Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 318 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 318 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (6)

"I see. After going out for a day, you should be tired. Take a good rest. I will come to see you tomorrow." Di Ye said.

White and black lines, you know what.

Sincerely, don't come here tomorrow, just give her back.

One Dibai is bad enough, but also a Diye, even if she is a person in the plane, she can't bear it.

Why didn't she know that she was so attractive?
Could it be that God opened his eyes and saw that she had only Mo Xiao in her life, so he wanted to compensate her in the plane?
[…] Oh, thinking too much.

Bai Cheng has found some connections these days and wanted to bring Bai Lele out, but after all, it was Bai Xixi's personal order, and no one dared to let him go.

Someone pointed out the way for Bai Cheng to find the Regent or the Holy Majesty, only these two dared to confront the Queen Mother without fear of getting involved.

Bai Cheng also knew, but Di Bai and Di Ye really didn't get along well.

Although the power of the Bai family is great, it has not declined in recent years.

It's not that the power has shrunk, but that Di Ye Di Bai's power has expanded too much and too fast.

When the old emperor was still alive, he had to rely on the Bai family, but after the old emperor passed away, Di Yedi Bai set a record in the prosperous age with his shocking talents, and he didn't need to rely on anyone.

This is difficult, Bai Lele's mother has been nagging in his ear every day, worrying.

In the end, Bai Cheng set his target on Di Ye.

In comparison, he thinks that Di Ye is better at speaking than Di Bai.

Besides, Di Ye had many things to worry about, but Di Bai didn't.

One afternoon, Bai Cheng went to meet Di Ye alone.

"Your Majesty, the old minister came to you to ask for something, and I hope that Your Majesty can help."

Di Ye sat on the upper seat deeply, holding a few notebooks in his hands.

"What's the matter?"

Bai Cheng turned his eyes and wondered: "It's like this, this matter is about the little girl and the queen mother."

Di Ye closed his eyes and said tiredly: "My little girl? How can I remember that Lord Bai only has one daughter, the Queen Mother? Why did another one appear? An illegitimate daughter?"

Bai Cheng's face froze, he never expected Di Ye to ask directly.

Bai Cheng knelt down: "The old minister is ashamed, Lele is the woman who was lost by the old minister and his wife in the early years, not an illegitimate child."

Di Ye didn't even open his eyes, he clenched his fists and dragged his temples, leaning his head lightly.

"Birth between you and Madam? According to my understanding, Madam Ling has been in the capital since giving birth to the Empress Dowager. For 20 years, she hasn't had any belly bulges again. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Light and fluttering without any ups and downs in tone, it sounds cold and biting.

Bai Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and his head was covered in cold sweat.

How did he know that Qu Diye even knew whether his wife was pregnant or not.

It stands to reason that Di Ye is only less than thirty now, why would he care about so many things?
"The old minister dare not, dare not, my lord, the old minister really has nothing to do, otherwise I wouldn't come to you so brazenly."

Di Ye closed his eyes but did not open them, Bai Cheng looked them over a few times and decided to continue talking.

"Lele is a sister who is related to the empress dowager by blood. She has been imprisoned by the empress dowager just because she accidentally said a few words wrong. Have fun.

The old minister must be grateful! "

The hall fell into a state of incomparable calm for a moment, Bai Cheng's heart fluttered, and he couldn't figure out what Di Ye was thinking.

"Lord Bai, since the Queen Mother has arrested her, it means that she has offended the Queen Mother. If you really want to worry about it, the Queen Mother has more rights than me. If you really want to bring Bai Lele out, you'd better go to the Queen Mother personally. .

I'm tired, let's go back. "

Bai Cheng's face was particularly ugly, but he was just a brat, and he started to take Joe even after he became a saint.

But just to make some achievements, sooner or later he will be defeated by his own ego!

"Old minister retire!"

After Bai Cheng went out, Di Ye slowly opened his eyes, with a sinister and elegant curve on his lips.

"Your Majesty, I heard that Master Bai has found His Majesty."

Bai Xixi ate a piece of grape, spat out the skin and asked, "Then what?"

Caitang covered her mouth and smiled: "Then she came out with a livid face."

Bai Xixi twitched the corners of her mouth, she felt that Bai Cheng was talking to Di Ye for nothing, and it was even more useless to talk to Di Bai.

If you want to save Bai Lele, you might as well come to her directly.

She was going to be tormented by Di Ye and Di Bai in the past few days to drive her crazy.

He completely missed the matter of finding Mo Xiao, and couldn't make time at all.

Di Ye came to torture her every day, while Di Bai came to bother her every night.

Aside from sleeping all day, opening and closing eyes are all about these two people!
Finally, one day when she was resting and clean, Caitang was still nagging about Diye in her ear.

The head is getting bigger.

"The queen mother is very elegant, how about the grapes from the Western Regions?"

Bai Xixi walked back to Di Bai without turning his head.

Haha, as expected, everything about cleanliness is a lie.

"Is there any in your house? Can't you eat by yourself?"

Bai Xixi replied.

When Dibai came over, Caitang said, "Prince Regent's Hall..."

Before the interview was over, Caitang fell to the ground.

Bai Xixi was angry: "Why did you make her faint!"

Di Bai smiled evilly: "Naturally, taste the grapes to see if they are sweet or sour."

Bai Xixi realized what was going on, stood up and took a step back: "I warn you, this is the palace, don't mess around!"

Dibai smiled: "Arbitrarily? As long as I think about it, this is my palace. In my own territory, what can I do that dare someone stop me?"

Bai Xixi's brain was hot and he didn't feel well, so he turned around and slipped away.

After taking two steps, I couldn't move in an instant.

Di Bai walked around from behind her and looked at her playfully.

"This has happened several times, but I still haven't learned my lesson."

Bai Xixi couldn't speak, so he could only stare at him, meaning to untie it quickly, and do this trick again.

Di Bai shook his head, pinched her chin with his hand, and lifted it up: "It's been a month, I've been playing with you for a month, I should give me some sweets, otherwise I won't have the patience to continue playing with you."

Who wants to play with you!ill!

The man's eyes fixed on the girl's red lips, and his pupils deepened.

"This mouth speaks neatly, but I don't know if it tastes the same."

I warn you!If you dare, I will never end with you!

Seeing the girl's funny and nervous expression, Di Bai's eyes became darker and darker. Since that day half a month ago, he wanted to taste the taste of a girl, and now the interest should be returned together.

The lips touched without warning, causing Bai Xixi to forget to react for a moment, and opened her eyes wide in a daze.

It's not as unacceptable as imagined, and there is even a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

This feeling made her feel a little panicked.

Why, it should only be Mo Xiao's, obviously only his.

How could it be, why did she not have any disgust towards Di Bai's kiss.

This is not right, something must have gone wrong!
There is definitely something wrong!

Mo Xiao and Di Bai...

 Still 2000!Feel great!Although it is still [-] a day (laughing and crying)
(End of this chapter)

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