Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 353 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 353 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (29)

A bottle floated in the air, and a large number of spirits were moving. She knew this was not a dream.

And when she couldn't hold on, he did appear.

Bai Xixi went downstairs, walked around, and found that the man was not at home.

I feel a little strange.

Mo Xiao usually has nowhere to go and no friends, so where can he go at this time?
Mo Xiao...

Suddenly there was a feeling of excitement, and I couldn't wait to see him. For some reason, all the resentment towards Mo Xiao seemed to have disappeared.

[I said Xixi, you just came back, can you not be a nympho? 】

A nympho?
Are you serious?
I'm not a face control, when did you see me post a nympho?

[You are not a nympho, you are talking in your sleep in your dreams, calling Mo Xiao, Mo Xiao is long and Mo Xiao is short, say, have you taken a fancy to him?Your thinking is too dangerous!

Don't you know exactly who Mo Xiao is?

How can you have such thoughts? 】

Bai Xixi was speechless, and suddenly became angry.

Rolling roll, why are you everywhere, trying to lie to me, but you still played with me, didn't you?

I never talk in my sleep when I sleep, are you sick?
I think you should really work on the system and update your host.

[I... don't you believe it? 】

Of course I don't believe it.

Bai Xixi rolled her big eyes.

Her mood towards Mo Xiao has changed a bit, but it's not as disgusting as what Kou Kou said, and even talking about Mo Xiao in her dreams is simply nonsense.

【Hmph, sooner or later you will believe me. 】

In fact, it's true that she didn't talk in her sleep when she was sleeping, but it invaded her brain a little while she was sleeping, and found that the barrage was full of Mo Xiao, but it would not tell her this kind of thing. Woolen cloth.

However, under normal circumstances, it has no authority to invade her brain, it is just an order from Jing Han and Xia Ye.

After all, Xixi has consumed so much energy in the alien space, and seeing if her brain is broken is also concerned about her.

So it's good intentions, not an abuse of private rights.

Bai Xixi felt a little uncomfortable, Mo Xiao appeared, she clearly saw it, but why couldn't she see him.

It's too much, it's too much, she doesn't like Mo Xiao anymore, no, she didn't like him in the first place, and everything was messed up by the buckle.

Bai Xixi really couldn't understand why Mo Xiao wasn't here, but luckily he didn't forget to undo the ban on this house, otherwise she would probably die of depression.

By the way, brother Yan Mo and brother Yan Jing were still outside at that time, what happened to them?

At that time, everyone's spiritual power should have been overdrawn.

So Bai Xixi went to Yan Mo and Yan Jing's house to find someone.

She went straight in and saw Yan Jing.

"Brother Yan Jing, where's Brother Yan Mo?"

Yan Jing said with some embarrassment: "Xi Xi, I'm sorry."

Bai Xixi was a little confused: "I'm sorry? Why did you say sorry to me?"

Yan Jing said: "After you went in yesterday, Mo and I were going to go in and drag you out, but Mo suddenly started again, so I had to entrust you to Mo Xiao, and brought Mo back first.

After thinking about it, people like Mo Xiao are really too dangerous, I shouldn't have done that at the time. "

Bai Xixi said worriedly: "Brother Yan Mo started to get sick again? How could it be? Isn't it usually only two or three times a year? How long has it been since the last time? What are you telling me? I'm sorry, I'm not intact Is it out yet?

(End of this chapter)

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