Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 342 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 342 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (18)

On the way, Bai Xixi chatted with Yan Jing.

"Brother Yan Jing, I have always wanted to ask you some questions, but I just don't know how to ask them."

Yan Jing smiled calmly, and his voice was comfortable and refreshing: "Just say what you want to say, and you still play around with me?"

Bai Xixi was a little embarrassed, she always couldn't get tough with Brother Yan Jing.

"I'm curious, have you and Brother Yan Mo been inseparable?"

Yan Jing didn't know what to think, and said softly: "Yes, we have been together and never separated."

"Then don't you find it annoying? Every day when you open and close your eyes, you see your own face, don't you feel awkward?"

Bai Xixi asked again.

"You just don't have twins, maybe you won't feel that way if you have twins."

Yan Jing said lightly.

Bai Xixi scratched her head, still not understanding, is this the way twins get along?

The relationship between Brother Yan Mo and Brother Yan Jing is too good.

And: "Why do you always stop me when I quarrel with Brother Yan Mo, but never stop him."

Yan Jing suddenly hooked his lips, his expression flickered, and he said lightly: "Xi Xi, you are really cute."

Bai Xixi: "??"

Although it was a compliment to her, why did it sound weird?

"Mo's measured, he's just teasing you, don't always blow up when he just says a few words, please be a lady."

White and black lines: "I guess I won't be a lady in this life."

Yan Jing smiled and shook her head: "How come, acting like a baby occasionally may bring about different effects."

Bai Xixi let out a high-pitched voice, "Acting like a baby? Then one day, if you really act like a baby, you'll be out of your mind. Thinking about it makes you feel cold."

When she said this, she never expected that one day she would slap herself in the face.

That coquettish person was more than aversion to cold, with goosebumps all over the floor.

Yan Jing smiled and said nothing, this girl has a great future.

"But I'm still curious, with Brother Yanmo's temper, don't you ever bother him for a moment?"

Yan Jing curled her lips a little funny: "Annoying? What are you thinking about, be careful, I will go out and sue."

Bai Xixi stuck out her tongue: "You don't know how to do it."

The two chatted a lot on the way, most of which were Bai Xixi talking and Yan Jing listening, acting as a confidant big brother.

Suddenly, Yan Jing took the initiative to ask a question: "Would you feel any discomfort around Mo Xiao?"

Thinking of this, Bai Xixi became discouraged: "It's not that uncomfortable, it's just a little annoying."

Yan Jing raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Troublesome?"

After finally talking about this topic, Bai Xixi vomited out all her bitterness.

"It's just trouble! I don't know what kind of madness those two people have. They insisted that I stay by Mo Xiao's side for five years. Well, five years is five years. It doesn't take long. Renren passed. But Mo Xiao was so boring.

For a whole month, do you know how many words the two of us have spoken? "

She stretched out two palms, and compared them: "Ten sentences, no more than ten sentences!
It doesn't matter if no one is by my side, but there is someone who can say less than ten sentences in a month when I am by my side, and he is playing dumb. "

"Also, I don't even bother to talk about it. Fortunately, I don't care if I eat or not, but he doesn't know how to prepare at all, and still won't let me go out. In the end, he just said that he forgot to open the restriction, and he forgot. "

(End of this chapter)

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