Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 348 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 348 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (24)

Bai Xixi got excited, leaned over to Mo Xiao, and said, "Don't just um, I want to know, tell me about it? Anyway, Chen Jiancheng can't sense anything right now, so let's talk about it during this time."

After Mo Xiao looked at her like an idiot, he spoke to Yan Mo instead.

"Has she always been like this?"

Yan Mo was a little confused, so: "Huh?"

Bai Xixi also didn't understand what this was like, and looked at him in a daze.

Mo Xiao kindly explained this time.

"Have you always been this mentally handicapped?"

Yan Mo: "Ah..."

Bai Xixi went crazy, grabbed Mo Xiao's arm, and said through gritted teeth: "You take back what you just said and we can still be good friends!"

Mo Xiao pursed his lips and said coldly: "We have never been good friends."

Damn, it would be better if this guy didn't talk, he would be able to piss off skr.

Bai Xixi felt that even if she reached the realm of becoming a Buddha, she would not be able to hold back Mo Xiao.

Suddenly, Bai Xixi didn't know what to think of, and her face turned red, and she didn't know whether she was ashamed or angry.

"You did something like that to me and said you weren't even a friend, you are shameless!"

Yan Mo leaned over and asked, "What is that kind of thing? What did he do to you?"

Bai Xixi glared and replied, "None of your business."

Yan Mo: "..."

Yan Jing pulled him: "Okay, don't worry about Xixi, she has her own sense of proportion, and Mo Xiao will not do anything to her, after all, he still has to worry about Xixi's status."

Yan Mo twitched the corner of his mouth. He was a little worried, but he wasn't worried that much. He was just curious.

This girl, Xixi, seems to have a strange attitude towards Mo Xiao.

There's always a sense of foreboding if these two are going to live together for five years.

At this time, Bai Xixi did not continue to ink Mo Xiao, because Chen Jiancheng spoke suddenly.

"I know, I know, I know where they are!"

Bai Xixi glared at Chen Jiancheng angrily, and would interrupt at this time!
Chen Jiancheng felt a murderous aura and shrank his neck, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Bai Xixi shouted: "I know, don't you say wait until the day lily is cold before the baby is born, then ink it?!"

Chen Jiancheng: "..."

He shouldn't have done anything to offend this girl, right?
After Yan Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, he said, "Say it quickly, don't worry about her."

Mo Xiao secretly glanced at the girl who was sulking at herself, the corners of her lips were slightly raised, and she was in a happy mood.

Chen Jiancheng said: "I feel that there seems to be someone in the direction of Northwest 67."

Yan Mo closed his eyes and began to detect. Northwest 67 was a pool of lake water, and he didn't see anyone there.

He opened his eyes and frowned: "Are you sure?"

Chen Jiancheng nodded with great certainty: "I'm sure."

Bai Xixi said: "It's useless for you to look at it this way. You might as well just go there. There is still an hour left. If you don't hurry up, don't even think about going out."

The spirit particles here are very thin, and it would be a bit mysterious to recover energy. If they can't get out, they may be trapped inside for a lifetime.


Bai Xixi glanced at Mo Xiao, who had nothing to do with him. Fortunately, there was still a guarantee, and it shouldn't be fatal. After all, this guy seemed to have some agreement with the old monster.

Several people quickly walked to the place Chen Jiancheng said, but they still didn't see anyone along the way.

However, since entering here, the fluctuations in the spirit son's reaction are much stronger than those outside.

So if there is anyone, it must be here.

I just don't know if it can be solved within this hour.

(End of this chapter)

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