Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 345 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 345 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (21)

What the hell is this accent? Chen Jiancheng used to be a dignified boss at any rate. Where did the dialect come from? Did he create it himself?
It's a joke.

Bai Xixi said first, "Chen Cheng?"

Chen Jiancheng nodded and said, "It's me, are you sleeping?"

Bai Xixi's mind is a little uncomfortable, this is too uncomfortable to hear.

"That's enough, talk!" She yelled directly, but she couldn't take it anymore.

Chen Jiancheng was puzzled: "My Jiushi is the best, the sweetest."

Bai Xixi couldn't take it anymore, so he directly took Chen Jiancheng away.

In an instant, several people disappeared at the construction site without a trace.

Chen Jiancheng almost stopped. After finally calming down, he realized that he was no longer on the construction site and immediately became alert. Just as he was about to speak, Bai Xixi yelled at him again.

"I know you're just pretending. If you say that kind of shocking thing again, I'll cut you to pieces!"

The corners of Yan Mo's eyes twitched, her younger sister really resembled her mother.

She looked so irritable that he wondered if this girl would be lonely.

Who can appreciate her temper.

But Yan Jing chuckled softly in his ear: "Don't worry that Xixi will not be accepted, even my mother will be taken down by my father. At least Xixi is much better than the two of them."

Yan Mo is also not curious why Yan Jing knows what he thinks in his heart. The two of them are twins, and they have telepathy since childhood. He can know almost everything he thinks, but the strange thing is that every time Yan Jing thinks he can Perceived but very little.

Thinking back to the present, what I said is correct, after all, there will be wonderful people who will accept wonderful people.

All of a sudden, Yan Mo looked at Bai Xixi strangely, and then his eyes drifted to Mo Xiao, his whole body shivered twice, and his whole body trembled.

It's terrible, it's terrible, how can you have such an idea, this is your own sister, so don't get tricked.

On the other side, Chen Jiancheng became alert, and still could not finish his sentence, Bai Xixi yelled again: "I know you are Chen Jiancheng, don't play tricks on me, if you want to know the current situation of Nanqiao Riverview, just talk well. "

Chen Jiancheng was shocked: "Who the hell are you? How did you know that the South Bridge River View is mine?"

Bai Xixi finally felt a little more comfortable. It wasn't that she discriminated against dialects, but that Chen Jiancheng's tone was really, really uncomfortable!

Bai Xixi: "It's not important. I believe that you knew everything that happened in Nanqiao Jiangjing, so you wiped out all your property and disappeared, but why didn't you ask for help?"

Chen Jiancheng's face was a little gloomy, obviously he didn't want to talk about this topic.

"Please leave and let me go. Everything about Nanqiaojiangjing has nothing to do with me. I'm just Chen Cheng now."

Yan Mo: "Hehe, Chen Cheng is someone you can do what you want, and you can be what you want to be. Today I will tell you bluntly, if the Nanqiao River View issue is not resolved, you will never be able to think about security for the rest of your life."

Chen Jiancheng is not a treacherous person, and he has not lived well in the past few years because of guilt.

Several people gave him time to think about it, leaving him alone to calm down. They went to the side and formed a small group to whisper.

Bai Xixi tugged at Mo Xiao: "Will you die if you say a word?"

"No, I don't want to say."

Bai Xixi cut it in disdain, who is Gao Leng showing, he really thinks he is a male god.

Yan Mo felt that there was something wrong with the trend of his silly girls.

If Mo Xiao doesn't talk to her, he won't talk to her, why bother to hook him up!
(End of this chapter)

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