Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 340 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 340 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (16)

Brother, are you serious?
In front of him was a dilapidated ruin with broken walls everywhere. The villa was desolate and collapsed, and some of the walls had turned yellow and dropped slag.

The trees fell, the rocks were covered, and the wind and sand were all over the place. It was hard to look at the desolate ones.

Where is it so dreamy from the outside, red maple green trees, emerald bamboos and flowing water, mandarin ducks and birds, it's all a dream.

Deeply feeling that he was cheated, Bai Xixi looked at Yan Mo deeply: "You did it on purpose, you already knew that, didn't you?"

Yan Mo spread his hands and smiled, showing his teeth: "Of course, otherwise why would I bring you here."

Bai Xixi was about to beat someone up with her fist, but Yan Jing stopped in front of Yan Mo at some point: "Xixi, there are outsiders here, don't make trouble."

Yan Jing's words are generally very useful to Bai Xixi, and Bai Xixi restrained her temper, held back, and gave him a warning look, and the latter gave her an unbeatable smile back.

And Mo Xiao, who was said to be an outsider, narrowed his eyes slightly, a little dangerously.

Oh, outsiders?
Just don't know who is the real outsider.

Although I don't know what his purpose is for being by their side for so many years, but the two of them have always kept out of each other's way. As long as they don't interfere with each other, they will ignore each other by coincidence.

Come to think of it, there was also a purpose for him to appear beside them.

Mo Xiao suddenly grabbed Bai Xixi's waist, brought her to him, leaned close to her ear, and whispered softly: "You'd better follow me closely, otherwise, you won't have the chance to come out next time. "

Bai Xixi: "..."

Why is she so controlled by others?
It's unscientific, and what's even more unscientific is that she doesn't have any rebellious psychology. Is she sick?

Or did this man cast a spell on her?
Her ears were itchy and a little uncomfortable. She pushed Mo Xiao away, and looked away: "I see, I owed you in my previous life."

Bai Xixi: "So, you definitely didn't bring me to play with me. What's your purpose?"

She stared at Yan Mo coldly, wishing to stare him out of a few holes.

Yan Mo put his arms around his chest and looked at her with contempt: "Of course I brought you here to do coolies, otherwise why would I give up my strength."

Bai Xixi hissed, but was held back again.

Ever since he was a child, Yan Mo has never looked like an older brother, but this is no real brother.

Brothers in other people's families always greet their younger sisters, but this one in her family is good. Both the elder brother and the parents are all out of their minds.

It's just that Yan Jing's brother is more normal, which gives her a little psychological comfort.

Bai Xixi suppressed her anger, and since she hadn't found a way to kill Yan Mo with one blow, she endured it first.

"Tell me, what's the situation here, why is there such a big difference between the outside and the inside?"

After the squabbling, she began to face up to it. They were all responsible for all the disordered phenomena in the space-time world and investigated the results.

This is their responsibility from birth.

Yan Mo's eyes were a bit complicated, and after looking around, he slowly said: "This place has been swept away by Yan before."

Bai Xixi was taken aback, Yan...

She has seen the introduction of Yan in the materials, and Yan is a kind of nihilistic creature that has existed since the beginning of the world.

Throughout the ages, the places swept by Yan have been said to be very beautiful, but there is no definite information to tell people what is the depth of beauty.

Nightmare likes to choose beautiful places to appear. It is said that it will take the beauty of a certain place as its own and send the people in this place to bliss.

(End of this chapter)

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