Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 330 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 330 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (6)

Mo Xiao smiled lightly, with all sorts of amorous feelings on his feminine and charming face: "You are indeed quite funny, it seems that the business with Jinghan is not a loss."

Bai Xixi was a little stunned for a moment, but his mind echoed what he said, and he couldn't calm down anymore.

She frowned slightly, frowned, and asked in doubt: "Business? What did you two trade in private?"

Then suddenly raised his voice: "Didn't the old monster sell me out!"

It's entirely possible with the physique of the old monster snake spirit, damn it!
Mo Xiao's rare mouth froze, old monster?

"You think chills are old?"

Bai Xixi glanced at him idiotically: "Otherwise? What is a person who has lived as long as the sky is not an old monster?"

Mo Xiao regained his composure: "It's not good for you to say that about your father."

Bai Xixi gritted her teeth, thinking of all the things she had been cheated on before: "I'm not wrong."

Mo Xiao's eyes flashed, he didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression was abusive.

Then, a silver light flashed in his eyes, and the surrounding information that had been put away by Bai Xixi and disappeared reappeared.

Bai Xixi was a little surprised, did he do it?
It was obviously put away with her spiritual power, and if it wasn't for her spiritual power, it wouldn't be able to be opened at all.

"Who the hell are you?" Bai Xixi looked at him with some confusion.

After Mo Xiao glanced at her with a smile, he said slowly, "Is it important?"

Bai Xixi pursed her lips and said nothing, maybe she didn't know what to say.

He gave her a terrible feeling of palpitations, but sometimes she was able to ignore this fear, and sometimes she even forgot that he was a dangerous person.

And Mo Xiao gave her the feeling... It's not so much the same pure feeling as the old monster, it's more like an evil and dark haze down to the bone.

It's too dark for people to see the soul clearly, and it's impossible to detect anything.

Bai Xixi closed her eyes, then slowly opened them, her eyes had regained their clarity.

Since Xia Ye said that he is not a dangerous person, she will not think about anything else for now.

[…] When did Xia Ye say that he is not a dangerous person?

It seems that he only said that this case can be acted with him, right?

Is it because he is a unity and cannot understand human language?Otherwise, wait until the next time you go back and ask Xia Ye to help it upgrade to the next level.

After casually glancing at the information, Mo Xiao said slowly, "Don't you think the first four cases are fake?"

Bai Xixi frowned, and asked, "Fake? Where do you know it's fake?"

"Everywhere, the lives of these people seem to be carefully fabricated, including all interpersonal relationships without any consideration."

Bai Xixi had a subjective resistance to Mo Xiao in her heart, and she really didn't want to agree with what he said, but if what he said was true, she had to refer to it, so she started to criticize.

"There is no research. If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. Why are you not careful? The people around these people are all recorded."

Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, then Bai Xixi felt guilty and turned around to contact someone.

After a while, she suddenly turned around with an ugly expression.

Reluctantly asked: "How did you know that these people don't exist?"

Mo Xiao rubbed his fingers: "If I wanted to tell you the reason, I would have told you already. It's really tiring talking to someone who is not very smart."

Bai Xixi had tried very hard to restrain her temper just now, after all, she couldn't beat it, and it didn't feel good to touch the iron plate.

But what this man said is really embarrassing!
Her teeth are itching!
Bai Xixi snorted disdainfully: "Take what Joe, isn't it because the lives of these four people are too rigidly planned, I really don't know."

Mo Xiao looked at her in surprise: "So you are not a fool."

Bai Xixi: "!!"

I beg the heaven to give her a three-foot white silk to kill him with a glass of poisoned wine!
Cang Tian probably couldn't hear it, after all, Mo Xiao was created and raised by this so-called Cang Tian.

At least she doesn't know that right now.

Mo Xiao stood up suddenly: "Let's go."

Bai Xixi: "Where are you going?"

"Take you to the place where you can solve the case as soon as possible."

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Xixi raised her heel and stepped up.

An abandoned factory, the data shows that it was once the place where sleeping pills were made.

The original legal representative was a woman named Chen Lansu. Later, because of violations, the company and factories were all closed down, and she was also imprisoned and sentenced to life imprisonment for violating the laws of the time and space world.

But just ten years ago, Chen Lansu died of an acute heart attack in prison.

"What do you mean by bringing me here? There are clues here that can solve the case as soon as possible?"

Thinking of this, Bai Xixi couldn't help complaining, she didn't believe that Xia Ye didn't know that the previous four cases were all fake, so she still sneaked her for fun, didn't she?

No wonder she found it weird at first.

Mo Xiao looked inside, with a cool smile: "You know the information about the factory, what do you think of Chen Lansu?"

Bai Xixi followed his gaze, and everything was clean and orderly when it was sealed off.

The factory was covered with spiritual power in accordance with the law and maintained the state before the seizure, also for the convenience of future investigations.

It can be seen from the decoration that Chen Lansu loves to clean up. It is said that she came here to clean it up when she knew it was going to be seized.

After all, it was her painstaking effort for many years.

"Are you asking me this question to say that there is something wrong with Chen Lansu? According to the database, she died a long time ago. If she is related to this incident, then she was killed in the prison?"

Bai Xixi frowned, thought deeply, and murmured: "But since she can't hide it from everyone in the prison of the Law Enforcement Bureau, someone must help her..."

Suddenly, she raised her head and asked, "Is Chen Lansu the one who hypnotized Tan Wei?"

After Mo Xiao glanced at her coolly, he was slightly playful: "I take back what you said about being not smart, but you are still stupid, Chen Lansu is not the one who hypnotizes Tan Wei, on the contrary, Chen Lansu is really already died."

Bai Xixi asked in surprise, "Is he really dead?"

She guessed wrong?

"The real time of Chen Lansu's death was in the afternoon 35 days ago."

As the words fell, Bai Xixi's eyes widened in disbelief.

Something is connected in my mind, the afternoon 35 days ago...

Isn't that the day when Tan Wei's case happened!

Chen Lansu is...

"Chen Lansu is Tan Wei's wife?! is it possible."

She was a little absent-minded, completely bewildered, how could Chen Lansu have anything to do with Tan Wei.

The wife in Tan Wei's materials and dictation is a gentle, considerate, and generous woman, but Chen Lansu is a bit extremely mean and even has a lot of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

How could these two people be one person? Can a person's personality really change so much?
 The internal benefits of New Year's Day have been announced in the group. The top ten of the fan list have small gifts. Privately poke my address and phone number, and it will be mailed home with one click~
(End of this chapter)

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