Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 329 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 329 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (5)

After waking up, Bai Xixi felt extremely tired all over her body, but she didn't know why.

Gritting her teeth angrily, she remembered the incident when she suddenly fainted when she was about to erupt.

At that time, she didn't feel what Mo Xiao had done, but it wasn't because of her own bad luck that she passed out for no reason.

and so!
She doesn't care about this matter, it's all Mo Xiao's fault!

Bai Xixi contacted Xia Ye, a holographic light screen appeared, and Xia Ye's figure appeared in front of her eyes.

"Why do you keep looking for me when you have nothing to do? I don't know I'm very busy." Xia Ye said impatiently.

Bai Xixi frowned, then held back her anger and asked, "Let me ask you, do you know Mo Xiao?"

Mo Xiao didn't do anything dangerous to her while she was in a coma, so he shouldn't be a suspect.

As for why he appeared there and lured her out on purpose, she didn't think he did it on a whim.

Xia Ye raised her eyebrows and said playfully, "Have you met Mo Xiao?"

Bai Xixi narrowed her eyes: "So, you know him?"

Xia Ye shrugged, and then said: "Knowledge means knowing, but I'm not familiar with him, since you've met him, I'm not talking nonsense, take him with you when you investigate the case these few days.

By the way, don't bother me if it's nothing serious. "

Bai Xixi was so suffocated that she couldn't get up or down.

Just when the connection was about to be disconnected, the woman in the light screen remembered something and added: "The big thing I said is that unless you are about to die, the rest will be resolved by yourself.

Good luck, bye~"

Bai Xixi threw a pillow on it, at the same time the light screen disappeared, and the room returned to silence.

Why did she bring Mo Xiao with her?

They have no idea what this man did, shit!
The image of the two kissing in the small alley suddenly appeared in his mind, and his face turned red.

No, no, this man is too dangerous and must not be approached.

Her intuition told her that she would not even have a bone left.

Bai Xixi looked around the room, then hurried out.

It wasn't until I left the house that I took a breath.

Don't let her see him again in the future, it's troublesome.

【Xixi, why don't you ask the two elder brothers for help. If those two intervene, the incident will definitely progress very quickly. 】

You shut up, I don't want it, I don't want to lose face after looking for them.

Besides, she had an agreement with that woman Xia Ye that she could not ask Yan Mo and Yan Jing for help in this case, otherwise the contract would become invalid.

She didn't like to have people intervene while she was handling the case herself.

Now there are signs, follow this line to check, the direction should not be wrong.

Hypnosis, there are many people who can hypnotize in the world of time and space. It can be said that hypnosis is very common, but there are very few people who can practice this kind of deep hypnosis.

Some people are registered, but there are also very few people who have no information.

If you search according to Tan Wei's line...

Bai Xixi returned to the Law Enforcement Bureau and retrieved Tan Wei's biographical information, which was no different from what Xia Ye had given her before.

So she pulled out the information of the first four people.

There is only one thing in common, the feelings of these people are all deep and strong, that's why they can't accept suicide or go crazy when they are sober.

The information circled around her several times in the form of an electronic light screen, and she looked at it all night, but she didn't find any intersection between these people.

It's not that these five people have no enemies, but that the opponents of these people have nothing to do with each other.

It shouldn't be, what went wrong in the end.

She had seen Tan Wei before, and that kind of collapse did not seem to be fake.

"Are you thinking that the attitude of the men in the prison doesn't look like a fake?"

The pleasant and magnetic voice is like mellow strong wine, with a lingering aftertaste.

But this voice sounded like an urge to beat someone in her ears.

Bai Xixi turned around and glared at him, "How did you get in?"

Her house is the center of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and ordinary people cannot enter without a pass.

Mo Xiao hooked his lips: "He walked in."

Bai Xixi: "Okay, I won't talk to you, you walked in, right? Then please go out now, this room belongs to me now, and I don't want you to affect my mood here, so, Can I go?"

Mo Xiao is not a suspect, and he can freely enter and exit the law enforcement bureau. It is very likely that he is also a high-ranking person.

But she didn't think Mo Xiao was an old monster with high authority.

Mo Xiao completely ignored her order to drive away, and walked in with slender legs.

He casually glanced at the messy data files floating in the air.

"Is this how you look at the data? Sure enough, even if you are given another month, you won't see any problems."

Bai Xixi stared at him, resisting the urge to rush up and beat him up: "You are amazing, why don't you solve it."

Immediately, Bai Xixi waved his hand, and all the information disappeared.

These files can be regarded as confidential or personal privacy, and under normal circumstances they cannot be shown to others.

In fact, it's not that you can't show it to others, some colleagues can, but she just doesn't want to show it to him.

Mo Xiao didn't mind either, and sat down lazily, his dark gray pupils shone with an unknown light.

Looking at her: "I heard Jing Han say, your name is Bai Xixi?"

Bai Xixi frowned, he dared to call the old monster by his name.

"none of your business."

Mo Xiao slightly curled his lips into a smile: "I just don't know who gave you this name, it's really casual."

Bai Xixi had a vein on his forehead, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Your name is not casual, what is your name Mo Xiao, you can just call it Hei Qiqi, I think it suits you."

Mo Xiao was taken aback, and after a few seconds he started laughing: "It's really interesting, as expected, you are quite interesting as a toy."

Bai Xixi exclaimed, "Toy? Who do you call a toy?"

Mo Xiao looked at her with self-evident eyes.

After Bai Xixi took a deep breath, he couldn't hold back, and directly attacked with an attack. As expected, he turned a corner and disappeared when he was hit immediately.

"Fuck off! I found out that I can't be in the same space with you, or I'll suffocate to death if I don't kill you!"

Mo Xiao crossed his hands and dragged his chin, his eyes flickered: "Are you angry that I called you a toy?"

Bai Xixi smirked: "Do you think whoever is said to be a toy will feel better?"

Mo Xiao: "I think you should be honored to be my toy. After all these years, nothing can be my toy. Besides, I gave you your life. Why don't you like being my toy?"

Bai Xixi automatically filtered out his last sentence, with a smirk: "Who gave you face, so narcissistic that the skin is thicker than a shoehorn."

Anyway, she couldn't beat this man, so she could only have a bit of lip service, but now the key is that she didn't even have a lip service, so it's so frustrating.

(End of this chapter)

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