Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 321 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying

Chapter 321 The Snake Spirit Male God Is Terrifying (9)

Bai Xixi stood up and clapped her hands, condescendingly looking down on her.

"Bai Cheng said that he wanted to take you back. It's just perfunctory. If there are no accidents, Di Yezai must be looking for Bai Cheng. Within half a month, your good father may not be able to protect himself."

Bai Lele suddenly stood up ruthlessly, but was held down by the person next to him, and yelled frantically, "Bai Momo! That's your father too! How can you be so ruthless!"

Bai Xixi narrowed her eyes, and said indifferently: "He was no longer my father when he agreed to send me to the palace, take you back to the Bai family, and send my mother to the nunnery."

If it weren't for Bai Cheng's acquiescence, the old emperor's imperial edict could not have come down so quickly.

After all, the old emperor was still very afraid of Bai Cheng when he was alive.

Bai Lele roared frantically: "Bai Momo! You're going to die!"

Bai Xixi didn't listen to Bai Lele anymore, let her shout from behind, turned around and left.

The original owner is also too stupid. He has the absolute power in his hands but was played to a terrible end, wasting his own buffs in vain.

But after flirting with Bai Lele, she started to get upset again.

"Those who put on a bitter face and didn't know thought you were a widow."

A soft taunt came from behind her, Bai Xixi's eyes lit up, she stood up instantly and turned around.

"Brother? Why are you here?! No, you just said who is a widow!"

Just before the surprise went down, I thought of what he just said, it was too much!

Yan Mo snorted, and sneered disdainfully: "Otherwise you put on a mournful look."

Bai Xixi pouted and said angrily, "I was thinking about something!"

After Yan Mo glanced at her, he sat down slowly.

"Tell me, what problem did you encounter?"

Bai Xixi was about to say something when she realized something.

"Where's Brother Yan Jing? You two are usually inseparable. It seems like this is the second time. It's amazing that you two act separately."

Yan Mo's face became stiff for a moment.

Looking at her with faint resentment: "Can you not open any pot and carry any pot?"

Bai Xixi was stunned for a moment, and then asked curiously, "You two won't quarrel, will you?"

Yan Mo rolled his eyes: "It's up to you, take care of yourself, I warn you, it's best not to mention him in front of me in the future, otherwise we will sever our relationship directly."

The corner of Bai Xixi's mouth twitched: "Is it that serious?"

Yan Mohe chuckled, slowly ridiculing and mocking.

He didn't want to tell Xixi something that she couldn't accept, and it was enough for him to know some things.

In the final analysis, he and her are brothers and sisters who are righteous.

Thinking of this, Yan Mo secretly gritted his teeth, his feelings have been cheated for so many years!
Bai Xixi looked at Yan Mo's face, and felt that the quarrel seemed a bit serious, so she subtly did not mention Yan Jing.

After Yan Mo left, she would ask Brother Yan Jing again.

She had never seen Yan Mo and Yan Jing quarreling like this, and they didn't even let them mention it, obviously it was fine when she returned to the world of time and space.

Man, that's fickle.

"I'm back to my senses, I don't know what kind of messy things I'm thinking about every day, it's actually some waste."

Bai Xixi blocked her, jumped up and shouted: "You'll hate me as soon as you come! I think you want me to be nice, don't you!"

Yan Mo has already formed the function of automatically ignoring Bai Xixi's yelling.

Then he asked himself: "Do you know how long it has been since you entered this plane, the world of time and space?"

Bai Xixi answered casually: "How long? Are you stupid? I have only been here for a few months, and I have only been in the world of time and space for a few hours, not even an hour. I think you are asking some questions. nonsense."

Yan Mo glanced at her like an idiot before saying leisurely, "Three months, it's been three months since you said it in less than an hour."

Bai Xixi opened her mouth wide, thinking that she was having auditory hallucinations.

"You won't tease me, will you?"

Yan Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at her, what do you think.

"The time in the space-time world is disordered?"

Yan Mo: "You're an idiot, it's because the plane is in disorder, and the world of time and space is fine."

Bai Xixi pointed to the sky: "Here?"

"Wouldn't it be Mo Xiao's influence?"

Yan Mo rolled his eyes in disdain, and said nothing, hehe, Mo Xiao, he is not free.

But who did it, she still doesn't know.

"I'll come over to see if you're still alive, and if you're alive, I'll leave."

Yan Mo changed the topic normally.

Bai Xixi also went off the track very cooperatively.

"So fast? Didn't you come back just a few minutes ago? What's the situation? And you didn't say that there is a problem with the time difference between the planes. Is there something going on here?"

"I think you look like a fool. If something happens, I can show up here? I think you are very nourished. Not being here as a light bulb delays the sweetness between you and your man. I'll talk about it when I have time."

Yan Mo thought to himself, if he doesn't go back, if he is found out, he may be doomed.

Bai Xixi was confused: "Ah, wait a minute, no, I have a question to ask you!"

Before he finished shouting, Yan Mo had already disappeared in front of his eyes. After exploring again, he found that there was no place in this plane where Yan Mo's aura existed.

Bai Xixi fell down in frustration, hit her head on the table, and wanted to cry in despair.

Finally, a sensible person came and could explain her doubts, so she just left, what a pit.

He came to see her joke.

It was as if she had slapped herself twice. When Yan Mo asked just now, she should have said directly, what kind of stupid question is she asking!

In the blink of an eye, another month passed, during this period, Dibai Diye seemed to have disappeared, no one came to look for her, and when she went to look for them, she wanted to avoid her on purpose.

It made her feel like kicking a wall.

As a result, Di Yedi didn't see him in vain, and saw an acquaintance from the world of time and space.

The appearance of Jing Mo almost made her cry with joy.

He rushed forward and yelled sweetly: "Uncle, are you here to see the poor me?"

The corner of Jing Mo's mouth twitched, who exactly does this child look like.

"Yes, Sangsang asked me to bring you something, saying it would be useful for you, but I'm leaving soon, if you have anything to say to someone, I can bring it back for you."

Bai Xixi was confused again: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Also? Who else has been here?" Jing Mo asked.

Bai Xixi: "Brother Yan Mo, I came here once a month ago and left in a hurry."

After hearing this, Jing Mo said, "Haha, he can't help it either, but I really have something to deal with."

Bai Xixi took the time to ask her own question this time.

"Uncle, I'm going to ask you a few questions, don't leave without an answer!"

Jing Mo: "..."

Bai Xixi hurriedly said: "The first question, why did they insist on me staying by Mo Xiao's side?

Second question, what else are you hiding from me?
(End of this chapter)

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