Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 315 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 315 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (3)

Bai Xixi rolled up her sleeves, and then said casually: "Master Bai, it seems that the person you brought really doesn't understand the rules, so let Ai's tutor teach her the rules."

Bai Cheng's heart skipped a beat, with an ominous premonition, and so did Bai Lele.

Bai Xixi continued: "Caitang, take this girl down, and send her back when she has learned the rules."

Caitang should be.

But Bai Lele screamed: "Bai Mo...Sister! You can't do this to me! You have no right to do this!"

Bai Cheng's voice sank: "Momo, what do you mean? Even if you don't recognize Lele, you won't treat her like this. Since we are not welcome here, the old minister will take Lele back!"

Bai Xixi smiled: "Lord Bai may have forgotten the identity of the Ai family, since the Ai family entered the palace, he has nothing to do with the Bai family.

Master Bai can leave if he wants to, but Bai Lele should stay.

Caitang, see off the guests. "

Caitang listened to the order and immediately stepped forward to chase them away.

Bai Lele cried and called Bai Cheng: "Father..."

After Bai Cheng glanced at Bai Lele, he stared at Bai Xixi coldly: "Okay, the empress dowager really has a great posture, it seems that the empress dowager doesn't need the support of the Bai family anymore."

Bai Xixi didn't speak, her expression was a little lazy.

Bai Cheng knew that this daughter was completely different.

"Lele, stay here with the empress dowager for a few days, and I will pick you up for my father in a few days."

Bai Lele gritted her teeth, salivating, delicate and weak, and watched Bai Cheng leave.

Then he was taken down with a look of resentment.

After Bai Cheng and Bai Lele left, they became pure.

At night, the cool wind blows, and the leaves outside the house are rustled by the wind.

Bai Xixi sent away everyone around her, and was alone in the gazebo outside the house to enjoy the breeze.

According to the past rules, Mo Xiao would be not far from her.

So she guessed it was either Di Bai or Di Ye this time.

It's just that she hasn't had a chance to see her now.

"The empress dowager is so elegant, she doesn't fall asleep until late at night, is it possible that she is waiting for her lover here?"

A better sound, like a breeze, makes people feel refreshed and transparent.

Bai Xixi raised her eyes, and saw that the visitor was wearing a white crescent moon robe, with black dragon texture embroidered on the corners, which made her look noble and low-key luxury.

There was a half mask on his face, properly revealing his better lip shape, covering his face, mysterious and cool.

A pair of long and narrow peach blossom eyes looked at her lazily and teasingly, neither humble nor overbearing.

Bai Xixi narrowed his eyes complicatedly, Di Bai.

"His Royal Highness the Prince Regent came here late at night, not to arrest me for being a lover, right? Tell me what you have to say."

Di Bai was taken aback for a moment, and there was some inquiry and curiosity in his eyes, this woman is a little different.

"Of course not. I'm just bored at night and want to see if the Queen Mother is sleeping well."

Bai Xixi let out a light snort, and said mockingly: "Di Bai, you are really fooling me like a child, aren't you?"

Di Bai chuckled happily, sat down casually, picked up his teacup, "It seems that you have really changed a lot."

For some reason, when Di Bai appeared, she subconsciously had an idea to stay away from him.

Mo Xiao is not Di Bai, so the possibility of Di Ye is halved.

"His Royal Highness, I am talking about these useless things. I am not idle and boring. If I am really idle and boring, I am not an asylum. I have no time to listen to your chatter. Please go back."

Di Bai chuckled softly, a few traces of joy flashed in his black and white eyes.

"Return? You say I'm bored, so you can't find some fun. I think you can relieve boredom."

Bai Xixi jumped between his foreheads, to relieve boredom?

"Di Bai, I don't have time to accompany you when you're bored, get out of my place now before no one finds out, don't make trouble for anyone."

Di Bai suddenly appeared in front of her, and before she could see his movements clearly, a cold mask and black and white clear and deep eyes appeared in front of her eyes.

Bai Xixi's heart skipped a beat, she held her breath, and frowned, "What are you doing?!"

Just when she was about to retreat, her body couldn't move for a moment.

She stared at her in shock and annoyance: "Relieve me!"

Damn it, the original owner doesn't know martial arts, and she also has restrictions now, if it is inevitable, it is impossible to use spiritual power.

Di Bai got closer and closer to her cheek, his eyes seemed to be looking at something.

A strong masculine breath surrounded her, bringing out different heart palpitations.

Bai Xixi became angry from embarrassment: "Di Bai! What are you doing! Untie it quickly!"

With a smile on the lips of the man, he stretched out his hand and rubbed her cheek with his index finger: "It's really as soft and smooth as I imagined."

Bai Xixi's heart is full of MMP, buckle, buckle!Now, unblock me immediately!

【Xixi, it’s nothing, actually. You didn’t suffer any danger to your life, let alone any major blows. It’s just that your face was touched, so there’s nothing to lose. 】

You know a P!

[Well, I don't understand, anyway, you haven't met the conditions you set for lifting restrictions, so I can't delegate power. 】

Bai Xixi was ashamed to death, that's right, the limited conditions for contact were exactly what she set in the first place.

Was she out of her mind?
Dibai Magnetic's deep voice sounded next to his ears again.

"No no no, queen mother, I suddenly realized that you are my mother's mother in name, you said, what will happen if someone finds out that I am having an affair with you here?"

Bai Xixi's eyes widened in disbelief, full of shock, isn't this ancient times, why did Di Bai have such bad thoughts.

"Di Bai, are you sick?"

Di Bai said to himself: "Isn't it? Thinking about it makes me feel very exciting."

Bai Xixi suffers from being unable to move, and after Di Bai finished speaking, he found that he couldn't even make a sound, and at the same time, Di Bai's face got closer...

Bai Xixi's eyelashes trembled slightly, feeling a little panic in her heart, for fear that Di Bai would really kiss her.

"The Emperor is here—"

Di Bai's approaching movements suddenly stopped, he looked down at the nervous girl and laughed,
"It seems that today is not a good time, my lord, see you next time."

After saying that, Di Bai's figure suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Bai Xixi's body was able to move completely.

All the strength in her body was vented, and there was cold sweat on her forehead.

After a few seconds, she frowned. Did Di Ye come?

What day is it today, why do you choose this time to come here in the middle of the night.

Could Di Ye be Mo Xiao?
After a while, a figure walked in slowly, tilting its head domineeringly, and even wearing ordinary casual clothes could feel a fierce aura.

Unlike Di Bai, Di Ye is dressed in a black robe, as if melting into the night, unfathomable.

There was no mask on his face, but he was born very well, like a masterpiece bestowed by heaven on earth, at least in her memory, there was no one in this plane who could match Di Ye's appearance.

No, there was another person she hadn't seen before.

 2000 words~
(End of this chapter)

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