Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 334 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 334 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (10)

Bai Xixi's face was red with anger, and the whole room could feel the anger radiating.

Xia Ye's forehead twitched, hehe, he was quite energetic.

Pushing away the person who was in front of her eyes, he said without any conscience: "We have never been very happy together.

I warn you, you must be by Mo Xiao's side within five years, otherwise I will take your skin off when I come back. "

Bai Xixi went crazy: "You liar! You agreed to give me a five-year vacation after finishing Tan Wei's case!"

Xia Ye glanced at her and said coolly: "I promised you, so you only need to follow Mo Xiao closely for the past five years, and I won't give you any other cases."

Bai Xixi: "..."

Come on!There is such a saying!
She rolled her eyes around and then changed direction, not daring to confront Xia Ye head-on, and unable to confront Jinghan sideways, all her anger was passed on to Mo Xiao.

"Mo Xiao! You bitch! What did you say to them?!"

Even if his status could be compared with Jinghan, she didn't have any fear at all, and some were all angry.

Shocked: "..."

Xia Ye: "..."

This kid is bluffing enough.

If Mo Xiao wanted to crush her to death, moving his little mother's fingers would be a fuss.

Qi Gu Mo Xiao was not only not angry, but even smiled.

Xia Ye was a little surprised. When Lian'er was just born, she saw Mo Xiao for the first time. At that time, when she came into contact with him, she felt like touching an emotionless wooden man, not a wooden man.

Because Mo Xiao is not interested in anything, even though he was born in darkness, he has no ambitions, which is completely different from Mo Yao's perverseness.

"I like the toy you gave me very much. Since I gave it to me, I should have the right to take her away, so I won't keep more."

Mo Xiao said, and then grabbed Bai Xixi's dazed wrist and disappeared immediately.

Xia Ye subconsciously chased after them, only to find that the two of them had completely disappeared.

Frowning, walked to Jinghan's side and patted him: "Can you do it?"

Jinghan shrugged helplessly: "This is our own decision, there is nothing wrong with him taking Lian'er away, it will be the same sooner or later."

Xia Ye grinds her teeth, the little flames rubbing against each other.

Bai Xixi felt a little dizzy when she was taken away suddenly, but when she stood still, she found that she was back in Mo Xiao's house.

"Let go, what do you mean by bringing me here?" Suddenly realizing that his wrist was still being held by him, he shook it displeasedly.

Mo Xiao cooperated and let go.

"You didn't listen to your parents, they sold you to me." The man looked at her with interest.

Bai Xixi exhaled to calm herself down.

"Sell? You figure out what it means to sell. You only sell when there is a deal. You don't have anything to buy. How can you say I was sold?"

"How do you know I didn't pay anything?"

Mo Xiao suddenly said this, and Bai Xixi stopped when he was about to say more.

She was really not sure if those two people had a private deal with him.

But... What does Xia Ye Jinghan need to make a deal from Mo Xiao?

It's not scientific.

"Well, what did you say you paid for? Now it's my own business. I want to find out why I have to live with you for five years."

Mo Xiao reached out to touch her head, but Bai Xixi opened it.

"What have I paid? It's just a little bit, and it doesn't make any difference whether I say it or not."

Bai Xixi's beautiful eyes widened, and she raised her voice and screamed: "Just because of these two insignificant bastards, you sent me out?"

Mo Xiao laughed, completely ignoring it, all he needed to know was that his toys would always be by his side in the end.

"I think it's easier for you to accept your fate."

Bai Xixi jumped away, wailing: "I don't!!!"

God, why did you treat her like this!

Heaven doesn't treat her like a granddaughter at all!

[…] My master has a problem with his brain.

Bai Xixi has realized that there is no most neurotic, only more neurotic. Compared with the old immortal monster in her family, this old immortal monster is more neurotic.

It has been a month since that day, and during this month, she can walk around and do whatever she wants in Mo Xiao's house, but she just cannot go out.

Okay, don't go out if you don't go out, but can you let her talk to someone.

She couldn't see Mo Xiao's shadow all day long, not because she couldn't, but when she saw the man, she didn't say a word, like a dull gourd.

As a result, she can only complain to the little hot chick Koukou now.

[! ! !Don't tell me if you have the ability, you have the ability to knock on that uncle Mo Xiao's door, do you have the ability to be locked up here and cry, you are a little hot chicken! ! ! 】

Bai Xixi: "..."

Hey, you're amazing, aren't you?
【I'm amazing! What can you do to me! 】Anyway, it is protected by Xia Ye, it is fearless and has no fear.

Bai Xixi hated to demolish the house.

In fact, she has done this before, no matter how much spiritual power hits it, no matter how strong the spiritual power attack is, the house is as motionless as a ghost, without any cracks.

It won't break if you drop it, and it won't break if you smash it.

Who can understand the pain of wanting to vent but not being able to vent.

I had no choice but to put a sandbag in the room and beat and box every day to vent my anger.

Mo Xiao didn't restrict her communication, but she had no one to contact.

But after holding it in for a month, Bai Xixi finally couldn't hold it back anymore.

He took the initiative to contact Yan Mo and Yan Jing.

When she was connected, she almost cried when she saw the faces of the two people.

"You are crying, your face is so ugly." Yan Mo saw something was wrong first, and said habitually.

And Yan Jing was the first to pay attention to the layout of the room behind Bai Xixi, and then his eyes flickered inadvertently.

He also said, "Have you remodeled your house?"

Bai Xixi knew that Yan Mo had nothing nice to say, and just as she was about to reply, she heard Yan Jing asking.

Immediately, she cried to Yan Jing: "This is not my room, you don't know how I spent this month, it's going to be moldy."

Yan Mo frowned, and asked: "Where are you, why can't I sense your position in the space-time world?

Go to the plane to do the task again? "

Bai Xixi also froze for a moment, subconsciously said: "No way, you really can't sense me?"

Yan Mo: "Nonsense, would I joke with you like this?"

Yan Jing didn't speak.

Bai Xixi waved her hand: "Oh, don't worry, it doesn't matter if you can't sense it, I just want to talk to someone."

As long as a living creature can come and talk to her, anything will do.

God knows, for more than a month, she hasn't even seen a cockroach.

It can be said that in the whole villa, except for her and Mo Xiao, no one is alive, not counting.

Yan Mo became curious: "Speak, do you have a fever?"

"You just have a fever!"

"That's weird. Even if no one talks to you, you wouldn't be looking for us. Don't you usually prefer to go to other places to have fun by yourself? Why did you change your sex today?"

(End of this chapter)

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