Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 341 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 341 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (17)

The places swept by Nightmare will be more beautiful and unbelievable, and there was even a case where it was even more absurd.

Someone spent all his wealth to build a dream castle in order to summon Nightmare, and he didn't even want his wife and children. As a result, he got hysteria and madness, and was abandoned by everyone in a lunatic state.

Died on a bleak night, no one collected the body, but there was a contented smile on his face.

Some people said that he was insane because he saw Nightmare, while others said that he ended up like that because he fantasized about hysteria all day long, but there is no way to verify the facts.

Bai Xixi also paid more attention to it: "You mean that this place will become like this in the final analysis because of the appearance of Yan?

Are those who disappeared...are they still there? "

Yan Mo raised his eyebrows irrelevantly: "Who knows, go in and have a look."

Bai Xixi frowned, and then followed. If Yan really appeared, this place must be resolved.

Yan Mo and Bai Xixi walked in front, while Yan Jing and Mo Xiao behind were immersed in a strange atmosphere.

Yan Mo and Bai Xixi didn't see the clue.

The more you go inside, the more desolate and desolate, faded and yellowed, old like a ruin.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is too deceiving. There is a huge difference between the outside and the inside. If people outside know this kind of virtue inside, will they feel that they are fools, and they will look outside every day?"

Yan Mo smiled: "Who knows, maybe this place will disappear after today."

If it is determined whether the people who lived here are dead or alive, then this place can be completely destroyed.

Nightmare can't be grasped or touched, and it won't disappear. The only way is to destroy the places that Nightmare swept away.

But fortunately, the frequency of nightmares is not too high, it will only appear once in hundreds of years, and if you are lucky, it will not appear in 800 or [-] years.

And it will not return to the places it has swept away.

Bai Xixi cut, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten something.

After thinking about it in confusion, he was suddenly shocked and turned around abruptly.

There is not even a shadow behind.

"Hey, you still have to go, Brother Yan Jing and Mo Xiao are all gone!"

As soon as Bai Xixi finished speaking, she was stunned when she turned around, and her footsteps stopped. Not only did Yan Jing and Mo Xiao disappear, but even Yan Mo who was by her side just now also disappeared...

She frowned, her eyes turned cold.

Dare to play tricks under her nose, she was stunned for a few seconds before she realized it.

Stretching out her hand, she drew a few circles in the air, and white aura emerged from her fingers, and in an instant, spiritual power spread all over her surroundings.

Withdrawing his fingers, he pushed forward hard, and after the spiritual power was scattered, the fog gradually dissipated.

There was only one person in sight.

Bai Xixi stepped forward and said, "Brother Yan Jing, where are the two of them?"

Yan Jing's eyes flashed, and she chuckled: "It should be fine, don't worry, I will take you to the central area first, and Mo will go there directly."

Bai Xixi thought for a while, it's okay, only by finding the center can I know what's going on.

Yan Jing retracted the look in his eyes, and sneered, he really underestimated Yan, who was just trash and useless spirit, if it wasn't for the sake of not being exposed, he really wanted to wipe this out directly.

Sensing that Yan Mo was fine, he took Bai Xixi to the central area.

"Xi Xi, let's exchange spiritual power, save a while and get separated again."

Yan Jing said softly.

Bai Xixi nodded, and continued to move forward after exchanging a small amount of spiritual power with Yan Jing.

 Note: Nightmare was made up by me.

(End of this chapter)

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