Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 319 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 319 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (7)

When Di Bai left Bai Xixi, Bai Xixi was still in a daze.

"What are you thinking?"

Di Bai asked in a deep and displeased voice.

Bai Xixi was able to speak at this time, but she looked at him with a complicated expression.

Suddenly, I felt my body relax, and the acupoints had been untied.

Bai Xixi said lightly: "Can you let me go back to my room to rest?"

Seeing that something was wrong with her, Di Bai let her go, and said in a cool tone, "I'll give you time to prepare yourself, one month."

Bai Xixi was exhausted, and asked again: "Can I go back?"

Di Bai lifted her hair and kissed lightly: "I wish you a sweet dream, good girl."

Bai Xixi's heart trembled, this tone was too resembling, could Di Bai be Mo Xiao?
Maybe it was really Mo Xiao, after all her feelings were not absolute.

It's the last plane, and it's not impossible for something unexpected to happen.

Button up, come out.

【what? ] At this time, I remembered it.

What's up with Dibai?
[What is the situation? 】It doesn't understand, hum!
Don't play dumb with me, is Di Bai Mo Xiao?
[Yeah, can't you judge it yourself? 】Tch, anyway, there was nothing wrong with it answering, she only asked if Di Bai was Mo Xiao, and Di Bai was indeed.

Bai Xixi couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, what was the matter, it turned out to be true.

She just felt that Dibai gave her a feeling that was too familiar, but she didn't expect it to be true.

After knowing that Di Bai was Mo Xiao, Bai Xixi felt at ease.

The previous depression was swept away, no wonder she couldn't find where Mo Xiao was, it turned out he was still by her side.

The lines on the fan are about to be completed, and I suddenly feel a little excited when I think about it.

You can go back in no time.

To be honest, she didn't want to run around in these planes at all.

So tiring!

Bai Xixi wanted to see Di Bai a little bit, but she didn't know how to find him, so she was a little depressed.

But she completely forgot that even though Di Bai was Mo Xiao and solved one problem, there was another one.

Di Ye came again.

Because she knew that Di Bai was the male god, she didn't feel good about the rest of the people.

"What are you doing here again! I said I don't welcome you here." Bai Xixi said coldly.

Di Ye sat down unceremoniously, without the slightest airs of being a sage, but the noble and domineering aura that was born with him could barely leak out.

Speaking of which, Di Ye is truly a Mingjun.

In the five years since Di Ye took office, the lives of the people have improved significantly, and the army has been managed to a higher level, with no foreign enemies daring to invade.

When there is a disaster in a local area, we can quickly think of ways to appease the people and solve the disaster.

Just for corrupt officials, dozens of them have been dealt with in the past five years. The methods are vigorous and vigorous, and there is no chance for people to breathe.

But she didn't understand why such an emperor with so many things to do every day would come to her place for a long time every day when he was free.

Di Ye blew the hot air in the cup and said: "Come and see you, don't be nervous, I won't do anything to you until you promise me."

Bai Xixi was troubled: "I've said it before, if you don't understand people's words, I won't agree, you don't have to worry about me.

If you just want the rights that the late emperor gave me, I can definitely give them to you, as long as you let me out of the palace. "

Di Ye suddenly raised his head and looked at her quietly.

"The right he gave you? Oh, I don't need it. Without you, I can still live in my court."

Seeing that he wouldn't listen to what he said, Bai Xixi was so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood.

He patted the table: "Di Ye, what are you doing for? Like me? I don't believe it."

Di Ye said unhurriedly; "I don't believe it either, you don't have to think too much, I just want you to be my queen, that's all."

Really, if you give her a brick now, she will definitely smash him to death with a brick.

At worst, the plane collapsed, all she needed was Di Bai's pain points.

Bai Xixi might have been irritated, Di Ye's unhurried and lazy appearance made every word she uttered feel like being hit on cotton, with no effect and no pain.

So she made a super stupid move, went up and snatched the teacup from his hand, a few drops of tea splashed out, and a few strands of heat evaporated.

Pointing to the door and shouting loudly: "Get out! This is my bedroom, my room, my teacup, my tea!!"

Di Ye was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds, he suddenly burst out laughing, and gradually laughed out loud.

Bai Xixi was still standing with a teacup in one hand and pointing to the door with the other, seeing him laughing, she was full of disbelief.

She was so angry that he was still laughing!

Bai Xixi suddenly stepped forward to grab him, trying to lift him up from the stool and drive him out by the way.

But Di Ye was sitting tight and didn't even move.

Suddenly, in an instant, Di Ye grabbed the girl's arm, circled around his head, and then led the girl's body around in a circle.

He stood up, and at the same moment, Bai Xixi felt that his center of gravity was unstable and he was driving him, so he fell down uncontrollably, and his back was directly pressed against the table.

Di Ye's body was also pressed down, and their cheeks were instantly close.

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

Fortunately, her flexibility is good, otherwise the waist would be broken.

But she was still afraid of falling, and she was so nervous that she didn't dare to make big moves. She clutched the clothes on Di Ye's chest with her hands, and said in a tight voice: "Di Ye!"

Di Ye raised the corners of his lips, which was different from his normal and indifferent expression: "What do you want me to say?"

Bai Xixi was annoyed and stared at him: "Get up quickly!"

Di Ye said in a deep voice, like a glass of mellow sweet wine: "But I don't remember what to do?
I like the current state very much, and I find it very comfortable to be close to you. If there is no barrier between these trivial clothes, I believe it will be more comfortable. "

Bai Xixi didn't know why, her heart was beating wildly like it was uncontrollable, and her brain was about to burn.

The whole person was dizzy, Di Ye's breath wrapped her around her, leaving no gap.

Comfortable ghost!

Bai Xixi turned her head away, no longer looking into his deep eyes.

"Di Ye, are you crazy? I am your queen mother in name!"

Di Ye chuckled softly, with a husky magnetism.

"I know, but it's more interesting and exciting this way, how about it, do you want to risk the world and make a mess with me?"

The man looked at the girl playfully when he turned his head and couldn't see her.

If Bai Xixi looked at him at this time, he would find that this expression was exactly the same as that of another person.

"Are you sick!"

After finishing speaking, she struggled to push her, and wanted to get up, but was pushed back by the man.

Di Ye lowered his head and moved closer to her face and ear, and sniffed lightly.

"You are very fragrant, which makes people appetite."

Bai Xixi bit her lower lip, her face was flushed, what happened to Di Ye?

 2000 words

(End of this chapter)

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