Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 331 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 331 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (7)

Mo Xiao looked at her playfully: "You think for yourself, I don't want to remind you of the rest."

Bai Xixi suddenly thought of a question, raised her head and asked him, "How do you know so much? You have a purpose, don't you?"

Mo Xiao glanced at her idiotically, and then his eyes flashed: "You really can imagine that Jinghan didn't tell you my identity when he sent you to me?"

Bai Xixi frowned in confusion: "Identity? What identity do you have?"

She just guessed that Mo Xiao was a relatively high-ranking person, what other identity did he have?

Mo Xiao narrowed his eyes, and then said: "So I didn't tell you, so you can just guess.

Bai Xixi: "!!!"

What kind of person is this!
After leaving the factory and returning to the Law Enforcement Bureau, Mo Xiao didn't leave, just followed her without saying a word, and looked at her with inexplicable eyes.

It made her feel uncomfortable all over.

She didn't look at the previous information this time, and brought up Chen Lansu's information again. She had seen it in Tan Wei's information before. Tan Wei's wife was named Quan Rou. They registered their marriage eight years ago. The first child was born two years ago, and the second child was also born three years ago. In the past ten years, the two have shared weal and woe, and their affection is unparalleled. They are the envy of everyone around them.

The two met by accident nine years ago and quickly fell in love.

During the period, Quan Rou also donated an organ for Tan Wei, so there is no reason for Quan Rou and Chen Lansu to be alone.

She read Chen Lansu's profile again.

Fifteen years ago, 15-year-old Chen Lansu opened a company that made sleeping pills and built a factory. Two years later, the company's performance was very good.

However, it was found out by the Law Enforcement Bureau three years later that the sales channel of this sleeping pill was not formal.

Chen Lansu used every one of them to ask medicine consultation to hypnotize them and cast a net.

Everyone who comes here will be hypnotized to a greater or lesser degree, thinking that they have a mental illness and need medical treatment, which is why the sales are so fast.

At the same time, Chen Lansu is also a master hypnotist, and someone from the Law Enforcement Bureau once came to invite her to work in the Law Enforcement Bureau.

It's just that she's on the wrong track.

Bai Xixi thought for a long time, and went through the lines in his mind several times, but he still couldn't figure out the key point.

She glanced at the calm and lazy man sitting beside her, and turned her head stubbornly.

She can!
I don't ask others!

"Who was responsible for Chen Lansu's case?"

The person on the other end of the line replied: "Chen Lansu? Oh, I remembered, her case is quite special, and the person in charge has changed three times."


"Yeah, when I first received the report, it was Ji Zhi who investigated it. When Chen Lansu was handed over to the Justice Bureau, he became An Zhi again. I don't know what happened in the end. After the verdict came down, Ning Zhi brought him here again. Hand over the documents and take Chen Lansu into prison."

It is rare for a case to involve more than three law enforcement officers. Basically, whoever is responsible for a case at the beginning will be responsible to the end.

But Chen Lansu was obviously showing weirdness everywhere.

She doesn't care about Uncle Ji Ling for the time being. The other law enforcement officers are An Shao and Ning Feijue. She doesn't have much contact with these two people, so she can't make any judgments.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered one more thing. It's quite interesting. Did you know that the person who reported Chen Lansu back then was Tan Wei who killed his whole family and is now locked up."

Bai Xixi opened her eyes wide, Tan Wei?
The other party was still saying something ridiculous, but she didn't listen to a word.

Something slowly started to work.

Mo Xiao looked at her inscrutablely, his face full of amusement.

The little toy looks really cute.

Although at first he just agreed to Jinghan's small and innocuous request out of boredom, but now it seems that this small request is not bad.

Since it is already his property...

After Bai Xixi lost contact with the person opposite, she fell into deep thought.

Suddenly thought of something, and kept searching in the database.

Chen Lansu, Tan Wei, Tan Wei's friend Ning Zhuo, hypnotized, died suddenly and disappeared...

The clues in the brain are connected in series one by one to form a graph, which is clearly visible.

For a whole night, she didn't say a word, didn't drink a sip of water, and devoted herself to the case.

The sky was getting brighter, and the first ray of sunlight entered the room, casting mottled shadows on the girl, looking peaceful and natural.

Mo Xiao just watched her like this all night, but he restrained his aura very intimately, not as strong as usual.

So Bai Xixi completely forgot that there was someone else in the house that night.

When he figured it out, he suddenly raised his head with excitement on his face, and only then did he think of Mo Xiao.

Dian Dian ran over: "Let me ask you, it was Ning Zhuo who really hypnotized Tan Wei, right?!"

The girl looked at him with earnest anticipation in her eyes, brightening up.

Mo Xiao felt that there was something strange in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

"Tell me why it's Ning Zhuo?" Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Bai Xixi snorted, and said it directly regardless of her own opinion of him.

"If Chen Lansu is Quan Rou, it's actually easy to explain, it's not that a person's personality has changed so much, but Quan Rou's character is disguised by Chen Lansu.

There have been cases showing that if a person pretends to be too long, then this person is very likely to develop schizophrenia.

The main character and the secondary character collide together, and in the end the stronger one stays, while the other hides or disappears.

Chen Lansu, no, it should be said that when she gave up the name Chen Lansu, there was only Quan Rou left in the world, a Quan Rou who loved Tan Wei, disregarded her own life, and was willing to bear children for him. "

Mo Xiao nodded with interest: "And then."

Seeing that he didn't say anything against it, Bai Xixi knew that her guess was almost right.

Continued: "Chen Lansu escaped from the Law Enforcement Bureau to his death, changed his name and changed his surname, and found Tan Wei. The original purpose was for revenge, but he didn't expect to fall in love with him in the process of getting rid of it step by step.

For him to hide his true character, for him to abandon his original main character, give up everything before, and lose everything about himself.

So Quan Rou was completely born.

But she gave up, some people are not willing to give up.

Ning Zhuo, the person who invested in the establishment of the company's factory for Chen Lansu, was willing to give up the equity and all that he deserved to Chen Lansu.

Because Ning Zhuo liked her, when he knew what happened to Chen Lansu, he even wanted to take the blame, but he might have been hypnotized by Chen Lansu or stopped him by other means. "

Bai Xixi looked at Mo Xiao's expression while talking, but found that he couldn't see anything except the corners of his mouth that were always curled up, with a hint of sarcasm and confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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