Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 320 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 320 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (8)

But now she can't think normally, as if her brain is short-circuited.

【…】Certainly!Simply!Love Brain!How could it have an owner who couldn't walk when he saw a man, and whose IQ dropped to a negative number!It's too insulting to its advanced system status!

How can I brag with the officials when I go back in the future!
It's shameless!
Seeing the girl's almost familiar face, Di Ye was a little amused.

But he didn't know what suddenly came to his mind, his eyes darkened again, dangerously cold.

Bai Xixi was still immersed in a state of being unable to think one second, and suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not right the next second.

Finally sober.

Pushing Di Ye away with all his might, it was very easy this time, and Di Ye stood up straight.

Before Bai Xixi could calm down the panic in her heart, she saw Di Ye looking at her mysteriously.

Bai Xixi frowned: "You..."

Di Ye interrupted her: "You have a good rest, I'll come back another day."

After finishing speaking, Bai Xixi didn't even finish a word, and Di Ye disappeared without a trace.

After Di Ye left, the corners of her eyes twitched and she kicked the table.

"What's the name of this horse rider!"

[Miss Calm Calm, you can't swear. 】

Go to your uncle!
【…】Get out, get out, anyway, it's not it that bothers you now!
Bai Xixi is really upset, not fake.

I fell into a vicious circle and self-condemnation.

Why was she tempted by Di Ye just now?
It's not scientific at all, she obviously doesn't have feelings for anyone except Mo Xiao.

She didn't know why, but that was the way it was.

Ever since she could remember, only Mo Xiao had made her feel differently.

Why would Di Ye do it?
Mingdi Bai is Mo Xiao, so could it be that she is also a playful woman?
Or maybe it's because I've been with Mo Xiao for a long time and there's nothing new about it, and I fell in love with someone else?

This is also impossible, she still had feelings for Di Bai a few days ago.

My head is about to explode!

Where did Di Ye come from?

Di Bai and Di Ye haven't shown up these days, and the air pressure around Bai Xixi is also very low.

It made Caitang dare not even speak big words these days, and even dared not breathe heavily.

The empress seems to be haunted by a bad breath these days, she has no vitality at all, it's terrible.

The reason why it is bad is that Bai Xixi has accidentally broken sixteen teacups, three vases, two bed curtains, and dozens of flowers by accident in the past few days.

What's even more frightening is that the empress would always be in a daze, and then laugh inexplicably, laughing one second, crying the next second, and then turning angry again.

She wondered if the empress had some kind of hysteria?
But it's not easy for her to guess about the master's affairs.


Caitang's heart tightened, and she hurried up: "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Bai Xixi said softly: "I remember, is Bai Lele still training with you?"

Caitang nodded: "Yes, in the past month or so, she has become more obedient, but she has been clamoring to find Lord Bai and Lord Di, saying that she wants to go out."

Also, Bai Lele scolded Bai Xixi so desperately that she told the nuns to stop being polite.

Bai Xixi groaned, then got up: "Go, go and have a look, it just so happens that these few days are boring."

I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it any more, it is estimated that she will not be saved.

In fact, Bai Lele didn't suffer much, and the food and housing were all top-notch, but she would rather not have this kind of treatment and want to go out, this place is really terrible.

Every day before dawn, she would be called up to learn the rules, and only then did she know how many rules there are in the palace.

As long as she makes a slight mistake, she will be pricked with a needle and beaten with a board. What makes her collapse the most is that at night, as long as she fails to remember what she learned that day, she will be ordered not to sleep, and her eyelids will be clamped On the bench, the hair is hung by the hanging beam, and there is an awl under the stool, and the slightest slack will cause blood to bleed.

It's like responding to the head cantilever and the awl stabs the thigh.

Every time this time comes, she hates Bai Xixi even more.

Why, since they are all Bai Cheng's daughters, she has to be hidden outside since she was a child, and when she comes back, she has to bear the name of an illegitimate daughter.

Why, Bai Momo can marry into the palace and become the queen mother, but she can only be beaten and scolded here and learn the rules.

"The Empress Dowager has arrived—"

When Bai Lele stared out of the door resentfully, she was twitched by the old nanny next to her: "What are you staring at! I'm not going to meet the Queen Mother yet!"

Bai Lele knelt down unwillingly.

When Bai Xixi came in, she saw Bai Lele as soon as she came in. Bai Lele's face must have been sallow more than a month ago.

I have thick dark circles under my eyes, and I haven't put on any makeup, so it must be because I don't have time to do it.

Seeing this made her feel much better.

Sure enough, she was the happiest only when she was torturing people.

【…】This is all bad fun.

Bai Lele is not a good person. Back then, Di Pianzhou was deliberately bewitched by her to provoke the original owner, and drew the original owner's blood, resulting in the original owner's death.

And the source of all this was directed and acted by Bai Lele.

Bai Lele didn't have a terminal illness at all, it was just that he couldn't see the original owner get better.

She even did a lot of vicious things, almost like a vicious female supporting role.

She didn't feel guilty at all, and she hoped that such a person would give her a bunch of fun.

Bai Xixi bowed her head resentfully, if she went up at this time, could she die with Bai Xixi?

But she still regretted her life and held back the thought.

Sooner or later, Bai Momo will regret it and beg her!

Di Pianzhou told her that Bai Momo puts all his heart on him now, as long as he survives, his father and Di Pianzhou can drain Bai Xixi's blood and take her out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the Ai family came here today to talk about something outside the palace with the big guys, a few days ago Ai's family went out of the palace and unexpectedly met some kind of Lord Di.

I don't know what's wrong with Master Di's mind, knowing that Ai's identity is still against Ai's family, no, Ai's family asked the people from the criminal department to suppress Master Di and deal with him on the spot.

It is estimated that the sentence will be ten years or 20 years. "

Bai Lele had just finished comforting herself when she heard a voice above her head. When she finished speaking, she slumped on the ground.

"Bai Momo! What are you talking about! What did you do to Di Pianzhou!"

The old mammy frowned and pinched her beside her.

Bai Lele wailed in pain, tears streaming down his face, and he didn't know if it was because of the pain.

Bai Xixi curled her lips into a smile, squatted down, and looked at her condescendingly.

"Di Pianzhou ran into Aijia, it wasn't me that did anything to him, it was him who insisted on bumping into him, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Oh, by the way, you don't know yet.

Master Bai is very busy these days, so he probably doesn't have time to pick you up. "

Bai Lele murmured in a daze: "Impossible, my father clearly gave me a letter, and he clearly said that he would pick me up in a few days!"

 Still 2000 words

(End of this chapter)

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