Don't make trouble for the male god of fast crossing

Chapter 355 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble

Chapter 355 God, God, Don’t Make Trouble (31)

Never mind, I have my own ideas.

【All right, all right, I don't care, I don't care about your crap!snort!If something really happens, don't come to me. 】

Look at when I came to you, baby, narcissism requires confidence and capital, okay, you, forget it.

Kou Kou got angry and unilaterally blocked Bai Xixi, even though it was a useless method, if Bai Xixi wanted to find it, he could still find it.

Why is it so hard to be a ruler!

Bai Xixi's heart was turning a thousand times, and she had some different thoughts. She glanced secretly at Mo Xiao and then went back to her room.

It took a long time to fiddle up and down to fiddle with my own things.

Mo Xiao could see all the scenes in this house, his eyes were looking at the empty space in front of him, but in fact, he was seeing the scene in the white room in front of him.

Can't help but feel a little confused, what is she doing?
Bai Xixi didn't know that Mo Xiao could see it, if he knew, he would probably explode.

At night, Bai Xixi knocked on Mo Xiao's door with an evil smile on his face.

Mo Xiao frowned, usually she would go straight in, now knock on the door?
Always feel uneasy.

The door opened automatically, and Bai Xixi shrugged, knowing that Mo Xiao let her in.

Smiling, he went over and said: "Uncle Mo, I went back and thought about it, you saved me in the alien space, and by the way helped me save my spiritual power and destroyed the alien space, so there is really no way for such a big kindness." What did you get in return?"

Mo Xiao looked at her strangely, as if looking at a fool.

Bai Xixi didn't mind at all, after all, she had seen this kind of look coming out of his eyes a lot.

Anyway, he is the uncle, he can do whatever he wants.

Just ignore it.

Mo Xiao said in a magnetic voice, "What do you want to do?"

Bai Xixi's eyes are curved into a crescent shape, which is very beautiful.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to repay you, you see, we don't make any dramas like the ancients, it's too vulgar, after all, it's this age.

You also look down on me, so I thought of another way to repay you. "

Mo Xiao frowned: "No, go back to your own room and stay there."

Bai Xixi shook her head, stretched out a finger and followed suit.

"No, no, no, this is not enough. After all, I have a good education, you say so, besides, I can be regarded as the little princess of the Space-Time Administration."

Mo Xiao: "Are you self-proclaimed?"

Bai Xixi's rare face cracked, and then she took a deep breath and told herself that it's okay, she knew this person's poisonous mouth from the first day.

"Whether it's my self-proclaimed or not, it's just one sentence, I have to repay you."

Mo Xiao: "..."

Bai Xixi continued: "Look, you have lived for so long, you don't need to eat, and no one chats, so I decided to sacrifice my own personal time to help you cook and chat with you, so that you can feel the beauty of the world." Warmth, maybe it won’t destroy the world.”

Mo Xiao moved the corners of his mouth and twitched.

When did he want to destroy the world?

Regardless of whether Mo Xiao agrees or refuses, Bai Xixi clapped his hands excitedly: "Okay, it's decided, starting tomorrow morning, I will come and ask you to come out for breakfast, look forward to it, then I will go back to the room first gone."

After finishing speaking, he bounced back.

Mo Xiao: "..."

Later, whenever Bai Xixi recalled this stupid decision at the beginning, he almost slapped himself two big mouths, making you cheap and embarrassing.

 It's really the last month... It's not far from the time when I'm far away from the ravages of this book!

(End of this chapter)

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