Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 354 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 354 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (30)

Brother Yan Mo is the main one.

Is he better? "

Yan Jing suppressed the dark light in his eyes, raised his face and said, "Don't worry, he's much better, but he's still lethargic now, probably because his spiritual energy has been overdrawn."

Bai Xixi breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of her heart. Brother Yan Mo's illness is really bothering her.

I don't know what's going on, the innate genetics are obviously good, it can even be said to be the best genetics, why is it like this every year.

The explanation given by Jing Han and Xia Ye is that he and Yan Jing are twins, and one of the twins must be born as a weak one, because the other has taken away all the nutrition, and Yan Jing has always felt guilty for this.

But she always secretly felt that there was something wrong with the two old foxes talking, and they were hiding something from them.

After saying goodbye to Yan Jing, she turned around casually, and went back feeling that it was really boring.

Her current state is not very good, she is in a state of overdrawn spiritual power, and she needs to rest for a few days before helping those people in different dimensions to live or reincarnate.

But it's still a pity that at most she collected more than 100 people's souls, and at least 100 more people were trapped there.

Speaking of which, is the alien space closed or destroyed?
She remembered that she didn't put her spiritual power into it before she fainted, so it shouldn't be destruction, and she will split the space again to see when her spiritual power recovers.

Anyway, there was no evil spirit at that time, so it was much easier.

After returning home, Bai Xixi's eyes suddenly brightened, and she ran upstairs, and pushed open the door of Mo Xiao's room: "You are back, where have you been?"

Mo Xiao raised his eyes: "What's the matter?"

At this time, Bai Xixi didn't care about Mo Xiao's attitude at all, and suddenly felt that he looked like a gentleman, really.

"I want to ask you, was the alien space still there when you brought me out?"

Mo Xiao said flatly, "Not here anymore."

Bai Xixi's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "It's gone? Could it be you who destroyed it?"

Mo Xiao: "Yes."

"What about the creatures in there, you wouldn't destroy them too, would you?" Bai Xixi kept the last bit of luck and asked.

Mo Xiao looked at her with contempt: "You won't forget who I am, right? If it wasn't for the appointment with Jinghan, do you think I would bring you out?"

This is probably because Bai Xixi heard Mo Xiao's few and relatively long words.

Bai Xixi felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn't tell why.

In short, I feel a little wronged. Yes, he is the representative of darkness. It would be nice not to destroy the world. It is already a kindness to help them destroy the alien space in a good mood. How can I care about other creatures.

Although she is not the Virgin Mary and does not have a Marysu heart, she is also a bit sad.

After all, more than 100 lives, forget it, she has done enough, at least she can save some.

When I think about it, I feel nothing.

But there was still some sadness, when she knew it was Mo Xiao, she was so happy.

It was not for nothing to live together for a month, but he actually said it was because of the old monster, which really hurt my heart.

But after this time, she is not afraid of him at all, and...

Seems like the way his face changed color.

Bai Xixi suddenly felt a naughty eagerness to try.

【Xi Xi!My master, don't make any more fools, can you, the people from the management bureau can accompany you to make troubles, this uncle may not be sure, I have said it many times! 】

 Although it hurts, I still have to say that there will be no more updates this year!

(End of this chapter)

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