Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 344 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 344 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (20)

She thought of a question, the old monster and Uncle Jing Mo are about the same level, they are two people, but Mo Xiao is the only one who symbolizes the darkness?
No way, he can stand up to the old monster and Uncle Jing Mo combined?

The sky is too eccentric, why should a two to two be born to be fair.

"What are you thinking?" Mo Xiao suddenly appeared beside her and spoke out.

Bai Xixi was startled, and patted her chest: "It's nothing, nothing."

Don't dare to ask, don't dare to ask, because the bosses can't afford to provoke them.

Yan Mo slapped her on the back of the head: "Don't think about waste in your head. If you can't find the source of these active spirits today, go back and ask the old monster and come back tomorrow."

Bai Xixi covered her head and gave him a displeased look.

"I don't think it should be used. It should be resolved today." Yan Jing said.

Yan Mo said directly: "You saw the problem, you didn't say it earlier."

Yan Jing ignored him and said, "Have you heard of different dimensions?"

Bai Xixi asked, "Is it similar to the crack in time and space?"

Yan Jing nodded: "I understood very quickly. The time-space rift is a place between various planes, and the people here are probably trapped in the same place in a different dimension. In other words, they may also be trapped Some kind of space-time rift."

Yan Mo murmured: "Yeah, why didn't I think of it, a different dimension."

He looked up: "Split the alien space?"

Yan Jing shook his head: "I once read in a book that in the places that have been raided by Yan, the alien space is not so easy to find, the chance of opening a space is very small.

At least there are tens of thousands of different dimensions here, how can you be sure which one is trapping those people? "

Yan Mo rolled his big eyes, the most annoying thing was that Yan Jing always said half and kept half.

"Then tell me, how do you find it?"

"I remember the information said that the original boss of the developer of Nanqiao Jiangjing has disappeared, so if we find him, maybe we will know something?" Bai Xixi pondered for a while and asked.

"Chen Jiancheng?"

In the end, the problem on the South Bridge Riverview side was still unresolved.

It was already past five o'clock when a few people came out.

Chen Jiancheng's information has also been retrieved. A self-made real estate developer is missing, but most people can't find him, but if he uses the power of the Space-Time Administration, he can easily find out where he is now.

Chen Jiancheng didn't disappear, he just changed his appearance and identity, and became a part-time worker at a construction site.

There is no image of the former boss at all, and no one will link these two people together.

Seeing Chen Jiancheng's appearance on the construction site, Bai Xixi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth. As for who is good at acting, everyone is an expert.

It's a pity that this person doesn't go to the Space-Time Administration as a tasker.

"I suddenly have an urge to poach someone." Yan Mo looked at him and said.

Bai Xixi covered her face, thinking of going together.

Yan Jing: "..."

"Chen Cheng, someone is looking for you." Someone said to Chen Chengcheng.

The latter was taken aback, looking for him?

After looking up and looking over there for a few times, I found that there were two men and two women, each of them was very handsome, the kind who could stand out in the crowd at a glance.

But he probably doesn't know these people, right?
With doubts, he put down the work at hand, wiped his sweat and walked over, and asked a few people with an accent after arriving in front of them: "Nan you, do you care about me?"

Bai Xixi* Mo Xiao: "..."

Yan Mo*Yan Jing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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