Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 349 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 349 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (25)

After arriving at the lake, it was the same as what Yan Mo detected before, and there was no one there.

But Chen Jiancheng insisted that there were people here, Yan Mo had no choice but to re-detect.

Bai Xixi also checked it out, and felt that there was something strange here.

"Don't you think the activity of spirit particles here is too violent? Isn't it strange that the lake water has no ripples in such a violent activity?"

Yan Mo said: "It's a bit strange, but after all, this is the alien space created by Yan. According to the existing written information, there is no explanation, so what happened is not surprising."

Bai Xixi frowned, her voice was deep: "I don't think so, it's best to be careful."

Although Yan Mo and Bai Xixi are the children of Jing Han and Xia Ye, they will not be blindly arrogant in everything.

"Brothers and sisters, who are you looking for?"

Suddenly a soft voice sounded from behind, with the innocence and doubts of a child, it sounded innocent and cute.

Several people turned around, and at some point a little girl appeared.

The girl was holding a doll in her hand, and there were a few scratches on the doll's face, which looked particularly weird against the girl.

But from the look on the little girl's face, she didn't think the doll was scary, but rather liked it.

After Bai Xixi and Yan Mo Yanjing looked at each other, they lowered their voices and coaxed, "Little sister, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"

The little girl smiled sweetly: "They are cooking, brothers and sisters, do you want to come to my house for dinner?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but they felt that the doll in the girl's hand blinked.

A closer look revealed that the doll was still the same doll.

Yan Mo used a special method to send a message to Bai Xixi Yan Jing: "There is something wrong with this doll."

Bai Xixi smiled at the little girl, she couldn't see anything on her face, and replied in her heart: "Of course I know, I'm not blind, can I go?"

She asked if she wanted to follow the little girl home.

Yan Mo: "Of course, if you don't go, how will you know what's going on here? If you can save those people, you should act quickly, but if you are sure that these people don't need to be rescued, let's destroy them as soon as possible. There is something wrong here. Our strength will not last long."

Bai Xixi agreed, but Yan Jing remained silent and acquiesced.

Bai Xixi smiled gently at the girl and said, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Xiaoya, and my sister should also call me that. By the way, this is a doll. She is my good friend."

Xiaoya held up the doll and showed it to them.

As the only girl here, Bai Xixi chatted with Xiaoya naturally and happily.

In words, she knew that Xiaoya had lived here since she was born, and it has been almost 20 years now.

Sure enough, something is wrong, even if people in the space-time world have a long lifespan, the slow growth will start to slow down after the age of 20, and it will not stay for such a long time in the first 20 years.

Here too the time estimate stops.

"Can you tell me who gave you the doll in your hand? It's so beautiful. My sister likes it very much." Bai Xixi smiled and pointed at the doll.

The doll blinked again strangely, and smiled slightly.

Yan Mo felt intrusive, and said to Yan Jing: "This doll is evil enough, I'm afraid this doll is the real problem."

(End of this chapter)

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