Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 332 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 332 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (8)

I can't help but feel a little discouraged. Is what she said right? Give me a letter, will you die if you give me a letter?
【Xixi, why do you want him to be sure so much? 】

What do you say? !Why should I make him sure!I am investigating the right and wrong of the case objectively!

Mo Xiao obviously knows the ins and outs of the matter, if he told me directly, wouldn't the progress be faster!
She didn't admit that she wanted this man's affirmation!

"The deduction is correct, and then."

Suddenly a pleasant and magnetic voice sounded, Bai Xixi's eyes lit up, and she was extremely excited.

The newly established flag was immediately forgotten.

Immediately, he began to speak energetically again: "When Ning Zhuo found out later, Chen Lansu had already been locked up. Ning Zhuo was unwilling and wanted revenge, so he approached Tan Wei.

Deliberately making friends with Tan Wei, on the other hand also thinking of a way to rescue Chen Lansu.

Coincidentally, Ning Zhuo and Ning Feijue are direct relatives, so he begged Ning Feijue to bring Chen Lansu out.

After Ning Feijue blew up Chen Lansu to death, he voluntarily resigned from the Law Enforcement Bureau, and asked himself not to enjoy any benefits from the Law Enforcement Bureau in the future.

This is also a debt he owes to the Law Enforcement Bureau, a debt to his own beliefs.

After Chen Lansu went out, she also wanted to take revenge. After contacting Ning Zhuo, Ning Zhuo didn't agree with her approach to get close to Tan Wei, but he had never been able to screw her up. I guess what happened later is that Chen Lansu fell in love with Tan Wei Wei and Ning Zhuo felt resentful and prepared to die together with Tan Wei and Chen Lansu, which is why this hypnotic murder case happened. "

After Bai Xixi finished speaking, she looked at Mo Xiao with sparkling eyes, waiting for him to speak.

Mo Xiao tapped the table lightly with his fingers, there was no detectable emotion in his thin smile.

Finally, he spoke.

"You are very good. With a little hint, you can look up the information and deduce this one, but there are still some shortcomings."

Bai Xixi was a little puzzled: "Lack?"

Mo Xiao looked at her and smiled lightly, reaching out his hand to cover her eyes: "Why don't you see for yourself."

In an instant, many different pictures appeared in front of her eyes, and the noisy voice in her ear was a little restless.

Slowly, the picture and sound became quieter.

The scene in front of me was shown like a movie.

The previous picture and her guess were all right, Ning Zhuo was hypnotized by Chen Lansu for a month, and a month later Chen Lansu's time had settled, and when he was full of resentment, he found Tan Wei and pretended to be friends.

Ning Feijue couldn't stand Ning Zhuo's pleading, and agreed to bring Chen Lansu out, spending every day in self-blame.

When Chen Lansu came out, she changed her name to Quan Rou, changed her appearance, and used Ning Zhuo's middle relationship to get acquainted with Tan Wei.

Ning Zhuo was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. He could only protect her by Chen Lansu's side, preventing Tan Wei from taking advantage of her.

Later, one day Ning Zhuo saw Chen Lansu and Tan Wei sleeping together, his eyes turned red with anger, and he went mad instantly.

Tan Wei only thought that Ning Zhuo was angry at him for taking away his sister, but he didn't expect that Ning Zhuo was angry at losing his beloved.

Later, Chen Lansu glared at him before stopping.

As I said before, Chen Lansu is a woman with a very clean personality. When she realized that she fell in love with Tan Wei, she immediately gave up her revenge plan and wanted to spend the rest of her life with Tan Wei.

However, during a certain chat, she found that Tan Wei was deeply concerned about the incident of hypnotizing and selling drugs, and even expressed his wish that Chen Lansu, the instigator in the prison, would be sentenced to death.

Because during a certain hypnosis, Tan Wei's father failed the hypnosis, his nerve ruptured, he went crazy and died.

Chen Lansu was worried that Tan Wei would discover her identity, so she made up her mind to perform deep hypnosis on herself, making herself completely Quan Rou.

It was too late when Ning Zhuo rushed over, and he couldn't help her come back from hypnosis again.

Because Chen Lansu didn't leave any way out for herself, if someone counter-hypnotized her again, she would have a nervous breakdown and become an idiot.

After the hypnosis, Chen Lansu completely regarded himself as Quanrou, and Ning Zhuo as his brother, and completely forgot about the previous things.

But Ning Zhuo was immersed in pain every day, and gradually developed demons.

Seeing Quan Rou and Tan Wei living such a happy and sweet life getting better and better, he came up with a crazy idea.

He has done so much all in vain. If he can't get it, why can others get it.

In this case, let's all die together.

There is this carefully planned murder.

Chen Lansu woke up at the last moment, trying to use her last strength to hypnotize Tan Wei to forget her, but she couldn't do it, and finally closed her eyes.

These ten years are a long time, but it took her a few minutes to read them all.

Bai Xixi felt a little sad after reading it, who is to blame?

If Chen Lansu had cared a little bit about Ning Zhuo at the beginning, perhaps this situation would not have happened.

But on the other hand, if Chen Lansu didn't do those things that violated the rules of time and space, there wouldn't be so many follow-ups.

Chen Lansu is pitiful, Ning Zhuo is pitiful, and Tan Wei is even more pitiful.

Perhaps she knew in her heart that with the character of a woman like Chen Lansu, she would definitely not leave any thoughts for the other party, and there was nothing wrong with her attitude towards Ning Zhuo.

On the surface, Ning Zhuo has been pestering her all the time, and everything, including the escape from prison, was done by Ning Zhuo on his own initiative, but is there really nothing wrong with Chen Lansu?

"If you have time to think about messes, why not think about how to explain Tan Wei's case to the Law Enforcement Bureau."

The warm hand left her eyes, and there was a bit of coolness.

Bai Xixi suddenly felt nostalgic, and she didn't know what was wrong with her.

"Of course it's how to explain how to explain, but why do you show all the scenes in their lives?"

In the plane is in the plane, but this is the real world, everyone is independent and unexplorable, she is very curious how Mo Xiao did it.

After the man smiled mysteriously, he walked out, his figure disappeared, and only one sentence was left behind.

"If you think I might as well think about how to sentence Tan Wei to prison, we will meet again soon."

Xixi subconsciously moved her legs to catch up, but she paused, then shook her head, what happened to her.

According to Tan Wei's situation, it was the first time that the sentencing still needed to be discussed, and it was not up to her alone to decide.

However, her five-year vacation has arrived! !
Bai Xixi suddenly thought of something, stretched out his hand, and three bottles appeared in his hand, and the sparkling spirits in the bottles were scattered and could not be gathered.

Well, what about these three.

At first she thought of a way to revive them, but after figuring out the ins and outs, she didn't know whether to revive them or not.

She was a little confused, and suddenly she glanced at the black piece of paper where Mo Xiao was sitting.

Curiously, he walked over to pick it up, and then slightly hooked his lips, his mood suddenly brightened.

(End of this chapter)

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