Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 333 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 333 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (9)

Going to the cell to see Tan Wei again, the feeling is different from seeing Tan Wei before.

Presumably he loves Quanrou so much that he has nothing to love.

Although the previous four cases were all false, Tan Wei might as well be crazy.

If he knew that Quan Rou was Chen Lansu, he wondered if he would really go crazy.

After Tan Wei raised his eyes and saw Bai Xixi, he laughed mockingly: "You are here again, do you want to see how embarrassed I am now?"

Bai Xixi looked at him calmly, without saying a word.

Tan Wei said desolately: "Although I don't know what your status is in the Law Enforcement Bureau, I don't think it will be too low. I want to ask you one thing."

"Tell me." Bai Xixi said in a low voice.

"If you can, please sentence me to death as soon as possible. I can hardly survive every day here. My mind is full of them, please."

Bai Xixi couldn't deny his thoughts, and Tan Wei could say that his willpower was already very strong.

"Sorry, I can't do it. Your final sentence is not decided by me, and whether it is the death penalty is not certain."

Tan Wei glared at her viciously: "Not necessarily? You told me not necessarily? I have already become like this, why not?
I killed people, I killed five people, all of them were my dearest and dearest people, I am a beast, why is the verdict still not coming down! "

Bai Xixi looked at him pityingly outside, and then slowly said: "If you are not sentenced to death, will you choose to live after you get out?"

"No!" Tan Wei replied firmly without hesitation.

He wanted to give an explanation to Quanrou, to his child, to his mother and close friends.

Every day, every day, he looks forward to the day when he will be reunited with them.

Bai Xixi suddenly said: "Don't you want to know who is hypnotizing you?"

Tan Wei was taken aback: "Hypnosis?"

Then he showed a clear expression: "It turned out to be hypnosis, but so what, I don't want to know."

Bai Xixi: "No, you want to know, if you didn't have the person who hypnotized you, you would still have a happy family, don't you hate it?"

Tan Wei's expression was a little moved, he didn't know whether he should hate it or not.

"I didn't offend anyone at all, why, why did you do this to me!"

It is said that men don't cry easily, maybe they have never experienced real sadness.

Bai Xixi took out two bottles filled with spiritual seeds.

Tan Wei stared blankly at the two bottles, feeling warm.

"I'm going to give you a choice now, and here are the spiritual seeds I collected at your house that haven't dissipated.

One is Ning Zhuo, the other is your little daughter, I have the ability to resurrect one of them, you choose.

Or if you choose neither, I will destroy these two bottles now, and you continue to wait for your death sentence to come down. "

Tan Wei was a little excited and rushed forward, but was bounced back.

"What did you say?! You said there is a way to revive them?!"

"There is only one."

Tan Weigang was instantly dimmed and tangled with the brilliance of hope.


"By the way, I want to let you know that the person who hypnotized you is Ning Zhuo."

Tan Wei's eyes widened in shock, and he lost his strength and slumped on the ground.

After leaving the Law Enforcement Bureau, Bai Xixi felt relaxed and the sun was so good.

She can go to that woman for a vacation, hahaha! ! !

[Be careful that extreme joy begets sorrow. 】

Rolling, why are you so disappointed.

[I'm just telling the truth, which time you said you played with them, and which time you were not half-dead by being cheated. 】

Believe it or not, I will spread your words?
[Don't, don't, I'm wrong, I'm wrong. 】

Bai Xixi went back full of joy, but found that the atmosphere in the management office was not very good.

Luo Sifan and the others all gave her a sympathetic look.

Bai Xixi felt baffled, what could she sympathize with?
Walking to the door of Jinghan's office, before entering the door, I heard people inside seemed to be arguing.

"Okay, okay, worry about your bastards, I'll go!"

A roar startled her.

Then Jing Mo came out and happened to meet.

When Jing Mo saw her, his eyes were quite complicated, and he said with a little sadness: "Xiao Lian'er, I can't help you anymore, you have to persevere in the past five years, don't be kidnapped, and contact me in time if you need anything. I must hurry up and show up."

The white black face with question marks, why does it seem to be explaining the funeral?
"Get out of here!" Xia Ye came out violently and yelled at Jing Mo.

Jing Mo snorted and disappeared immediately.

Bai Xixi asked with some doubts: "What happened to Uncle Jingmo?"

After Xia Ye glanced at her, she said, "You don't care, come in."

Bai Xixi: "..."

She suddenly had a bad feeling and didn't want to go in.

Sure enough, her premonition came true the first time she saw Mo Xiao.

"Why are you here?"

Mo Xiao curled his lips into a smile without explaining.

Xia Ye annoyed Bala and rolled her eyes.

Jinghan sat on the swivel seat and spun it at a slight angle.

"Lian'er, you are very courageous, you are worthy of being my daughter."

Shocked and cold, he said in a state of watching a play and fearing that the world will not be chaotic.

Bai Xixi pointed to herself and asked, "Bold?"

Xia Ye couldn't bear to tell her who Mo Xiao really was, it was too much.

She felt that the biggest failure in her life was being with Jinghan and having an idiot and brainless daughter.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just tell her that Mo Xiao is born with darkness and you are in opposition, is it so difficult!"

Xia Ye couldn't help staring at the startled cold and growled twice.

Bai Xixi was in a mess in the wind, and his whole body was in a state of petrification, motionless.


Born and raised?

Against the old monster?

Funny too!
"So, Mo Xiao is also an old monster?"

After a while, Bai Xixi turned her head to Xia Ye in a daze, and murmured a word.

It successfully made the shocked expression stiffen.

A hint of dark danger flashed in Mo Xiao's eyes, huh, old monster?

The corners of Xia Ye's mouth twitched. She knew that Lian'er and Mo were calling Jing Han the old monster behind their backs, but she didn't expect to be stimulated to speak out in front of Jing Han Mo Xiao today.

Forget it, she can't control it. Although Jing Han never beat or scolded her, he has a lot of tricks to hurt her.

Good luck to yourself.


"Ahem, I won't play tricks with you, I have something to tell you about disappearance."

Bai Xixi's heart sank, thinking that it must be something bad.

"Starting today, you will move in with Mo Xiao for five years."

As Xia Ye's tone fell, Bai Xixi jumped up, her face twisted into a disfigured shape.

"Say it again! What nonsense are you talking about? Are you my own mother? It's fine to mess with me casually. Are you going to sell your daughter for this kind of thing?
Do you have any humanity, do you have any kindness!

Can we still get along happily! ! ! "

(End of this chapter)

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