Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 326 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 326 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (2)

Bai Xixi went to her own house, and said hello to Yan Mo and Yan Jing.

The two of them knew that as soon as Bai Xixi went out, Xia Ye and Jinghan would arrange something for her.

Bai Xixi carefully looked at the information Xia Ye gave her.

The method of this serial murder case was very similar to the case she had read in the file.

make dream.

Although she didn't like the work of the bureau, she had basically read all the files of the bureau at the beginning.

Using dreams to kill people makes people fall into nightmares, which creates illusions and kills the people closest to them. When they wake up, they find that they either commit suicide or fall into madness after killing their loved ones with their own hands.

The perpetrator has never appeared, and up to now, five murders have occurred.

After the murderer woke up, three committed suicide, one went crazy, and the other one surrendered himself to the law enforcement bureau and demanded that the death penalty be executed immediately.

The people above felt that the death penalty was too arbitrary and involved a lot of gaffes, so the death penalty did not agree.

She remembered that the creator of the dream was still alive, and had a good relationship with Su Qingran and Luo Sifan.

But it's useless to look for him now. Out of curiosity, she pestered Luo Sifan to take her to meet that person, and asked a lot about dream making. She knew everything she should know.

And she also stayed by that person's side for a month, and specially learned the methods of making dreams and reversing dreams.

She knew why the Space-Time Administration would take care of this matter, because there was a document that any case about dream creation would be handled jointly by the Law Enforcement Bureau and the Space-Time Administration.

She stared at these materials and videos for another night, and always felt that something was wrong.

It should be said that she felt that the information was a bit... fake?

That's right, that's the word to describe it, I can't say why, but it's not like Xia Ye deliberately created a bunch of fake cases to amuse her.

Although that woman was pretty bad, she wasn't so bad.

Bai Xixi went to the Law Enforcement Bureau, intending to meet the detained person first.

"Are you Ji Zhi here?"

Bai Xixi randomly picked someone up and asked.

Everyone in the Law Enforcement Bureau knew Bai Xixi, so they didn't neglect, so they replied: "Ji Zhi is on the field, but he gave an order, saying that if you come, we can directly cooperate with you if you have any problems."

Bai Xixi pondered, it seemed that they had already passed the letter.

"Take me to see Tan Wei."

There are only a few guards in the electronic prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau, because the cells here are all made of electronic spiritual power, as long as the center is not damaged, it is impossible for these people to escape.

Just touching it will cause unimaginable torture.

When Bai Xixi entered the cell where Tan Wei was being held, he saw a man sitting in the corner with a lifeless and decadent expression and no trace of life.

"This is Tan Wei, probably because he knew that he killed his wife, child, mother and friend, and couldn't bear it, so he became what he is now.

It's better to be as crazy as the previous person, and don't have to suffer these crimes. "

The guard sighed.

Bai Xixi waved his hand, and the guard retreated.

Walking to the door of the cell, the people inside were a little silent.

According to the data, Tan Wei is an ordinary person with a lover who is always with him and two children.

He also killed his lover and children with his own hands.

"Tan Wei."

The man closed his eyes, didn't respond, and sat numbly as if he had no soul.

Bai Xixi squinted her eyes, put her palm in front of her, and walked in safely.

Sitting next to the decadent man, he said, "I heard that you and your wife are very affectionate. When you failed in your business, it was your wife who took out all her family property to help you repay the loan.

You are terminally ill, and it is your wife who donated her organs to you to keep you alive. "

Tan Wei's body was ups and downs, and his mood was a little excited, but he just didn't open his eyes.

Bai Xixi didn't turn her head, and continued with her eyes looking forward: "You have lived a happy life for a long time, she gave birth to your children, and you worked hard for him.

Until now, your lives have finally improved, and even have undergone earth-shaking changes.

You have a successful career and have given her the best life, but one day you suddenly feel that she is a little irritable in managing things, and you feel that you are a little tired of seeing this face that has been like a day for more than ten years.

You even think that you have lost a lot of money because of her.

I hate her weak body even more, and hate the way she looks at you every night.


Bai Xixi turned her head and looked at him persuasively.

"You take the sickle of sin in your heart and kill them all."

"Shut up!" A loud roar yelled at her.

But because of being imprisoned by spirit-locking handcuffs, he couldn't move.

"What do you know! You don't understand anything at all! I don't, I don't!" Tan Wei roared with scarlet eyes, falling into a desperate situation like a trapped animal.

"I haven't thought about it that way, I don't know what happened to me in those few days! I feel like I'm even having a ridiculous dream!"

Tan Wei covered his face and said in pain: "I was trapped inside and shouted desperately, desperately trying to stop that demon outside! But I can't help it, I can't help it!!"

"Do you know how desperate I was? Do you know that I wanted to die immediately?!"

Tan Wei yelled at her frantically.

"I watched the person outside who was exactly like me pick up an ax and chopped it down when she was full of joy. I saw with my own eyes that heinous devil stabbed Ling Chi at my children, and I saw with my own eyes the friends and mother who came to visit I also suffered from his poisonous hands, I hate it!"

The more Tan Wei talked, the crazier he became, the greater the ups and downs of his body, and he was about to fall into a state of bewilderment.

Bai Xixi frowned, slowly closed her eyes, and sighed.reach out.

After a flash of white light, Tan Wei fell down softly, and the prison returned to calm.

What a troublesome case.

Tan Wei's state is not dreaming, but being hypnotized, an advanced method of hypnosis, faked into a dream.

What is the purpose?
What is the purpose of the people behind it?
It remains to be seen whether the previous four cases are also in this state.

She just doesn't do it. If she really does something, she will definitely do it with 120 points.

After Bai Xixi came out, the guard said: "You came out so soon, did you ask anything useful?"

She shook her head: "Not yet, I'm leaving first, say hello to Ji Zhi for me."

After going out, she had the address of Tan Wei's house in her hand, which was also the scene of the crime.

So she looked for it according to the address.

Tan Wei and his wife are self-made, perhaps to keep as a souvenir, the house has been living in the old house before, this kind of house is rarely seen in the world of time and space.

(End of this chapter)

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