anything, so there is a stick to beat the mandarin duck.

But the old emperor may still feel a little guilty, so he gave all the best to the original owner elsewhere.

After arranging all this, before he told Di Ye and Di Bai the identity of the original owner, he burped.

So there is some use for you to transmit these plots to me.

[I don't know... I'm a conscientious system, of course I just pass on whatever I have! 】

Bai Xixi is speechless, it must be poisonous, what a ghost to do one's duty.

【…】Too irritable, too irritable, too irritable!
Caitang came in and said, "Your Majesty, Master Bai has arrived."

Bai Xixi blew on the hot teacup, looking unparalleled.

When Bai Cheng came in, seeing his daughter's appearance, he was slightly taken aback, a little surprised, how could he feel that his daughter had changed a bit.

"Be silent..."

"Presumptuous! This is the current empress dowager, even if Master Bai is the father of the empress, he should abide by the etiquette!" Bai Cheng's words were directly interrupted by Caitang.

Bai Xixi didn't raise her head, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

Bai Cheng's face darkened, he was used to being a superior, and today he became angry immediately after being taught a lesson by a court lady.

"You are very courageous as a court lady."

Caitang was neither humble nor overbearing, she didn't think about her status as a court lady at all.

"My lord Bai, although this servant is a palace maid, she also knows the etiquette in the palace."

Bai Cheng glanced at Bai Xixi, seeing that she didn't respond at all, he was even more annoyed, what happened to this girl today.

Usually when he was not saluting, he immediately helped him up in a panic.

It's absurd to let a court lady treat her father like this today!
"Sister, take care of your maidservant, this is your father, it will cost your life to let your father salute you."

A soft and weak voice recalled, the words in the words were all shocking.

But Bai Cheng didn't think so, as expected, Lele was caring and sensible.

Bai Xixi put down the teacup slowly, every move revealed nobility.

He tilted his head, a little lazy, squinted his eyes, and then bent and smiled.

"The Ai family doesn't know that anyone can come in front of me and make accusations. Who is this person? A new maid? He's so courageous that he dares to call the Ai family sisters."

Bai Cheng was a little shocked, the girl in front of him felt so strange to him.

Bai Lele cried directly from these few words. The tears didn't come down, but they were still rolling in his eyes.

Caitang replied: "Your Majesty, this is brought by Lord Bai, not our maid."

Bai Xixi scoffed: "Sure enough, I don't understand a little etiquette."

Bai Cheng coughed lightly, stepped forward and said, "Momo, this is your sister, not an outsider, so you care about respect and etiquette."

Bai Xixi knocked on the table with her fingers: "Master Bai, just now Caitang said that you have to salute when you see Ai's family. It seems that Master Bai doesn't know the rules."

Bai Cheng frowned, feeling slightly troubled in his heart.

"Also, not everyone can be Aijia's younger sister, don't let cats and dogs come to Aijia, Aijia is now a member of the royal family, the so-called married daughter splashes water, Mr. Bai should be careful in the future. "

Bai Cheng is an old fox. When he realized that today's Bai Xixi was different from the previous one, he endured it. After all, Lele still needed her blood to save her life.

"Yes, the old minister pays his respects to the empress dowager, the empress dowager is thousands of years old." Bai Cheng folded his hands, bent down, and said while holding back the anger in his heart.

Behind him, Bai Lele also bit her lip and cried in greeting.

Bai Xixi flipped her hand casually: "Come on, get up."

"Thank you, Empress Dowager." Bai Cheng said.

At the same time, Bai Lele also thanked her with tears.

"After all, what is the purpose of coming to Ai's family this time?" Bai Xixi asked in a very casual tone.

Bai Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "Mo... Empress Dowager, the old minister just wants you to come and see you, hurry up, Lele, come here."

Bai Cheng beckoned and pulled Bai Lele to the front: "Lele, you haven't seen it yet, this is your own sister."

Bai Xixi raised her eyelids lazily, with no disturbance on her face: "Sister? Mother seems to have only given birth to Ai's family. Isn't Master Bai old-fashioned?"

Bai Cheng's face froze, and then he immediately replied with a smiling face: "Mother, you don't know, this is really your own sister, but when your mother gave birth to her, some accidents caused her to disappear.

We have been looking for it all these years, and we just found it a few days ago and can't wait to let you know. "

Bai Xixi snorted: "Master Bai, do you think Aijia looks like a three-year-old child?"

Bai Cheng is really good at it, and turned Bai Lele into the original owner's mother's belly.

Bai Lele said aggrievedly: "Sister, it's okay if you don't want to recognize me, but you don't need to have this attitude with your father. You have already enjoyed the love of a father and mother that I don't have, so why are you still so self-willed."

Tsk tsk tsk, there are so many dramas, Di Pianzhou likes this one?

 200 words~
(End of this chapter)

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