Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 325 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 325 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (1)

There is a little princess in the Time and Space Management Bureau, with an arrogant and willful temper, strong spiritual power, and a thick identity and background that is higher than the city wall.

At the same time, his thick skin is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

It would be more accurate to say that she is a little princess than an overlord.

But fortunately, this little overlord is not doing anything wrong. Although his identity is there, it is also very painful to be bullied.

Ask who dares to bully her?

Hehe, there is no one else except her own unreliable parents.

This lawless little princess has a nice name, Jing Lian.

Another name is Bai Xixi.

It is said that when the name was named, Jinghan casually said that it was called "Shocking". After being kicked away by Xia Ye, Yan Mo thought of the tall name "Jinglian".

Yan Mo couldn't help thinking at the time that it was enough to call it Thriller. Hearing that when she named it back then, Jing Han wanted to call him Scary.

A group of snake spirit patients cannot be called fathers at all.

"Damn girl, you have to thank me. If it weren't for me, would you have such a normal name?"

Yan Mo picked up a fruit and swished Erlang's legs.

Next to him, Yan Jing went to the kitchen to bring a pot of water, smiling calmly and gently.

Bai Xixi rolled her big eyes, kicked it skillfully, and was dodged by Yan Mo.

"You still want to kick me with your trick that hasn't changed for thousands of years?"

Bai Xixi stared at him with her mouth shut: "You wait for me!"

Yan Mo laughed awkwardly: "How many years have you kept me waiting, little thriller~"

Bai Xixi inhaled and exhaled, then couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and faced Yan Mo and was about to rush over and kill him!

She was stopped by Yan Jing halfway, Yan Jing dragged her, and comforted her: "Okay, you two, stop fighting, it's not like you don't know that Mo has been like this.

See if there is anything you want to play, I'll find it for you. "

Bai Xixi snorted, glanced at Yan Mo and suppressed her anger: "I don't care as much as you do! If it wasn't for Brother Yan Jing, you would definitely be dead!"

Yan Mo raised a big smile: "Just tell me if you love me, as your own brother, I won't laugh at you, so I don't need to talk about Yan Jing every time."

Bai Xixi went crazy: "Ahhh!! Brother Yan Jing, let me go, I'm going to fight him to the death today!"

Yan Jing had a headache, but still pulled Bai Xixi back.

Yan Mo was not worried at all that Bai Xixi would break free from Yan Jing, after all, this kind of thing had never happened before.

In fact, teasing the little girl is quite fun, but Yan Jing has been blocking it, really.

Yan Jing finally comforted Bai Xixi, and said with Yan Mo, "Why do you always tease her? Xixi's temper is just like that of her mother's, and she can explode at a little bit. It's not like you don't know."

Yan Mo still crossed his legs, and stuffed an orange slice in a foolish way: "It's this kind of temper that is fun, don't you think it's funny when she goes crazy every time?"

Yan Jing: "You are so bored."

Yan Mo smirked twice: "Thank you for the compliment."

Bai Xixi, Yan Mo and Yan Jing live together, but the three of them also have their own residence.

Sometimes Bai Xixi would 'run away from home' for a period of time when Yan Mo was in a hurry.

"That's enough, I won't be named Bai until I don't chop you up next time!

Brother Yan Jing is also the same, every time he uses other things to coax her, he doesn't stand in the same team with me to deal with this annoying Yan Mo!
Every time there is a quarrel, they will pull me, why not pull him.

Eccentric home! "

【Xixi, the administration has your information. 】

The corners of Bai Xixi's eyes twitched. She didn't want to accept it at all, but the fate of not accepting it seemed to be even worse.

After the information was received, there was an instruction directly conveyed by Xia Ye.

There was a serial murder case recently, and she was asked to find out the source and suspects and arrest them.

Here again, here again!

That's why she didn't want to work in the bureau at all, and she was always enslaved.

This time it went too far. What does the serial murder case have to do with the Space-Time Administration?
Shouldn't the Time and Space Administration manage time and space? You should go to the Law Enforcement Bureau for this, right?

Bai Xixi was not in a hurry, and went to the management office first.

Lu Yu Ye Liusheng and Luo Sifan were talking about something, and Bai Xixi said hello.

Luo Sifan laughed twice, gloating: "Are you slaved again?"

"Uncle, can you not talk?"

Bai Xixi complained.

Luo Sifan raised his hands: "Okay, I won't say anything, you can go to the little junior sister, she is with the master."

Of course Bai Xixi knew where Xia Ye was.

After saying goodbye to Luo Sifan and Ye Liusheng, they ran to Jinghan's office.

Walk in without knocking.

"Yan Xiaye! What do you mean? Why do you want me to do something messy again! You... woo woo woo!!!"

Halfway through the conversation, he realized that he could not speak, and glared at the two people inside.

One is full of elegance and shocking years, and the other is fiery red and enchanting, presumptuous and noble.

These two are her extremely pitiful parents!
Xia Ye came over and slammed a fist on it: "Are you looking for death?"

Bai Xixi wants to cry but has no tears, help!

Shocked and cold, he watched his daughter being beaten, without any sympathy.

Xia Ye naturally knew what she was doing, so without any explanation, he forcefully fed her some materials.

"These are the relevant case information, remember well, if you can handle this case well, I will let you go at large for five years, and I will no longer enslave you in anything.

If you can't handle it well, heh, you should hurry back to the management office or the Yan family to work obediently. "

Bai Xixi rolled her eyes twice, staring at Liuyuan.

Xiao Jiujiu began to calculate in her heart, this deal is suitable, if it can last for five years, she completely agrees!
So he blinked desperately, signaling her agreement.

Xia Ye smiled slightly, pretending to be speechless: "Hey, you can talk after you go out."

Bai Xixi: "..."

After the girl left, she shook her head in shock: "Although Keng Lian'er will be in a happy mood, it might be easy to lose the chain this time."

Xia Ye turned her head, stared at him, and said angrily, "Then what do you think? Is it possible that you want her to suffer from time to time like Mo? With Mo Yao alone, I'm enough to worry about it. Let me have another one." Make me feel at ease!"

Shocked and curled his lips, a proper arc was drawn across the edge of his lips, and he said leisurely: "That's not likely, but you'd better be mentally prepared.

Don't go back on the terms you negotiated with Mo Xiao, I can't stand Mo Xiao. "

Xia Ye gritted her teeth: "That dead girl wouldn't be so blind! Ha, how could it be so coincidental to see each other, I don't believe it, don't let others' ambition destroy your prestige here."

Shrugging unintentionally in shock, it's better not to tell her the future he foresees.

Otherwise, Xiaoyeye will explode right now.

 This is the last story of Bai Xixi and Mo Xiao. The hook-up process of the two, which is the side story mentioned earlier, is probably a bit long. After this story is over, it will be Yan Jing and Yan Mo.

  There are changes in Chapter 340, you can refresh to read, or delete the cache and read again.

(End of this chapter)

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