Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 346 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 346 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (22)

The four of them stood alone and it was a beautiful landscape. Chen Jiancheng felt that they did not look like bad people, they should be the executives of a certain organization, and after a tangled meeting, he made up his mind and walked over.

"I can tell you everything about Nanqiao Jiangjing, but I also have conditions."

Bai Xixi: "Say, as long as you say we can do it, we will try our best to help you do it.

Let us now officially introduce our identities, special missions from the Space-Time Administration. "

He said the names of the four people one by one. As for Mo Xiao, he didn't know what identity to use, so he first introduced him as a member of the Space-Time Administration.

Obviously, the title of Space-Time Administration was a great deterrent to Chen Jiancheng. At most, he thought that the highest institution touched by this incident was the Law Enforcement Bureau. He didn't expect that people from Space-Time Administration would intervene.


Bai Xixi doesn't like chattering, and neither does Yan Mo: "Speaking of business, I really don't know how you can make the company so big."

Chen Jiancheng: "..."

He was a little bit of a grinder, but he couldn't deny his ability!
Chen Jiancheng simply said the original intention of establishing Nanqiao Riverview. At first, he wanted to develop Nanqiao Riverview as a scenic spot. Later, due to various factors, the company needed to turn over funds and had no choice but to convert it into a real estate business and sold it to some wealthy people. .

Because the Nanqiao Jiangjing used the best technology at that time, it can completely preserve the scenery inside, and it is like a fairyland in a dream.

It was also because he invested too much energy and money in the South Bridge River View that the funds for other projects were insufficient.

But suddenly one day, everything changed.

become scary.

He can still enter and leave the South Bridge Riverview freely, but other people can't get in at all, and the people inside can't get out.

But those people didn't feel anything wrong.

He started to get scared, and secretly asked others if they couldn't get in or out.

He found that only himself was special, and then he went there almost every day to check the situation.

Watching the Nanqiao Riverview become dim and dilapidated little by little, watching the prosperity of another Nanqiao Riverview next to it.

Every day is changing, every day he will feel that the people inside are slowly becoming nothingness, like everything is fake.

In the end, he finally knew that all the people in the South Bridge River View had gone to another world.

He quickly finished the follow-up matters and disappeared.

"It's the same sentence, why didn't you seek help from the Law Enforcement Bureau or the Space-Time Administration? If you had reported the case, maybe you wouldn't have lingered for so many years."

Bai Xixi asked.

Chen Jiancheng bowed his head in shame: "At the beginning I was scared, I was really scared, I didn't think about it that much, then I wanted to ask someone for help, but..."

But I have found that I have no courage, and I can only regret every day.

Bai Xixi understood this feeling, but couldn't agree with his actions. He could only say that everyone was selfish. Chen Jiancheng was a good boss, but subconsciously, he would always protect himself first.

Not many people have grand plots and will be responsible for others. Even if they do, it is the precipitation of years and upbringing. Criticism makes him sober.

Without further ado, if it was Chen Jiancheng, the guardian identified by Yan, he might be able to find the correct alien space directly.

When Chen Jiancheng was brought to Nanqiao Jiangjing, Chen Jiancheng was still a little frightened, and he recovered for a while before he calmed down.

 Let me explain here that people in the space-time world have a long lifespan.

  Also, why do I feel that I am a little bit off from being in love...

  I will end the white and dark episodes as soon as possible, probably in about seven or eight days.

(End of this chapter)

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