Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 350 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 350 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (26)

Yan Jing: "Are you still afraid of these things?"

Yan Mo clicked his tongue twice: "I'm afraid I'm not afraid. After all, I have experienced a lot in various planes. This kind of thing is considered a trivial matter, but it's just disgusting."

Yan Jing hehe twice, expressing contempt.

Yan Mo consciously ignores it, he has already learned when to block Yan Jing and when not to block Yan Jing.

While talking, Xiaoya suddenly stopped and turned around.

"What's the matter, didn't Xiaoya say she wanted to invite us to dinner, why didn't she leave?" Bai Xixi asked.

Xiaoya looked at Yan Mo and Yan Jing with some displeasure on her face, and pointed at them.

Bai Xixi looked at the two of them: "What's wrong with these two brothers?"

Xiaoya pursed her mouth, and said angrily, "Why do the two of them keep talking, why don't they talk to Xiaoya? Does it mean they don't like Xiaoya? Xiaoya is angry."

Bai Xixi didn't know how to solve it, but how did she hear Yan Mo and Yan Jing talking, obviously the two of them should communicate in other ways.

Yan Mo didn't like coaxing children, so he said perfunctorily: "Okay, let's not talk anymore, I'm hungry, please hurry up/"

Xiaoya sat down suddenly, hugged the doll tightly in her hands, and started to cry for no reason.

"Baby, they don't like Xiaoya, no one likes Xiaoya, parents don't like it, these brothers and sisters don't like it either, Xiaoya is unhappy, only you are the best to me, Baby.

Since they don't like Xiaoya, baby, can you help me get rid of them, Xiaoya doesn't want to see them anymore. "

After Xiaoya finished speaking, the eyes of the doll in her arms suddenly opened, the red ones were shining brightly, and she couldn't hide her silent and presumptuous laugh.

Bai Xixi and the others immediately became alert. This is not a nightmare, but something has gotten in.


When Yan created the alien space, Xie Chong took the opportunity to go in and create these.

At first, Chen Jiancheng could still see how these people lived in the alien space, but it was strange not only did he not see anyone here this time.

So that's the case, if it's evil, everything will be explained.

All of a sudden, the strong wind blew up, and Xiaoya's face began to become ferocious, and the weird doll in her hand let out giggles, as hoarse and ugly as if her voice had been pulled by a chainsaw.

Black air surrounded Xiaoya's body, and the doll was flying around in the sky with thin black threads.

One after another, a fierce attack rushed towards the face, violently and quickly.

Cracks began to appear in the sky, and the still beautiful place turned gray.

The originally beautiful and lovely little girl's face was covered with black veins, her eye sockets were sunken, black air was lingering, her mouth was wide open, and she was terrifyingly ferocious.

"This place can't be saved, Xi Xi, destroy it immediately, Yan Jing and I may not be able to keep our way out!" Yan Mo shouted anxiously.

Yan Jing had already spent a lot of spiritual power by splitting open the alien space, and he was also maintaining the opening of the exit, so only Bai Xixi has the ability to destroy it here.

Chen Jiancheng had already asked them to send it out first. After all, he was just an ordinary person, and he had done everything he should do. He couldn't help anything else, so it was better to go out directly.

Bai Xixi knew the seriousness of the matter without Yan Mo reminding her. After glancing at Mo Xiao, she didn't know what she was thinking, so she left him alone.

Lay a barrier around the four people to prevent attacks.

In the enchantment, prepare for the condensation of spiritual power and destroy the alien space.


When they got to the exit, Yan Mo and Yan Jing had already gone out but found that Bai Xixi hadn't come out yet, Yan Mo anxiously shouted: "Xixi, what are you doing, hurry up, put your spiritual power in and go out directly."

(End of this chapter)

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